
Drugged up dancers

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I hate the current population drugs that seem to be popular in the clubs. Back in the day (15+ years ago), coke was popular in the clubs that I frequented in the northeast, which was not so bad as the girls still seemed alert.

Much more common now is weed, which was also an issue back in the day but really seems to have permeated the dancer community now. Not only does the shit stink in my opinion, but pothead dancers are no fun as the weed tends to mellow them out just a little too much for my tastes.

Even worse, however, is heroin, which is a real problem in the clubs that I know frequent in the south. The girls who are on this shit can barely function and I am seeing way too many using this stuff now. I recently had a girl actually nodding off with her head hitting my chest and saw another girl falling off of the bar stool. And, of course, my recent post about a horrible OTC experience also involved a girl on heroin.

I really hate these drugs. I'm starting to look upon the day when most dancers simply over-drank with a certain amount of nostalgia - lol.


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    If it wasn't for these drug addictions the "success rate" of The System might only be 10% of what it is today. But your head is so far up your ass as demonstrated by your recent epic OTC failure you'll never realize that. I'm surprised you aren't thankful for the addictions (well in one recent notorious thread of yours you were, niw per your usual MO you are flopping all over the place.)
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I agree wholeheartedly! I just ended a 4 year relationship with my ATF because of her overuse of heroin. She's been an addict for a decade, but between methadone and moderation she was a lot of fun. But the last two months were complete overload and an utter waste of my money-
    The last straw was when I waited outside her apartment and watched people congregate until the dealer showed up: looked like a 30+ housewife driving a Camry and sold one by one to 15 year old Hispanic girls, a 17 year old kid & his girlfriend in a new Camaro, etc.
    most of the dancers I know who will meet OTC are heroin users/ addicts. The financial imperative drives the economic engine. I'm really getting frustrated about being a part of the problem. Maybe legalization is the answer.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Maybe legalization is the answer."

    NO, not for that drug.

    Them quitting or you walking away permanently is the answer.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Dickydew! You forgot to mention prescription med's. My current soup du jour is on them and is so dis-jointed from reality that it is not funny.Sent an e-mail of her med's to an old gf who used to work for Glaxo Smith Kline asking,"Whats up with this",her reply was simply,Dice!run,run like hell".
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I wonder if the popularity of a certain drug is regionally correlated?

    I see alot of prescription drug abuse around here. Adderall. Vicodin. Oxycontin. But I've been surprised to find a few heroin users too.

    Just about every dancer smokes weed. Michigan has a medical marijuana law so thst means every healthy 25 year old girl can smoke weed legally. Lol.

  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    "If it wasn't for these drug addictions the "success rate" of The System might only be 10% of what it is today."

    @Fraudster: More pearls of wisdom from Chief He-Who-Knows-Little-But-Says-Much. Cool! ;) The reality is that heroin addicts make horrible OTC targets as most of them are either too fucked up or too desperate to do a proper job, so I don't normally deal with them. Potheads are also not great OTC hookups in my experience. Most of the girls that I take out seem to rely upon alcohol as their vice of choice, which works just fine with me.

    @Gawker: This heroin shit is a newer problem from my perspective. In the clubs in the northeast, pot, alcohol and pills are more common issues and I didn't really see much in the way of obvious heroin use in those clubs. same holds true for the midwest, Texas and my other common travel destinations. But where I am now, this stuff is prevalent and some clubs just don't seem to give a shit if their dancers look barely functional.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: "The reality is that heroin addicts make horrible OTC targets as most of them are either too fucked up or too desperate to do a proper job, so I don't normally deal with them"

    The actual reality is that you have no clue which ones are drugs addicts and which are not. Your recent epic OTC failure is proof of that. You went into it thinking "no way" but learned different. So much for your great social reading ability, huh, idiot?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    And since you are going to do your usual try and tap dance your way out of it, deny it ever happened, here is a link to said epic OTC failure


    As I say, RickyBoy, you are completely without a clue and that thread is an excellent example of it.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Maybe it's the way that cannabis is viewed out in Cali, as no big deal, but I've never had any negative experiences with dancers and ganja.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    @Fraudster: It's pretty hard to hide heavy duty heroin use - it is some nasty shit. Even the girls who aren't nodding off have droopy eyes and somewhat slurred speech. The one girl fooled me early on because she was not fucked up yet and was desperate for her fix, hence the multi-stop runaround. Mea culpa on not picking up on what was happening sooner, but in most cases it is not hard to spot the girls who are on H and they are not my normal OTC pickup.

    @Slick: The ganja girls certainly aren't as bad as others that I've seen, but I tend to find them boring and unmotivated - lol.
  • rockie
    11 years ago
    The issue with heroin is not a regional issue. Some clubs are vigilant in not tolerating its presence and some clubs either welcome it or are unaware of how pervasive it is in their club. In one of my local haunts in the Northeast, it's everywhere!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Fair enough rockie. I don't have as much recent experience in MA and N. CT as you do, so I'm sure you're right and thanks for sharing that. I haven't seen it as much in the clubs that I frequent in CT and NY, so that might be coloring my views as to the regional issues.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    If the smell of pot bothers you, stay the hell out of Follies. I don't care for the smell but the lure of high mileage keeps me coming back. And I really don't care if the dancers or anyone else likes to smoke it. I just don't want to see the club get shut down because of it. It has gotten a little better since they made an effort to keep the thugs out but they could still do more.

    I believe that the club owners would rather get busted for prostitution than for drug use/trafficking. Less chance of losing their licenses.
  • rockie
    11 years ago
    Rick: I concede the entire New England clubbing region to you, except for MA. I agree that heroin is not improving anyone's club experience anywhere. I wish I was unaware of its existence in the Northeast!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    lol Rockie. I'd probably have to split the difference with you on RI as well. I only visit Providence about once a year and it would be easy enough for a girl to be on the tail end of her fix and fool me long enough to get through a 15 minute all inclusive VIP room. But I doubt that most of the clubs that I hang at in CT would tolerate it and I spend enough time (ITC and OTC) with my favorite dancers that I doubt that they could hide it that long.

    @shadow: Just one more reason to stay out of Follies - lol. I know that your gig is well wired there, but I really did not like the place much when I visited. Honestly, I'm looking forward to going back to your neck of the woods and visiting your second favorite Atlanta club. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @RickyBoy: Most heroin addicts are high functioning and able to hide it well. They aren't constantly on the verge on nodding off. Your reading ability in this matter is completely non-existent as demonstrated in that thread that I posted a link to. But sure, go ahead and try and kid us.

    You weren't able to pick up on *absolutely blatant* signs that you were dealing with a major drug addict, because

    a) you have fucked up social intuition in general and
    b) you were giddy that The System was about to score a point.

    Yet, despite this, we are supposed to believe that you would be able to pick up on very subtle signs in most situations? Nope. Sorry, ain't buying it RickyBoy.

  • rockie
    11 years ago
    My clubbing experience in Providence has me too distracted by the Providence process (hand shakes and different approaches)in the different clubs to notice who's doing what to get through the night? As for tolerance of the clubs, it seems to be the clubs concerned with dancer sobriety (or state of mind)- that by proxy don't tolerate the heroin user.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I'd stay out of Seattle rockie.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    People who use and are under the influence are unreliable and cannot be counted on – thus I tend to avoid them.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Was that a question rockie? If that was supposed to be a statement, then I am in a similar boat. Providence is a great place to club, with ample fun to be had, yet standards for the females that are much higher than those in Detroit and Houston if the reviews and reports that I read are any indication.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    When I became acquainted w/ Follies after joining TUSCL; I was surprised to hear the constant comments about weed smoking in the club.

    I have seen/smelled it every once in a while at some of the black dives I visit down here in South Florida; but it’s more the exception than the norm and even at some of these black dives I’ll hear the DJ announce that it is not allowed and to put it out.

    As popular as Follies seems to be; I don’t know why they accept that behavior and the thug element. If you tell me a club is a dive and they don’t want to throw out the thugs and weedsters b/c they’ll lose most of their clientele; then I could see that club allowing it – but this does not seem to be the case for Follies?
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I'm willing to bet 95% of dancers smoke weed.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    This is one of the frustrating things about this business. I don't think there are very many strippers who could actually strip without being on drugs of one type or another. But the odd thing is that I don't know of any dancers who are on heroin. I think in my area, the drug of choice is methamphetamine. But for most, it seems like they mostly just want to drink.
  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    The club owners and management themselves are sometimes the ones selling drugs to the dancers so they look the other way.

    Oxycodone and Xanax are popular street drugs. I'm surprised they don't make a combination pill of those two yet.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Club owners/managers introduce dancers to heroin. Dancers become addicts. Club gets a cut from dealers selling to dancers off premises to avoid LE. Maybe club owner is also heroin supplier. New form of slavery.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Damn SuperDude – I hope the reality is not that sad and that is more of the exception than the norm.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    My ATF doesn't smoke weed, amazingly enough. But she's into adderal and klonopin. And X. And she drinks. She doesn't mind when I smoke but I really wish she'd join me!
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