With Respect to Race …

avatar for Papi_Chulo
With all the discussion lately w.r.t. race – I came across this recent review from a black dancer of Déjà Vu New Orleans

I worked here and my experience has been one racist and prejudice one. The clientele of this chain is convinced that big breasted white women are normal people and anyone who looks different is "exotic" or of another kind. Men have told me that I should get off the stage because stripping was for white women, they have insulted me when I would not let them touch me, they have told me that they didnt do lap dances with "my kind" when I asked if they wanted one. One client referred to me as exotic and when I proceeded to explain why it wasn't a compliment..... he blew his cigar smoke in my face. I have been discriminated against, and dehumanized many of times by clientele but this company is convinced that I am the one whose bullshit they put up with. I have had to take matters into my own hands because they believe whatever the customer tells them with investigating the situation. They care more about customers who are not spending money anways than their employees or dancers who make that damn clubs what they are. They went as far as to "apologize" to the customer on my behalf and offer him a free drink or free pass just so they wouldn't "take it personal" and come back to visit. It WAS personal. This company attracts some of the most racist, prejudice and ignorant people on the face of this planet yet they treated me as if I was the stupid one.

Im definitely not stupid. I know what goes on in this world and how it works. They plastered pictures of white girls on the walls when the majority of girls who work there are black. they started calling in white girls from other clubs because they majority of girls who work there are black. they're thing is they can't have too many black girls working and for Mardi Gras this past year they sent the black girls home who clocked in after there were all ready "too many" on the floor. Even if we had worked there for a long time we still got sent home because "there were too many black girls on the floor".

This is one racist chain of clubs. they pretend to be your friend until money is involved. Its a business.... I understand, but the way they do business is unethical.

fuck this club.



last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
You tell that dancer that in California there is no prejudice-as LONG as you can move, it's all good. Get with the real world. It ain't fair or real.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Maybe she should have been told about quotas where they have to hire a certain mininimum number of white girls and they can't all be black. That would be to prevent racial discrimination.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Realistically, dancers have to accept it that, since most people "discriminate" in who they are attracted to, "discrimination" is an inevitable in stripping. Racism may be the reason that many men (Black and white) prefer white women. While racism probably caused those men to be conditioned that way, such men may not be racist in their conscious opinions. Not really any more unfair than most other aspects of the beauty standard that society tries to condition into us.

Club staff may feel, for business reasons, they have to be apologetic to customers who don't deserve it. But the ethical and smart thing is for them to take the dancer aside and say "sorry, we know you had a point".
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Seriously, am I the only person done with race? I'm done. I don't care. Enough already.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Race, shmace.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
No more. Let's all fuck ONE another until we're all mixed like me.
avatar for SuperDude
12 years ago
Unequal Desires: Race and Erotic Capital in the Stripping Industry [Paperback]
Siobhan Brooks
Siobhan Brooks (Author)

avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
No thanks Slick. I'm straight. :)

I can believe that of the NOLA that I visited in 1963. Today it just sounds like sour grapes.
avatar for HowdyPilgrims
12 years ago
I have seen three reviews in clubs I frequent often. All three were bullshit rants and lies by bitter dancers who couldn't make money at the club. They blame it on racism and discrimination accusing anyone and everyone, customers, management, staff, fellow dancers.

The truth is, in most cases I would guess and certainly in all three I am familiar with, the women were just bitches with looks not good enough to accompany their bad attitude. Its great though, when you can anonymously come on the Internet and accuse people of things like racism and discrimination and not have to face any consequences.
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
Who gives a shit about race? Only those who stand to gain by making an issue of it. I must confess, however, that I'm fascinated by the contrast of pussy pink with a darker skin tone (of any race or hybrid thereof).
avatar for rell
12 years ago
race is a big issue still in this country .. only the ignorant and sweep it under a rug or choose to ignore it .. now i will admit that sometimes the race card does get pulled in times it shouldnt get pulled but in the same time it does happen case in point 2 years ago i was at a strip club and i locked my eyes on the sexiest dancer in the club she happend to be white i gave her a tip after her stage dance i asked if i can get a lap dance she laughed i asked her whats funny she said nothing and walked away and sat down with a group of guys... a few minutes later another dancer sat down with me (she was white too) and told me that she doesnt do lap dances for guys who arent white or asian
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
"told me that she doesnt do lap dances for guys who arent white or asian"

I think that's pretty rare. I'm sure there are racist dancers, but their favorite color is green. They may complain about certin races and ethnicities, but that typically doesn't stop them from asking everyone for dances.
avatar for rell
12 years ago
motorhead i was shocked as much as you are i typically dont have this problem but i used this as a example that its still out there. alot of times it may be a bad experience with some patrons i found it odd though that she glady walked up to me for a tip for her stage dance but wouldnt accept a lap dance.
but as a black man ive seen it enough to know it goes on it may go on less but it still goes on
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Rell, remember Chris Rock's old jam, "Can a Nigga Get A Table Dance!". Howard Stern use to play that song all the time. He use to call it a protest song.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Talking about race, I like the Indy 500.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I prefer the Baja 1000. Twice the fun and a whole lot dirtier.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
I know I've told a few black dancers unkind words. But it was always after stripper shit like this:

Her- You wanna dance?
Me- No I'm good.
Her- What you don't like black girls?
Me- No, I'm okay right now.
Her- Well how come you don't want a dance from me?
Me- Because I'm waiting for someone.
Her- Who are you waiting for.
Me- I'd rather not say. I'm good for now, goodbye.
Her- Well how about a tip?
Me- For what?
Her- For the floor show.
Me- No thank you.
Her- You know, you're an asshole.
Me- Fine. I'm an asshole. Please leave.
Her- Who is she? Is it a white girl?
Me- Yes, she's white. (Highly frustrated at this point) I like white girls. I don't like black girls. Please leave before I call a manager.

I can understand girls having to "hustle", but often they can take it too far. Shit like the above exchange is not what I go to strip clubs for.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
@Nickifree-that girl is probably bitchy to everyone. Can't stand the attitude.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Most guys in my opinion discriminate by what they see as nice looking. I for instance discriminate against ugly dancers. I only want to get dances from nice looking dancers.

Fortunately for many dancers, some guys like it different and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What I see as pretty, someone else may not.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I seem to be one of the few on here that's not a huge of Asian dancers. I guess I like blondes too much. Lol. I don't think I've ever had a black dancer get bitchy about refusing a dance...but I have had Asians say I must be prejudiced.

Of course, no one is bitchy as white dancers. Especially the fat ones with tattoos. They don't get why I always say no.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
On average, I've seen more black dancers get bitchy about me not buying a dance than white ones. Also more big ones than small ones, of any race.

But I truly don't give a shit about skin color. They're all pink inside.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
I think there is a special case with strippers who struggle to make money. There is always someone in the club who they think "well if I can't get a dance from him then I'm not going to get a dance from anyone".

So you as a customer become a target and a desperate last hope for her to cling to. That's where the aggressive and persistent behavior comes in.

But without a doubt, I have had it come most from black dancers who try to "Bogart" their way into dances.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
To me it seems like most people bitch about their job, and seem to be largely oblivious to whether their employer would go out of business if they tried to satisfy all their complaints.

I think some guys do let dancers badger them into getting a dance. Guess it's like drugs, won't stop as long as there's money in it.

Nobody can make themself be attracted to someone they're not attracted to, dancers need to understand that.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Ethnic dancers are definitely subject to discrimination and racial fetishization. For example, I started making a lot more money when I went blonde and just started telling people that I was Brazilian instead of explaining what I was actually mixed with. I think the girl that wrote that review shouldn't make such a big deal about people calling her "exotic". You aren't going to revolutionize someone's way of thinking about women and race when you're in the position of an object of sexual desire. If you want respect based on the merit of anything other than the superficial a strip club isn't the place to find it.

There are a lot of beautiful black dancers that don't make as much as girls with lighter skin simply because they're black UNLESS they have a cache of regular customers that are big-spenders (usually white men that "LOVE black girls").
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
If the dancer who posted the review does not like to be considered "exotic" then that is her preoperative. However, the disagreement I have with her post is that she wants to work in a "mixed" club that is majority black dancers.

It seem somewhat obvious to me that the poster did not want to dance in a "Black" club. Instead she wants to dance in a white club with black dancers. Cotton Club anyone?

avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I've been in the Deep South almost my entire life, and this doesn't seem like today's reality as I know it. Sure, people might not be attracted to black dancers but I have a hard time seeing this conversation taking place.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I’ll have to admit I’m kind of a racist white guy – I only get LDs from black dancers.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
Papi- do you get hassled by white dancers for getting dances from black girls? If not then you and I live in completely different worlds.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
Pretty much all dancers now are black, mexican or white girls who want to be gangsta black girls. No fun at all.
avatar for SuperDude
12 years ago
You haven't heard bitchy until you're a black guy who says no to a black dancer. It happens to me all of the time. Finally, I just have to tell them it's my money and I don't owe it to you out of your misplaced demand for racial solidarity. I'm here to be entertained, not hassled.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
I'm one of those white men Duo mentioned that LOVES black women. I grew up in segregated areas around Chicago and wasn't exposed to many black people until entering the business world. At my current club, my four most recent fave dancers have all been black. Not that I don't appreciate the white girls too. But I'll honestly say the only time I discriminate is when I'm approached by "full-figured" women. When I'm out paying for a fantasy, that's not going to include dancers 5'2" and190 pounds. Any race is fine with me but the girl needs to weigh less than I do.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
While I suppose we all discriminate at times, I don't think I discriminate on race. Last week I was in Florida for my annual "get away week" at my condo. Went to Inner Room every day and got dances from about 20 different dancers over the seven days. The girls were of all races: white, black, asian, hispanic and mixed. The only ones who I declined to dance with were those with bad attitudes. Yes, a couple of the bad attitudes were black girls. Does that make me prejudiced again black dancers? Ask the black girls who got dances from me each day.
avatar for 10inches
12 years ago
if a dancer has the goods (nice ass, full firm tits plus a good attitude) I don't care what color she is. have had some great times in clubs with white girls, black girls, asian girls and latin girls.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
I'll support that previous poster. My 4 ATFs to date have been Puerto Rican, Filipina, Mexican-American, and black. Viva la variety!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… Papi- do you get hassled by white dancers for getting dances from black girls? …”

I don’t recall getting hassled for turning down dances/dancers:

1) I go to mostly all black clubs so white vs black dancer does not come into the equation

2) if I go to a mixed club and only getting chocolate style LDs (which is usually what I do); I think other dancers realize that is my-thing/what-I- like and they (vanilla) tend not to bother w/ me

The only time I can recall in recent memory getting hassled for not getting dances was from a young black dancer in a black SC. I had just arrived at the SC and she immediately pounced on me. She was also not really my type (didn’t like her approach and she looked very young - ~19 – I like women not girls).

When I turned her down – she said “damn you’re not like the other white niggas that come in here”.

I took that to mean that the few white guys that go in there do not turn down black dancers b/c they are only there b/c of the black dancers – which is true in my case but I turned *her* down b/c she just rubbed me the wrong way.

I also think she used the term “white niggas” w/o really thinking about it and kinda off the cuff. Many young people use the term “nigga” in their everyday language w/o intending to derogate (e.g. “man those niggas dances moves where off the hook”; etc.).
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
SuperDude- You and me both. Other guys don't know that it is often an unpleasant exchange when we turn down dances or company from black dancers. No amount of politeness or civility can keep it from happening.

And I've said it before, but it is a fairly recent trend. Never had that problem with black dancers ten years or so ago. It just seems like there were better more respectful black girls dancing in the clubs back then than there is now.
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