The Derby

avatar for Lionshare
OT: Anybody headed to the Kentucky Derby this Saturday? This will be my first time, bringing my ATF with. Just need to find her a hat. Any suggestions on the area?


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avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
Just go to any drug store to find a hat for your lady. Look in the birth control section.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Lol nice Club_Goer...ill keep that in mind.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Put a C on the nag Alucard.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
If georgemicrodong were around he could give you the insider information on Louisville clubs. Since he is not, Louisville clubs now suck. Take the 1 hour drive to Lexington. My pick there would be the Platinum Plus You may have already found this out. The hotels within 100 miles gouge the hell out of you that weekend. Expect double the normal rate.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Thanks shadow, got the Hotel already, they do charge a lot. Thats ok though, we may hit up a club, but not sure yet.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago

Nothing is considered off topic these days, which is too bad. Another reason a Moderator is needed.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I consider this off topic.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
A broad brimmed pink hat with lots of finery will be appropriate. Then make sure you each have a $1000 mint julep in a sterling silver cup offered by Woodford Reserve, the official Bourbon of the Derby. Enjoy.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
A broad brimmed pink hat with lots of finery will be appropriate. Then make sure you each have a $1000 mint julep in a sterling silver cup offered by Woodford Reserve, the official Bourbon of the Derby. Enjoy.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Al!Your so off topic that you fail to realize you're off topic.
avatar for DoctorPhil
12 years ago
hey tumblingdice. talk about lack of self awareness this from his manifesto

“I'm also VERY Flawed and quite far from being Perfect [Something VERY few, if any members here would dare to admit, their MASSIVE & ARROGANT EGOS simply wouldn't permit such a HONEST admission]”

so he is the ONLY ONE who doesn’t have a MASSIVE & ARROGANT EGO. he ALONE is pure enough to admit not being perfect. i’d say that NOT being on the same level as EVERYONE ELSE and their MASSIVE & ARROGANT EGOS is enough to get him over the hump to perfection.

what an arrogant and egotistical attitude he has. oh the irony. ROTFLMFAO
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Bring an industrial size cooler.

Should be plenty of opportunity to collect horse semen.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Dr. Phil,he's harmless,just a total duh.I love getting his PM's at 4am.
avatar for Dougsterr
12 years ago
DoctorPhil.... yet another of my many aliases ROTFLMFAO
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
@Lionshare-Your ATF must be something to take her to the Derby. I'll be there too, 2nd time. With all that eye candy, energy, and money around, you'll probably be able to meet some hotties at the track that are down to party. PT's is cool but Kentucky clubs are pasties, not topless anymore. It'll be raining so bring an ACTUAL raincoat. Oh jeah, find out about which horses and jockeys win in the mud and rain, it changes the situation.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
@motorhead, I like where your head is at, but alas I think it would be very expensive to pull that off.

@SlicSpic, my business partner has fallen ill, and didnt come. So I had and extra plane ticket n such. I figured use it on another buddy, or use it on my ATF. This decision was made with my other head but so far it has paid off. We are having a great time here.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Sloppy track in Louisville today?.......You want a speed horse on the front end, most horses spit out the bit when getting plastered in the face with mud from the frontrunners.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@shadowcat, the clubs in Louisville aren't that bad. Sure, you can't see naked women out on the floor, but some clubs are more more lenient back where prying eyes can't see.

@Lionshare: The sad fact of the matter is, though, that during Derby Festival, the best clubs to visit are, in fact, the ones in Lexington, though a fair number of the hottest girls down there, along with Indy, Evansville, Cincy, E-Town, Nashville, etc, move to Louisville for the Festival.

For out of towners during Derby, Louisville clubs are going to be a lower value proposition. Sure, you'll still be able to get some decent action at some of the clubs, but it'll be more expensive. Nobody's cutting any deals this time of year, unless you're a regular regular, which I'm not anymore.

If you simply must go to a club with the ATF, then I suggest PT's downtown. It's the most expensive even at other times of the year, and you won't get anything in the back, but they generally have the hottest girls, and a shitload of them, and they are couples friendly. The VIP is definitely the most expensive in town, at $175/$300 per half hour/hour, and you still won't get anything (well, at least at my budget level), but they are hot, and most of them will tolerate some groping as long as it's not too aggressive.

If action is your thing, try the ones on 7th Street Rd (head west on Central Avenue out of the Downs, and you'll smack right into it; Central ends at 7th in that direction, then turn left if the one right there on the corner of Central and 7th doesn't strike your fancy). Like I said, it'll be more expensive than other times of the year, but the quality of talent will be slightly higher than other times of the year, what with the influx of girls and all.

Most of the clubs, especially the 7th street ones, will be open till 6 Sunday morning, so if late night partying is your thing, you'll be able to get that fix as well.

If you're into that sort of thing, stay *AWAY* from backpage or the SW strolling zones during Derby. BP stings abound, and recent reports have more undercovers than SWs on the streets.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Welcome back George.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Thanks, shadowcat. :)
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Derby is in about 90 min. Heading back to camp for more trucks to drive out to dry ground, I discover that there is a horse called Frac Daddy running in the Derby. Gotta love that name! Horse is owned by a couple of Montana oilmen.

Also discover that good ol' Edmonton boy, Chuck Fipke, has two horses in the Derby - Java's War and Golden Soul. Chuck is a player up here in the far north. He discovered Canada's biggest diamond mine (Ekati) back in the 1990s. He kept 10% of the mine when he sold out to BHP.


Notice how two other oilmen spell the word 'frac'?
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
@Lionshare-Wise decision. Frac Daddy is good in the rain & Lines of Battle is from Ireland-Use to this weather.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Yeah, wb, george.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Thanks vm.
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