Looks like someone who knows in the context of the twitter movie. It would be a shame to have to vet everyone (as a politician) before interacting with them. The truth is, stripping is legal.
Did you go to Casa Diablo last night ranukam my brother? I would love to drop some acid and meet that chick. I bet the tats move and shit when you're all high on the LSD. That would be so frickin' coo-el!
Ranukam bro...you should totally drop some acid and go to the Devil's House and meet this chick. Give us a report of exactly how freaky it was. Fuck...I need to find an excuse to fly to Portland and meet this chick 'cos she seems freak-EEE.
last commenthttp://www.thedailybeast.com/a…
Let's see if this link works.