I'm old school for the most part, I like bugs bunny and Yosemite Sam... Elmer Fudd is awesome, but I think classic scooby doo is the best! You know shaggy's smoking something in that van every time the door opens...
If we're going Manga or Anime here, Samurai Shamploo, Voltron, and Akira. Oh jeah, Fist of The North Star. BTW-Them old Buggs Bunny flicks were hella racist.
Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Samurai Jack, ThunderCats, Johnny Quest, Samurai Champloo, Furi Kuri (pronounced in English as Fooly Cooly) and anything by Miyazaki (esp Princess Mononoke)
last commenthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v…
Sylvester the cat
Foghorn Leghorn (Rooster)
Forgot about Super Friends. My first ATF used to have a Wonder Woman costume, amongst others.