While we were doing sports reminiscences. Let's try this one:
Remember when you were a hot to trot young teenager and could get wood without any provocation? (I know some of you guys claim you still do.) LOL.
But remember the one Hollywood starlet that darn near gave you a wet dream while you were awake?
Mine was Raquel Welch.
Name yours.
last commentCome to think about it, I could shoot and knock bark off a tree just thinking about her.
Elizabeth Taylor at 21 y/o.
Morgan Fairchild
I'm a younger guy, mine is Jennifer Love Hewitt. And pretty much any of the babes on Baywatch.
Raquel and Sophia Loren.
Raquel Welch was on the cover of Life Magazine and that issue featuring the movie One Million Years B.C. was the first thing that I picked up each…
Let's try that again.
goodsouthernboy - Just don't look at a recent pic of Jennifer Love Hewitt - http://www.cellulitetreatment.org/jennifer-love-hewitt-cellulite.html... :)
Gotta agree on Raquel Welch - awesome woman then, and still…
RW at 73 years? She has probably had more lifts than a backhoe at a construction site BUT WHO CARES!
I agree with vh hicks on Heather Thomas. I watched that show to see that intro
Here it is! To cut through the chase go to 57 seconds for her entrance.
Rod, that's actually an older pic. Google her on "Client List" for something more recent. It still wouldn't matter. After dreaming about her all throughout…
That's the one ididthisonce
Crazyjoe - the question is (drumroll). Does it still give you wood?
Mike jagger
Donald trump
That video was for V-Kicks as well.
gsb - Yes, Jennifer's definitely improved. And you're right, in our minds, she's the hottie we all remember from an earlier time. And by the way, I looked…
Ruth Buzzi and Phylis Diller.
Kathy Ireland
Wonder if Ruth Buzzi would give a lap dance on the Laugh-In park bench to any of us? Artie Johnson always had trouble scoring with her.
Ms. Diller's hair…
Just saw that Christy Brinkley is nearing 60. Not a bad addition to the list.
First there was Farrah Fawcett then Tyra Banks came along.
Cheryl Ladd, Jacklyn Bisset, Jackie Collins, Barbara Eden , Susan Oliver, Lynda Carter
Yes, Christie Brinkley still looks great at her age. She's about the only woman in her late 50's who I would like to date. And I…
@ ididthisonce. Not so much any more but that sure brought back a great memory
Tia Carre. OMG...
@Jackslash-You too?
Katherine Bach in the Dukes of Hazzard and Kelly LeBrock from Wierd Science.......schwing!
Sofia Vergara on this stupid Spanish variety show called Fuera de Serie.
The first I recall as a youngster, Yvette Mimieux, AKA Weena.
Of course, I'll also go for Sophia Loren.
W.R.T. My love for hot black women, I'll have to add Kerry Washington and Nicole Beharie to the list representing hot current stars.
When I was 18, I got a boner if the wind blew. So many hot chicks have already been mentioned. I'll add Ann Margaret.
About Phyllis Diller's hair - way better than any style worn by Miley Cyrus post-Hannah Montana.
@3Leg - Did you see Dolly Parton's spoof on Miley Cyrus? She dressed in a tight outfit with wild hair and cupped her hands towards her boobs…
I think I first saw that old TV show with Heather Thomas when I was like 4 and it left an impression. At a more appropriate age, I…
Heather Locklear is my ATF, but I can't put her on the list because I didn't know her til i was in my early 20's. So she…
@Moto-Right on, brother. Unique choice. The girl I figured I could hook up with who was a high school contemporary would be Danica McKellar who played…