
You Get What You Pay For

Monday, June 10, 2013 7:45 AM
Growing up, my mom use to tell me, "You get what you pay for". I've found this saying to be true, most of the time. You can save money and time but at what cost? If the product or service is of an inferior nature, you never ended up saving anything. Let me use tools as an example. You'll initially spend more money purchasing Klein or Snap On as opposed to Harbor Freight or Craftsman. Yet the quality and design of the former make themselves evident. On to dancers. I've read many posts and reviews were, in my opinion, theses pl's seemed like cheap ass, tightwads. I'm all for getting the best deal that I can get and getting my money's worth down to the penny. But sometimes, you gotta spend a little. Whether it's getting extras in the VIP or trying to get with the hottest chick in the club, you're gonna spend more than usual. You can haggle and bargain but that often affects the performance that you're paying for in the first place. What made me write this down was a conversation that I overheard at an sc recently. These two pl's kept complaining about all the prices, the girls, that they deserve better and more, that the girls should be lucky that they(two pl's) were there, on and on. IMO, I was in disagreement with them. I felt that the quality of dancers and dances were well worth the exchange at hand. When I go to the sc, I want to have the most enjoyable time possible. I like hot chicks. I don't want to deal with the Bubba Gump Bottom Feeders. A $20 bj from a chicken head ain't the same as high class ass. Some might agree with me, some might disagree with me.


  • Lionshare
    11 years ago
    I completly agree, and have argued the same points many times on this board. However, to each his own some guys just like cheap pussy.
  • ime
    11 years ago
    I also agree completely. All the chiselers in the club make the girls more cynical and less fun. But i dont go to the club looking for bargains, i find being generous and not a creep works well and opportunities show themself and w/ less effort required.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    To me PERFORMANCE is the most important criteria. That's what I look for & pay well for. "All the chiselers in the club make the girls more cynical and less fun" If it isn't fun, DON'T go then.
  • ime
    11 years ago
    I noticed you seem to get a lot of shit on this site, and being new i try to stay out of it, but I really question your reading comprehension, or lack there of. You even quoted i said it can make it less fun. I feel bad for the dancers that hve to interact with you, you must ruin their shift. Also thanks for letting me know I shouldn't do things that aren't fun, you need to stop jumping to conclusions on people you just come off as a douche.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    True facts. Whenever someone's like "I can do way more with a stripper in Texas for $20" I always wonder if that ever works on anyone.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I think you are over-simplifying. Women (and men) vary a lot as to how repelled they are by different sexual acts with a stranger and/or someone they are not attracted to. A stripper wants top compensation for her time and the emotional/psychological cost to her of what she's doing. If the psychological cost is lower, she will have a better attitude and is liable to charge less (to earn more by getting more custies).
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    When I can afford it I like top shelf. When I pay for the best, I expect top quality. If I can't afford to go First Class, sometimes I'll fly coach but I hate it when the seat in front of me slams into my knees. I also alter expectations depending on the circumstances. Last night my ATF was not at the club, but I still wanted to be there so I took a great dancer to VIP. No extras available at any price, but I really enjoyed myself without spending a King's ransom. I know several other dancers who are happy to provide a happy ending, but frankly I'd rather have been with the good dancer who is beautiful, intelligent, and a great entertainer.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Duo - If you do move to Atlanta you will have to lower your expectations for lap dances. $10 is the highest any Atlanta club is charging. There are a half dozen clubs where they only charge $5. I agree that you get what you pay for, most of the time. Club Blaze in Atlanta is rated #8 for value on TUSCL. It got there because of the $5 dances. I have been to the club twice and believe me I had to lower my standards to get a dance and the quality of the dance was lower than the normal $10 dances. But some guys are just into whatever is the cheapest. Since I am spoiled by Atlanta dance prices, I just refuse to pay more that $20 a dance. Unless they are sucking my dick, no dance/r is worth $50 a dance.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Quick Cheap Quality - Choose Two For the uninitiated, it is a common business meme across many industries: Cheap & Quick, Lose Quality Quality & Quick, Lose Cheap Cheap & Quality, Lose Quick ...
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    @shadowcat - I'm not opposed to $10 or $20 dances, they're easy to sell.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I’m with Bull. I don’t expect to pay less than the going rate but I don’t like overpaying either. As Bull stated, one doesn’t necessarily getter better quality by paying more. Good business should be a win/win scenario where both parties get what is fair.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    But I do agree with the OP to a certain extent. If I expect to receive what I want/need from a dancer – then it stands to reason I should give her what she wants/needs/expects – within reason. If I want her to be extra nice to me or give me top-notch treatment – they I should be extra nice to her – within reason.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @Duo if you were working at a club where the list price for a dance was $10, and someone got just one dance and didn't tip, would you ever approach that person again (assuming you remembered them)?
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    I agree with ya 1000%, Slick.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I am a shitty tipper, but am still a choice customer for many dancers. I carefully stay inside their boundaries, I get 4 to 12 dances at a time from the same dancer, and I try to come to the club when it's their normally slow time.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Because I demand privacy when getting dances I prefer upscale clubs which means upscale prices. With that higher cost, tho, comes higher quality girls. And usually generosity towards them pays off very well. Others will disagree but I think that it's worth it. Many of my friends pride themselves on bargaining down dancers in dive bars and they wear their triumphs like a badge of honor, but that's not my thing. No right or wrong here, just personal preference.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    You do get what you pay for but some times, if you've already had a bunch of lap dances, it's not worth spending a lot of extra money buying lap dances from the hottest girl in the club.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    Of course you get what you pay for, but no one ever said any of it was bad. When it's bad is when there is useless dancer drama. No amount of money will make me want to pay for that.
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    I don't go to strip clubs to save money. I will pay what I think the girl is worth for the experience she provides and how bad I want her compared to her competition. Some get more, some get less.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Except you don't always get what you pay for. An expensive dinner that sucked or some street food that was awesome. Expensive brand name where you're paying 30% more just for the name while the lesser known is equally as good. That said I do have minimums on what I expect certain services to cost.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    On the other hand, a cute little AA nearly spinner at one of the local dive places just the other day gave me a nice, deep blowjob for the cost of two songs and a $15 tip. It felt better than some I've paid twice that for.
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