OT: Lost in my own thoughts...

avatar for MojoDojo
Ok I love music I really do especially when I'm driving. I love to find a good radio station or better yet play my own tunes and turn up the volume. I can get lost in music. It's like a little vacation. But reciently I've begun to leave the radio turned off and just travel listening to my own thoughts.

Today for example I was in Boulder Colorado and my last meeting of the day canceled leaving me with about 3 hours of free time so I decided to take a drive up into the mountains and see the sights. Now normally I would have cranked the tunes to accompany the ride but not today.

3 hours I drove the twisting and turning mountian roads rubbernecking the grand sights and the whole time I was having an internal conversation with myself.

Is this an age thing (i.e. getting to be an old fart)?

Does this happen to any of you?

If so do you enjoy it?

Am I going crazy?

Don't answer that last one I already know my score on the crazy test!


avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
See PM Sir. This is to exclude attacking comments. LOL
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I do the same thing. You need time to clear the mind. I call it Yoga Driving.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
What, no Liberace or Streisand?
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
I have spent too much of my life in trucks. I like to listen to tunes while driving but the simple fact is that driving requires concentration. Music diverts that concentration. So much of my driving is on unimproved roads and bush trails. Often, a gravel road is a luxury. I shudder when I see the stupid shit that urban drivers get up to while driving city streets or four lane divided highways.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Can't forget about Bette Midler. Some say love...
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
12 years ago
It could be worse, you could be listening to talk radio instead. Or sports talk radio. That's what happens when I get sick of the local music stations, which is often.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Podcast people, podcast. That's where it's at.
I seldom listen to the radio in the car. I like to get lost in my own thoughts.
I'm used to being alone, but the radio is my companion. Either a good classic rock station or talk radio - mostly sports, not politics. I can't bear the silence.
You are getting old. You had 3 hours to kill and you didn't go to a strip club. :)
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Classic shadow!
I do this but I go for a walk when i do my yoga
avatar for ime
Fuck Joe Biden
12 years ago
Podcasts or iPod i can't take talk radio and cheesy DJ's doing the morning/afteroon zoo routine. That said if Opie and Anthony were still on regular radio i'd listen to them
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