
How much do you take to the Strip Club?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013 10:43 AM
I like to have a decent bankroll. I will NEVER use a credit card due to SO and I will not use ATM for that reason as well as charges. So when I go my ideal amount is $$$$$$. Let me explain and we can discuss you have 1/2 a $ to tip rail, waitress, bouncer I like to sample with the LD which means 1-3 per dancer and if I sample 4-5 thats $$ and if I find one that I really like then CR $$$ Know every time I go I don't spend that but thats what I like to have before I hit the club. I dont want to go and not have the money.


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I concur. Take cash and leave the plastic at home. Set a limit and stick to it. Or do your best...sometimes you fail and spend it all.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    How about you don't explain and we don't discuss.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    $500 in town, $1000 if on the road.
  • mrrock
    11 years ago
    CC has gottene into WAY too much trouble at the club! Stick to cash. I try to take 200-300.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I like to bring $$$$, $$ for the bar tab, $$ for stage/other tips and $$$ for dicier activities. Boy, that was useful. ;)
  • ewire
    11 years ago
    I also split my money in pockets 1) has $100.00 for the tipping 2) $200.00 for the lap dances 3) $300.00 back up and CR if wanted The tough part scurrying the cash away without it being tracked by SO.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    $$$'s here and in reviews doesn't tell me what I want to know. I want to know how much the dance or VIP cost.
  • ewire
    11 years ago
    my trip to the CR was $$$ for everything agreed upon before we went( I think it was $ for house and $$ for her) and to my shame I had $8.00 left gave that as a tip and yes thats pathetic but all I had.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Rewire!Turk wants you to hand in your playbook.
  • ewire
    11 years ago
    Sorry I am new to TUSCL and to SC scene just learned off extras a few weeks ago? Not sure what you are asking?
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    What are the dollar signs suppose to represent?
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Don't mind us,just bustin chops.Welcome.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    I bring in buckets of cash and leave with pales of fish
  • ewire
    11 years ago
    Each $ equals a $100.00 so I like to take $600.00 minimum prefer $800.00 so I have backup cash.
  • ewire
    11 years ago
    Haze the newbie I am ok with that, excellent boards learned a lot from reading them..:-)
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I try to do $300 minimum. Though I want to do a 3k excursion one day. Gonna take a while to save up for that though
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I try to do $300 minimum. Though I want to do a 3k excursion one day. Gonna take a while to save up for that though
  • mayberrywell
    11 years ago
    Cash only $300 for dances , $100 for drinks and tips. Always have $300 back up for special events . This is the goal and normal situation . Will not walk in a SC without $250 in my pocket. Try to keep the cost under $400 , that is the going escort rate home delivery . Feel bad spending more on touch ad feel than doing the real deal. And while SC FS is fun , home bed for an hour is more relaxed.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    The $$$ needed for a "typical" satisfying excursion will vary greatly depending on location and venue. In my case $500 in Vegas will only go a fraction of what it will in LA or say, Phoenix.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Esta realy ! Fuckin realy ! A goddamn double post ! Realy !
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    I bring anywhere from $300 to $700. Again it depends on where or what club I am going to. Local clubs you can take less in my area. But it also depends if I want LD's or just drink and tip. But I typically never just drink and tip. Like others have said I will do at least 2-3 LD per dancer. So $60 per dancer and typically 3+ dancers. So that $200 on just dances. Then if I find one I like... I will drop $100+ on dances. Then drinks $30...tipping $50. So yeah it can get expensive....and you have to keep some cash for ITC or OTC.... HAHA
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    I also bring a basket of 2 fish and 5 loaves and my best good friend Jesus always brings the wine
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    "I like to sample with the LD which means 1-3 per dancer and if I sample 4-5 thats $$" That's not a fuckin sample bro that's a goddamn buffet !
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    . "I dont want to go and not have the money." What kind of cluber is this ? That's not even how an addiction works bro.....you need to be clubbing on the rent money then your having fuckin fun in life
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    "So when I go my ideal amount is $$$$$$.".... "Each $ equals a $100.00" WTF ! What kind of bullshit is this ? Let me guess this two should go into the glossery ?...like founder needs a suggestion box.....stupid fags dicks are for chicks
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    Any where from $250 to $700 but have spent as little as $35. $5 cover, $5 drink, and 1- $25 then bailed after saw what dances were like.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I try to take $250, but I'll go whenever I have a clear opportunity with less than that. I would just drink less, get less dances, and tip at the stage more.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    200 for 5 dances. That's ridiculous. And that's your version of a sample.. by goodness your a big man huh
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    For 5 dances I pay $25 and its full dick grinding, titty smacking action
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    In my first few years of regular SCing; I would feel a bit guilty/worried about how much I was spending. So I would only take $200 in hopes I would not spend more than that. But many times I found myself having a good time and $200 would not do (especially since I like variety/sampling-many-dancers); so I would often find myself hitting the SC ATM. I now take $400 and that will often do since I am not a drinker (nurse one drink) and do not partake in extras (just lots of LDs with many different dancers). Will spend the entire $400 more often than not but will not hit the ATM as I did when I used to walk in w/ $200.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Shit i get all I need for $98.73
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Depends on the area and how well I know the club I am going to. In certain southern areas with familiar clubs (parts of SC and FL in particular), I can walk in with $400 and drink all night, experience a fantastic finish and still have cab fare in my pocket for the ride back to my hotel. In most of my northeast haunts, I need to go out with at least $500, especially if OTC is in the cards. Add $100 in Queens. This does not include Manhattan as I generally won't club there anymore just out of the sheer principle of it. In less familiar territory, I'll generally roll with $600 or so, though how much of that I spend differs each time. If I cannot have a great night, including either OTC or a great ITC finish, for that kind of money then I can wait until the next stop. Rarely a week goes by that I'm not in a strip club at least once, so one busted trip doesn't really matter much.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    $300 minimum unless there just to chill take 2 or three dances then $100. With 3 girls on roster (always calling me) offering pop 100-140 not much incentive to go to SC unless free buffet, chilling, and waiting out the traffic. I will enjoy a drink, the buffet, watch the show, and may take 2 dances. At my last sc visit (a club near the office) a girl tried to sell vip with a 120 enry fee. She really had no idea how much she was blowing in the wind with me. My goal is to exercise self control and be as cheap A as I can be with them.
  • firefox
    11 years ago
    I usually take about 250-300 myself..I try to avoid any CC or ATM card machine inside any club especially strip clubs!!! Figure a few drinks for yourself and a dancer or 2 while you get to know her before going for the lap dances and VIP later that night. Of course have the singles for dancers on stage and bartender tips if she is friendly.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Papi_Chulo, im going through that same phase of needing more than 200 tto let me have fun. JuicyJ: yeah byotch I dohble posted, watcha goun do boudit?...bitch
  • LoveTheLadies
    11 years ago
    I try to bring at least $200. Back when I had an ATF it was more but that was a few years ago. I make sure I have plenty of small bills for tips.
  • KingxGorilla
    11 years ago
    I've been bringing about $200 with me so far, but at times feel like I should have brought more...I Really wanna get into Juice ranges where you get some solid ass dances for just under $100...damnit that's good!
  • ewire
    11 years ago
    Juice is better than me I pay $20.00 a dance and usually get one or two but some times can get carried away and go for like 3-4. I admit I like to sample heavily I like the variety. Also I do not go often so when I do I like to enjoy if I start hitting the clubs more I will have to pair that back to $100.00 or less for sampling
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Since most every visit I make is not planned and sort term (perhaps an hour at most), and I carry very little cash on a daily basis, I hit the ATM on the way and take a couple of hundred. If I find the right dancer (rarely) that is worthy of more, there is always another time.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Anywhere fro two to six or eight hundred, typically. Though lately, I've been stuck on this one place where I can get away with less than a hundred and still have a really good time.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    I joke a lot but on a seriouse not...I realy do pay $5 for lap dances with full two way contact with dick play some times $10 but no higher....you just got to read those reviews and find those clubs
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    "JuicyJ: yeah byotch I dohble posted, watcha goun do boudit?...bitch" Estafart im the real juicy j playa and if you don't stop this attention seeking on this board I will have no choice but to cry a little from my penis
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    At least $300. Thing is, there is no telling what will happen when I walk into a SC. Every time I think I know what to expect, something unique happens. I like to be ready for anything and I don't to want to ruin the vibe by getting reamed at the SC ATM or taking a CA.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ I highly doubt you bring your entire net worth with you each visit, NukeyBoy. Stop lying!
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    At least $500. Cash only I agree.
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