
Ever get tired of clubbing

Avatar for mayberrywell
mayberrywellNorth Carolina

As I prepare to head out to a SC I ask myself ....why? The obvious reasons are to have my hands on young women, to be aroused , to have sex. But then I think of the cost and the time versus an escort.

Anyone else get that feeling ?


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Avatar for mjx01

I wouldn't say that I'm "tired" of it but...

  • The motivation just isn't what it used to be without my xATF

  • I'm bored with the crap talent (maybe that qualifies as tired)

  • The cost/benefit ration isn't really satisfying of late

Avatar for 23cambyman

I don't go that often so I don't get tired of it.

Avatar for BigTuna1

No, but I'm higher than the gas prices right the fuck now and im out trolling for a $20 lot Lizard

Avatar for lopaw

I get that feeling most every time that I head out to a SC these days. But then I remember the last little hottie that rocked my world and I saddle up and head out to start the cycle all over again.

Avatar for Rod84

Yeah - I was sitting in a VIP last night wondering just what I was doing there. Like maybe there's something more to it all than this. I always wondered if one day I'd get bored with seeing naked girls, feeling up their boobs, etc. Could be that day's arrived. Hard to say, but at the same time, I know how rotten marriage can be, so that doesn't seem appealing either.

More ennui to come, I'm sure...

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I’m pretty much feeling that way now – have had about 20 visits in the last month or so – wtf? It kind of became a bit of a blur and started getting a bit sick to the stomach about it.

Definitely need to take a break to “cleanse” my mind/thinking – and save some $$$.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Sometimes I’ll go out of boredom – what else is a 43 y/o PL w/o a S.O. (or kids) supposed to do on a Fr/Sat night? And I’m not a bar/dance-club kinda guy.

But most of the time I’ll go seeking the next high and/or out of curiosity as to how certain SCs may currently be since I like variety and tend to rotate among 12 to 15 different SCs (with some more than others)

Avatar for originaljuicebox69

I don't get tired of clubbing but sometimes my arm is sore the next day.

Avatar for SlickSpic

What kind of question is that.

Avatar for SlickSpic

I do my best to surf everyday and practice Jiu Jitsu everyday. Do I get tired? Yes. Do I quit? No. You'll never get good if you quit. And strip clubs are easier than surfing or fighting.

Avatar for BigTuna1

Lol...O.J. and Slick

Avatar for SlickSpic

This is the one question I abhor.

Avatar for SlickSpic

If watching, hot chicks gets old, go fuck yourself. You're not TUSCL material

Avatar for Estafador

I get that feeling all the time. Unfortunately I can't control my feet

Avatar for jackslash

Why go to the strip club? Because it's there.

Avatar for shadowcat

Yes I do. It is usually after I spend 4 or 5 hours there, get UHM dances from 5 or 6 girls, do a VIP and bust a nut. Nothing left to do. So I go home. :)

Avatar for rickdugan

Yes I do. Once every year or two I just need to step back. I spend too many nights in too many clubs in too many cities. After a while the repetition, including the same games and gimmicks, loses its entertainment value. This includes my local clubs and whatever fav situation I have at the moment.

In fact, I'm on a mini-break right now. I don't expect it to last too long, but I do intend to let the batteries recharge a bit.

Avatar for BigTuna1

I'm with slick

One more reason why you hate me...the truth that I'm just sexy

Avatar for georgebailey

Guys checking out pretty women, and sometimes younger, is as old as time itself. I'd be curious to know what percentage have a SO, and still enjoy the hobby.

Avatar for Rod84

Papi - Regarding the $, I too was reflecting on that while driving back after my last club visit, having spent ~$300. My trip to the VIP that night was lame, the dances on the floor were just okay, and all the while the club was crowded, dirty, smokey, and loud. Also a high thug factor mixed with dancers' surly attitudes and too many requests by for free drinks, more tips, etc...

I got to thinking that I actually hate everything about the place, except for the girls. They're the only reason I make the hour drive. And now after having parted with another $300 (I usually spend between $200 and $300), I'm feeling deflated and wondering whether there's a more fulfilling use of the money - without all the shit that goes on in the club.

Plus there's a lot of downside to SCs besides the expense. I hide it from others (except a couple trusted friends). Girlfriends universally hate it so they too fall into the group I hide it from. Safety is always a concern as I've seen PL scuffles and aggressive/drunk/stoned dancers, not to mention marginal valet guys. Etc...

But, then again, what's a 55 year-old horny PL (no wife/no kids) to do who's not really a night club guy? Plus 95% of the girls I meet around my age IRW, just don't float my boner, AND the're carrying way more baggage than will fit in the overhead compartment.

Oh well - maybe like rickdugan, a little break will rekindle that spring in my step as I walk into the SC. I've even looked into Sexcations (adult vacations with an escort), usually to foreign countries in Europe. Seems appealing at some level. Maybe mail-a-bride, where a PL flies to Poland and meets a bunch of young girls eager to marry a reasonably wealthy PL like me to get the hell out of their country.

This is turning out to be a good weekend for these kinds of musings. Thanks for the therapy, guys...

Avatar for motorhead

I'm kinda of there now. I went last night only because ATF Lite texted me. But I was thinkin' I'd rather be home watching football or the fight.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Burn out is to be expected from time to time. Ours can be an expensive hobby and psychologically sometimes we all need a break.

Avatar for dallas702

Happened to me. On a trip I once hit over 20 different clubs in less than a month (some I visited several times) and by the and of the month, I was tired of clubbing. It took me over a week to recover enough to want to hit another club (it took my wallet much longer to recover.)

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Holy shit! Am I that much of an aberration? Am I the only one who doesn't get tired or going to strip clubs, fondling mostly naked women, and fucking them?

I've been going for 35 years, since I was 17, and it ain't boring yet. Do I sometimes take a break? Sure, but it sure as hell ain't because it's boring, or because I'm tired of getting my dick sucked by a 20 something hottie.

The recent departure of my SB for marriage land notwithstanding, my breaks have been because I didn't want to spend the money, or my dick was tired, or because circumstances prevented me from going, not boredom or ennui.

Avatar for Rod84

Hey gmd - what's an "SB?" I don't see it in the glossary...

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Everything in moderation so the saying goes.

“… I've even looked into Sexcations (adult vacations with an escort), usually to foreign countries in Europe. Seems appealing at some level. Maybe mail-a-bride, where a PL flies to Poland and meets a bunch of young girls eager to marry a reasonably wealthy PL like me to get the hell out of their country …”

It’s all the same shit IMO. Probably the hit and run no strings attached aspect of the SCs is the way to go (although far from perfect).

A sexcation “may” work out; but the same goes with being w/ a dancer – some are cool and one enjoys their time w/ them – and some are just a total bust on many levels – a sexcation with the wrong girl means you may be stuck w/ the bitch for the duration of the vaca and end up ruining it for you.

w.r.t. mail order brides – same shit as getting married any other way – they could turn out well – or they could be a nightmare – with the latter being more likely since they are hooking up w/ you out of interest and not b/c they necessarily want/desire to be with you. These mail order brides would be all sweet when you meet them in their country – once they come to the U.S. they more often than not become “Americanized” and it’s the same ole shit – not to say it would not work out; but I’d say it has the same chances as hooking up w/ a non mail order ho (or even less).

From what I’ve been told by others; one way to often get really good treatment from foreign hos is to hook up w/ them in their country either via regular vacations or retiring there.

Avatar for crazyjoe

I don't get tired of clubbing that often but I get tired of no talent or bitchy dancers sometimes so I take a break and hope new talent shows up

Avatar for Rod84

Hey Papi - I think you're dead on about being in other countries for decent hook ups. Germany is at the top of my list with the FKKs there - about as good as it gets, and a bargain, too. Makes me think of retiring there, even though the weather's shitty.

Avatar for Estafador

I seriously question why I bother even going a lot of the time. When your not horny and realize how much money you can save by not going, you question what investment is in going to the sc? Probably loss of spending power. Plus it quickly gets repetitive booty grinding against your johnson anf you just sitting there and doing nothing else. Even sex gets boting after a while (I'm not gay I just like to do different things). Then again perhaps I say that because I'm young and don't do I/OTC.

Avatar for Estafador

But then when you have lots of money and can easily satisfy your erect penis with just a couple dollars instead of coaxing your girlfriend for hours or having to go out and make relations, its kind of hard to just quit forever. This doesn't apply to everyone of course (like myself)

Avatar for Estafador

Gmd, if you been going since 17, have you ever had a girlfriend since fucking a hooker is easier than a girl? For that matter if you been going since 17, why didn't your younger persona realize you could get the same girls since your younger

Avatar for SuperDude

The changes in the business model have slowed down my clubbing activites:

Dancers who expect tips for uninvited conversation.

Shot girls who sit in your booth and use it as a headquarters to sell drinks.

Booth charges ranging from $20 to $40.

Smoking in clubs, despite laws against it.

$40 charge on ATM.

Dancers pestering you for a free meal.

$20 fee to bouncer for every trip to VIP.

With these things going on in almost all Detroit clubs, I go a lot less. When I go I expect this stuff and budget accordingly. Too bad the dancers get none of this money.

Avatar for Estafador

Going to a regular club seriously lessens your desire for paying for all other adult entertainment

Avatar for DandyDan

I get tired of it a lot lately. I think the way it works for most clubs is you have your favorites, your second level favorites and then the ones you don't like. The trouble is, most of the dancers are in that last group and they tend to stick around the longest. And most second level favorites tend to fall into that last group eventually. As for favorites, of course they're great, but even they get old after a while. I think if I went too often, even favorites would turn on me eventually. Of course, newbies come along, but most of the time, they turn out to be not-so-good. And it seems like every club is like this most of the time. Hardly anything new ever comes along.

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