
Does more privacy equal higher contact?

The answer seems obvious but I'm not sure that's been my experience. I've been to clubs where the LD's are done in total privacy in a little booth, I've been to clubs where there are one or more separate but common LD rooms, and I've been to clubs where LD's are done out in the open with no privacy at all other than darkness. And while there have been exceptions, in general I don't think the greater privacy has led to higher contact, it's more a function of where the club is located. What's been your experience?

Do any clubs in your area offer total privacy for their dances? I can think of only two places offhand that do - Industrial Strip and Partners' Tavern. And maybe Show-n-Tell Showbar, although they might have hidden cameras, I don't remember.


  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: I'm sure your right. I doubt there is a statute on the books anywhere in the US that says Lap Dances are legal. It's not what's written down at the town hall that matters, it's what gets enforced.

    I also agree with your assesment that there seem to be more private rooms than ever before in SC's. I think we would agree that the purpose of these rooms is pretty clear.
    19 years ago
    Yoda, I'm not sure that high contact is legal anywhere, but some areas seem to ignore it more than others. I guess it's always been that way although it seems to be becoming more common. There are certainly a lot more private rooms in clubs than there used to be.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: Actually, she got fired from her previous club. She wasn't making any money, was miserable and started showing up late and missing shifts. She wound up where she is now simply because it was near the old club and she lived near by. Beign the enterprising South American that she is, she quickly figured out where the best opportunities for income where at her new club.

    Contact in Mass clubs is a relatively new occurance driven by slow business and competition from RI and CT clubs.
    It is not legal but it is condoned in some areas. Downtown Boston clubs are still strictly no contact as are clubs north of the city. Clubs south and west of the city (coincidently headed in the direction of RI and CT) are more liberal allowing fair to good one way contact. A few clubs allow full two way contact in VIP or Champagne rooms.
    Unlike states where full contact is the rule rather than the exception, not every girl in a Mass club is going to give you the experience I got the other night. Also, as these activities can get a dancer fired, there is a trust factor involved. My Champagne room fav and I have known each other for a couple of years.

    Since we are talking about acts that can get a dancer fired I'm not going to go into specifics on a public forum.
    Make no mistake however that club managent, while they won't openly condone these activities, absolutely love what it does for business.

    It's not too tough to figure out who to invest in. If I see a girl giving good one way contact in the public dance area, then see her doing 2 or 3 VIP rooms during the course of her shift, It's a safe bet she's not just talking in there....
  • rockie
    19 years ago
    I obviously spend some time in some of the same places as you, without knowing you. I could probably make money on a who and where, but I won't. Forget sixty's blog, we need Yoda's blog! Vicariously living for the disciples of Yoda!
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    in my experience, privacy does equal better contact. even in strict clubs, privacy can equal a better dance than usual
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    There may not be a direct causual connection, but privacy certainly allows some frowned upon things to happen.
    19 years ago
    Incindently, I'm wondering if you can give us a rough idea where this club is, which I assume is somewhere in MA. I'm sure you don't want to get anyone in trouble by identifying it but Im curious to know what part of the state it's in and whther it's in a city, suburbs, or rural. I've been to a lot of MA clubs but never encountered much contact, but that was a long time ago. Sounds like things have changed in some areas.
    19 years ago
    Yoda, I'm guessing that she changed to a high-contact club to make more money, and that she's trying to make you into her regular customer and become your #1. Sounds like she succeeded. It will be interesting to see if the fun continues once she has you hooked. Good luck.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Here's a comment on this topic based on an eye (and zipper) openning I had ast night...

    I payed a vist to a fav last night who I've known for about 3 years. She's quite beautiful and her dances where always sensual but, since she worked in a no contact club, a bit tame. She recently changed clubs and, while she is still in a no-contact state, the new club has something the old club didn't-VIP rooms. I took her upstairs and within seconds she turned into a sexual dynamo. Everything was on the menu icluding all sorts of interesting ways to drink champange and eat strawberries with whipped cream. It was absolutely the best C-room experience I've had. I'm going to have to re-shuffle my fav rotation....
  • v.i.perv.
    19 years ago
    To the top!
  • enquiz2001
    19 years ago
    It really comes down to a combination of things. I agree, from experience I've had, that girls worry about what other girls will complain about. It's the complainants that can kill a show. Of course, it also matters how the managment reacts to the complaints. I guess if managment doesn't care, the complaining girl will leave if high contact bothers her. Then there is the issue of local enforcement making its opinion known (I'm guessing at that one, but I'm sure it happens). So what's a guy to do? I guess try it and like it and see what happens.

    I'll tell you one story, unfortunately I got this from the paper and didn't find out about this place until after it was shut down (where was the Internet then, could have used it). Anyway, apparently, everything and anything happened in this club and there was no LD area. It was all in the open. In fact, it was so crowded (according to the article I read) that they took the stools out of the bar so more people could fit in (I'm just telling you what I read). I think the place is a supermarket today. Damn.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    The absolute highest contact that I ever got occurred in a crowded VIP room. On the other hand, IS, which is the only place I've had complete privacy with dancers, also offered pretty high contact. I was really surprised during my trip to Mons how high the contact was there, with no pretext of getting away from anyone.

    At some places I think it really comes down to the CUSTOMER's comfort level, not the dancers.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    This is a question you almost have to answer on a club-by-club basis. At my favorite club, it pretty much depends on the girl. With one of the girls, I get the same contact from girl #1 regardless of our location in the club, while girl #2 gets progressively higher in her contact level as we go from public to VIP to champagne room. Meanwhile, girl #3 is like #1, only her level of contact is always higher. On the other hand, at other clubs, I've been to ones where there were high contact dances out in the open (no true private dance area) and I've been to ones where it was just me and the girl alone in the private dance area and it was an air dance.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat raises a great point. Most of the dirty dancers I know and love worry much more about other dancers than they do about management. Dancing is largely a self-policing industry. I almost never do dance specials because the dance area is packed. Go in during the slow times -bad girls like the slow times, trust me. They know why you're there and they know what you want.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    Generally I believe more privacy = the opportunity for more contact. Even in stricter clubs. That doesn't mean a private room or curtains need to be involved.....just that you're left alone and out of plain view with the opportunity to "get away with some extra fun"

    I've never seen anyone having full on sex out in the open during a lap dance. But it happens quite a bit with even just a little privacy.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    On the other hand, Mons Venus could be cited as an example to the contrary. The high contact does seem to hit a ceiling short of, say, pussy fingering and heavy dick rubbing, because it's so open. Correct me if that's changed in the last 10 years.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Not in my experience. Certainly less privacy does not mean less contact. It has always bugged me that everybody assumes a table dance means an air dance. The TUSCL Glossary defines it as that. Yet, at my home club, table dances are high, 2-way contact lap dances. I like it better that way, anyway. Private booths feel more like a brothel than a strip club, irrespective of the mileage you get.
  • stpetedan
    19 years ago
    Not always for example in Mons Venus FL you get two way contact high contact dances in zero private area.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    It depends on what kind of contact we are talking about and what's legal in the area. I go to an open area club where the realy risky dancers will kiss you, grab your crotch through your pants and put their boobs in your mouth. This is in no-contact Massachussetts so it's all against the rules. In Rhode Island everything I just described is a jumping-off point, if you want to make money you have to do more. As far as private or VIP rooms I've gotten everything from full service to "keep your hands by your sides" type dances in them. I think the set up of the club is secondary to local laws and, more importantly, what management will let the girls get away with.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    The cameras are an interesting issue as well. Most club owners spend more time watching the cash registers than they do the gilrs. The cameras are there and the girls know it but it doesn't take long to figure out what management will and won't worry about. I got 60 minutes of non-stop foreplay from a dancer last week including boob fondling, cock grabbing down my pants, DATY and a few other initials all with cameras in plain site. The only unwtritten rule in this particular Mass.no-contact club is "no penetration".
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