
Do you have different standards for different clubs?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:58 AM
If I'm in a club where I've never been before and probably will never see again, and I don't see a girl who appeals to me, I'm likely to lower my standards and choose an OK girl just to see how things work there. Similarly when I'm in an expenive high-end club my standards are going to be much higher than they will in a cheap joint. I'll pay $20 or less for a dance with an OK girl, but if it's going to cost a lot more than that she has to be nearly perfect.


  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Strip club related, non-troll and non-troll feeding thread, so BUMP!
    18 years ago
    The biggest change I've seen lately is clubs raising prices. And you're right, that usually leads to a change in girls because the club does less business and it's harder for them to make any money when prices increase. So the best girls leave and they're replaced by less attractive ones. Prices go up, quality goes down.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Two things need to be in place for me to have a good time: Hot babes and a club that permits me to have fun with them. Without both, I'm a sad boy. The girls are the most subject to change, but I've seen changes in the club that made things worse, too. Usually, a change in the girls is soon to follow.
    18 years ago
    These places are different every time you go in because the group of girls working is always different, and that's the most important feature for most of us, that's why we go. Personally I'd rate a place higher that had a great group of girls working but everything else about it was terrible vs. a place where everything was great except the girls. When I look back at the most fun times I've ever had, it was always when I found a girl I really liked. Similarly my worst times have always been when I didn't find a girl I liked. Nothinge else about the place really mattered all that much. And the girls are always changing, so you never know what you're going to find unless you've made arrangements to see a specific girl.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I think I learned over time not to go in with any expectations as a way to avoid the crushing letdown of those visits that didn't live up to them. I remember times when it felt like the end of the world, but, remarkably, the world kept going.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    This has been my experience so much so that I try never to go to the same club twice in a row. ... If it was bad, I figure after giving it a break, it's liable to rebound." As you know Chandler, this has been exactly my experience...you never know when you catch a place on a bad night. When I am in a new place, I just try to keep an open mind and a 360 degree Zen-like awareness of my surroundings, and let the situation take me where it will. One exception...two-way contact is a must. If there is no two-way contact, I would rather be in a regular bar or back at the hotel watching SpanksterVision.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    "IME the girls, mileage, management, etc. is always so everchanging I don't really expect a whole lot to stay the same....so I always go & return open minded." This has been my experience so much so that I try never to go to the same club twice in a row. If it was especially good my last time out, I suspect that it will be a letdown. If it was bad, I figure after giving it a break, it's liable to rebound. I don't carry around any preconceived standards by which to measure clubs and dancers. I walk in the door and size up what the scene has to offer, and give it a thumbs up or thumbs down, sometimes within a few seconds. (I'm incapable of passing by dive without ducking my head in.)
    18 years ago
    I agree with T-bone Unless I'm going somewhere to see a specific girl I try not to have any expectations, I'm just looking to have some fun. And that fun can take many different forms. If I get lucky and meet a girl who really turns me on I consider that a bonus.
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    I don't really have different standards, just one rule - let's go have some fun. If I'm hanging out for a half hour and i'm not having much fun, time to hit the door & call it quits. IME the girls, mileage, management, etc. is always so everchanging I don't really expect a whole lot to stay the same....so I always go & return open minded.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Most definitely. Being a repeated visitor to DC clubs does that to you.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Yes, because I've never been to two clubs that were alike in every way. The 4 clubs I visit the most are as different from each other as could be. You could never get extras at 3 of them and you could never get served beer at 3 of them, for example. But the one you could get extras at doesn't serve beer. I tend to see each club as it's own experience unique unto itself.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Sounds like just another night out in East St. Louis, Shadowcat. Specifically, the part known as Washington Park, where you have to keep reminding yourself that you even have standards. Bot those diamonds in the rough make it worthwhile.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I have different expectations, not really different standards. If it's one of my regular clubs I know what to expect as far as talent and club rules. If I'm on the road play it by ear. I've walked out of a few clubs after two hours of observing because I didn't see a dancer worth rolling the dice with. On the other hand, if I find a girl that's interesting to me I'll buy a dance or two just, as FONDL says, to see how things work.
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