
Faces of meth - stripper edition

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 7:15 PM
I was at a club last night, and I got to see the long-term consequences of drug addiction. This particular girl had started dancing at a club I frequent at the beginning of this year. She was at least a 9 when she showed up - blond hair, blue eyes, tall, tight natural body with a stunning face to match, and minimal tattoos. She was also a major witch with customers. She rarely said anything to customers beyond the "want a dance" routine. She also refused to do single dances and would only do VIP sessions, mostly because she was so hot that PLs would give in to her demands just to get a dance from her. Anyway, a couple of months ago, I noticed that she had started to put on some weight but nothing really that noticeable. Fast forward to last night. When I saw her on stage, she was at least 25-35 pounds heavier than when she started, which is a lot considering she was probably only ~110 pounds when she started. Plus, her face looked like it was made of clay and someone had smushed it all up. She also had a super glazed look in her eyes and was really unsteady when she was doing her set. When I went to get a dance in the backroom, it was clear that she was now selling single dances and basically letting guys do quite a bit to try and keep them buying more dances. Anyway, it was pretty stunning to see how dramatically her appearance and attitude changed within 7 months or so, but I guess that when you've got a drug addiction, things can go south pretty quickly.


  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    Could be her drinking that is causing the weight gain. Meth I thought made you skinny
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I was wondering if she might be pregnant.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    You don't gain weight on meth or crack. They both are major appetite suppressants.
  • alkdesmo
    11 years ago
    Maybe I should have phrased it "faces of drugs". She didn't have an alcoholic/drunk look and her belly wasn't showing so I doubt that she was pregnant. Anyway, it was just a random thought on how quickly her looks had gone, likely due to her habit.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    A lot of them get hooked on drugs by a pimp who then ads to it by getting them PG. Once he is done with them he kicks them out. I hate it to c the girls flock to sit with ghetto trash. You know these scum have no money except from selling drugs or pimping girls. Many of them don't have the IQ to hold a job. If you find out your girl is doing this trash, drop her. Gals on drugs are bad news and I have found them to be a lousy fuck. Plus their pimp is in the background urging her to charge you top dollar. They will rat you to send them money via western union, etc that they need some money for food. One of these bitches even wanted me to order two large pizzas and have them delivered to a hotel room she staying at. I guess her pimp was there too. I simply ignored it.
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    I knew a stripper who was hooked on heroine and tried to kick that by going to a methodone clinic. As soon as she started dosing methodone her weight shot up dramatically. I saw her one day and she was 100 lbs and then two weeks later she had to be at least 130 with a beer belly. I thought she looked pregnant but she insisted she wasn't.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    that's not meth.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    Maybe it's alcohol, but that's not meth. Who knows, maybe there's a KFC next door and she eats there all the time. There's a strip club I've been to which is next to KFC and one of the strippers there admitted to me her whole weight problem is because of too much KFC.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Like many here have already said, that ain't Meth. I've spent years working in the boonies of both Riverside and San Bernardino counties, CA. If you wanna see meth, I'll be your tour guide.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Why is Payer11 in such a pissy mood these days? (I mean even worse than normal.) Too many people been laughing at him over the $60 crack whores?
  • Iansmithdfw
    11 years ago
    I was very close to a beautiful girl who got hooked on (of all things) the synthetic marijjuana that is available at gas stations & convenience stores ("K2" or "Spice"). She went from being a bright, slender, functioning person to a complete train wreck in about a year. She gained 30 pounds (she started at 115), couldn't perform the most simple task and was obsessed with getting high. She tried several times to kick it including rehab sessions (one of which I financed) but could not. As her brain became more and more fried things got progressively worse and the damage is not reversible. As her dancer friend told me, she is "permafucked". Last time I spoke with her, she had lost her daughter to CPS and was living in an abandoned mobile home. Horrible shit. Stay away.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    That is not synthetic marijuana but wannabe marijuana. You can buy synthetic THC in pill form but why? I've never done spice-can't bake brownies with it.
  • Iansmithdfw
    11 years ago
    It's nasty stuff. The high is a little like weed but hits like a truck and only lasts a few minutes. Every bowl kills off a big chunk of gray cells. Stick with the real deal. You cannot believe how this girl went to hell in a few months as a result of this crap.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Gracias. I'll follow your advice.
  • Ironcat
    11 years ago
    Yeah, I had a dancer from whom I often got dances at my regular hangout, who was quite slim and fit show up after a couple year hiatus at least 50 lb. heavier. I agreed to a dance out of pity but it wasn't good. I suspect heavy drinking was the problem along with the fact she was in her mid-30s and her metabolism must have slowed down. After that day, I haven't seen her since.
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