
ATF disappears

ever get hooked on a dancer at the SC and then all of sudden she disappears? of course, the other girls won't tell you if she move on to another club. did have one dancer that told me that she was going to another club if I wanted to follow her.


  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Just accept them like a sunset - happens once for every day never to be seen quite the same again.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Just the 1st one. She left while I was away for a while. 2nd one retired, but I still speak to her. And #3, I dropped for personal reasons.

    None since.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Happens all the time, but I find that if you leave the patio door ajar and a bowl of food on the floor they will always be back.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Alunut: "...but I still speak to her."

    Note it isn't "I speak WITH her."

  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Deo,why do you think they all left?
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Used to happen to me back in the day, but now I have my C/F's and ATF's cell phone #. I require this so I know when they're working. If a prospect won't give it I move on. I am FB friends with a couple dancers, so they won't disappear from me even if they quit or move. I consider them friends even though just my ATF is 'no strings' OTC (i.e. I don't pay her to see her).
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Just move on.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    It doesn't happen to me because by the time she's an ATF, I have her phone number, her email, and we're possibly facebook friends. So if she's moved on to another club, she's probably told me already. If she's retired, she's told me that too. Don't get me wrong, sometimes when the girls retire, they also cut off communication with their old customers, but at least I get told that rather than just wondering why she disappeared and where she went.

    I think it's crazy *not* to angle for a phone number for any girl you like, so you can text her to see when she's working, then text her on that day to see if she's really going in, then text her later to see how late she's going to be and to set up a time to meet (I am evidently an entitled dick and I like my ATF to be without a customer when I walk in).
  • canny
    11 years ago
    I don't ask for phone numbers, they give them to me without me asking or else they're not a favorite.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    You are surprised that the girl has just left with out letting anyone know? I do believe that is the nature of the beast better know as strippers.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Que sera, sera.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I have one favorite who said she is planning on quitting eventually but wanted to stay in contact. I think we both have each others numbers. I texted her a couple of times but never bother anymore when she claims her phone doesn't work right and she claims she doesn't always get the texts.

    Dancers quit or get fired all the time for various reasons. The unusual ones are those who work in the same club for years. However it's not uncommon to see a few like that.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Why doesn't a stripper do ____? She won't get any money by doing ____.
  • pineconepartyliquor
    11 years ago
    Without a phone number you will have no chance of finding out, so you have to get a number and have made some sort of contact before they disappear.

    @canny is right, most of them will offer their numbers without having to ask, some will ask for yours. I have honestly never had to ask one of my favorites for their nuber, they usually just say "let me give you my number" and about 90% of them have answered text and calls from me. Contacting them soon after getting the number keeps you fresh in their minds.

    If one leaves and won't respond to your texts/calls, its probably for good reason. Also, strippers lose/break their cell phones a lot, so they may have lost your number. In which case you may or may not get the "Who dis?..." response.
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