Last night strangely enough I had a dream about being at a strip club on it's last day being open. In my dream I was having a wild time with all the girls and they were letting go and doing extra stuff that they wouldn't do on a normal day. Has anybody been to a Strip Club on it's dying day or near it's dying day and what kind of experience was it? I imagine that it wouldn't be like my dream because most of the dancers would probably be unattractive or have left already. I'm just curious.
@ Chukko: I've had the opportunity to go on closing night. A chain of four clubs here (Puget Sound Region), were all forced to close on the same night as part of a plea deal. I went to one of them, expecting what you mentioned. If it happened, I sense I was just too early in the evening to catch any of it. I did hear that extras were being given wide out in the open at one of the other clubs I didn't go to. I had the phone numbers of all of the dancers I cared about anyway. No big deal to miss their closing night. Some didn't want to work that night anyway.
@ Grand: When clubs close without notice, it's mostly to maximize profits for the owners. If the dancers were given any advance notice, many would quit early in search of others jobs.
I second what samsung1 says. That said, I did go to one about a week before it closed. For once, the dancers seemed to be trying there, but there was a sense that if the owner was going to jail, then the club was doomed to close and they'd have to move on to somewhere else.
last comment@ Grand: When clubs close without notice, it's mostly to maximize profits for the owners. If the dancers were given any advance notice, many would quit early in search of others jobs.