By some of the actions of our fellow tuscl members. From the beginning, all I asked from a couple of members was to not post as much so that we may be able to see others posts before it starts getting pushed beneath all the other posts. Generally, like today's clogging, others do not want to post on the discussion board after the "clogging situation". I did not like how one member was just posting things to boost his stats so that he may appear to be in the upper echelon ranks of tuscl, such as shadowcat, gatorfun, dandydan,etc. Those are the indivduals that have been here through hard work and dedication throuhout the years. The way juicebox is doing it is equivalent to baseball's steroid era where instead of hard work and dedication, he is just cheating. I will reiterate, I just like hearing from a variety of members like jester, ranukam, sclrv, mikeya, etc as it enlivens this board. What juicebox did today, along with all his other aliases zipman, juice68, whiteknight, etc is unacceptable. The only juice alias I did not see today is lunchboxking and tusclpolice.
Ugh, I never thought I'd say this but can we just go back to talking about paying strippers for sex and so-and-so's ATF's drug problem and stuff? You don't need to post about the posts, you need to push relevant content.
Canmbyland fagot....I haven't cloged up shit in a long while I was not even posting threads was was making one comment a day basicly and you was still bitchimg about go fuck yourself cuz I just finished fucking yoir ass fagfart
I think that was kind of the point. Juice was not clogging the board, so he/we showed what actual "clogging" would look like. Just let us know if you missed it that time though. Would be more than willing to give another demonstration.
Whenever Dougster tries to get a flame war with anyone else, just bump these threads that he posted today. What a nutcase!! I've said it before and I will say it again, he has got serious mental issues. Someone give him his medications!!!
It doesn't surprise me with Juice, he's done this before.
So honestly, does anyone really care about how many comments or discussions yet have on their account? I never really thought it was that big if a deal but now I see talk of boosting stats and steroid cheating. Maybe it's a bigger achievement and status symbol than I thought.
And yes, Duo is amazing. I still miss the money skirt pic though.
I think Nukey just realized that if he calls me a "nutcase" it will get him in the jestie-girl's good books. The jestie-girl whom he so desperately wants to bed. (Does jestie meet Nukey's criteria for being a 9 or a 10 or something?)
Funny thing is, the jestie-girl is the real mental case. Hope Nukey remembers to give jester214 his medications (SSRIs for depression or what he takes) just before they end up in bed together.
@ cambyass...your just jelous with all this talk about steroids and baseball and cheating. Sounds loke the classic symptoms of small dick syndrome. Don't get pissed at juice and the juice crew when you pull your pants down in vip and the dancer is laughing too hard to find her magnifying glasss so she can see your tiny pecker
^Otto, the trolls fed themselves yesterday. Most of those goofy threads had low post counts, but it did not stop them crowding out pretty much anything else.
That the board got clogged with juice and doogie howser post is definitely not appalling. It just shows that all of their time is spent dreaming up shit to post or posting that shit. Sad that most of their life is TUSCL. Talk about PLs. BTW, it wasn't clogged for me as all I see in place of Juicy Fruit's post is his name in a dark blue that almost hides it against the black background. Yeah, I know I'm feeding the trolls but they need to be gigged every once-in-a-while.
last commentThe horror...
The whore... or?
It doesn't surprise me with Juice, he's done this before.
And yes, Duo is amazing. I still miss the money skirt pic though.
Funny thing is, the jestie-girl is the real mental case. Hope Nukey remembers to give jester214 his medications (SSRIs for depression or what he takes) just before they end up in bed together.
- reports of the extent of NSA spying = genuinely appalling
- damage to that plane that crash landed this weekend = genuinely appalling
- the first couple of pages of TUSCL were nearly all juice or Dougster topics for an hour or two = not genuinely "appalling"
BTW, it wasn't clogged for me as all I see in place of Juicy Fruit's post is his name in a dark blue that almost hides it against the black background.
Yeah, I know I'm feeding the trolls but they need to be gigged every once-in-a-while.
Sounds like a plan to me.