
How often to you get a dance from someone new to you

Just curious how often you do it. If most of my favorites aren't working, I will try someone new if I like what I see. Doesn't happen too often, but that is because I have made a lot of girls my favs by doing this.


  • minnow
    19 years ago
    LP- Thanks for reply, jacking up fee sucks. My ? abt JS referred to website $15 Private Nude, 20 VIP lap, $30 Executive Topless. Whats the dif. b/t the 3, which should I go for bang for $$?? I'm assuming nude is airshow, later 2 involve some contact?? In closing, having "volume discounts"( ie, lower per dance price with higher no. of dances) would bring in more dances for dancers, and happier customers in long run.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Strip club related, non-troll and non-troll feeding thread, so BUMP!
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    FONDL-you're right. It does suck. It becomes a vicious circle of greed and ultimately backfires on everyone.

    minnow-I'm speaking specifically about WG. The problem is that it's the only topless place near LAX, and the owner knows it. He really doesn't give a crap about the girls, since they are contract labor and their tip outs to him are chicken scratch compared to what he generates in alcohol sales.The the girls set their own prices, and dances were $10 for many years.The owner recently upped the girls tip out fees abit, so they countered by raising their prices to $15-$20! And of course the dances themselves haven't improved...in fact there seems to be more air than ever. I have started spending much more time over @ BE & JS now. At least at the nude clubs you know what you're getting, and for how much.
    BTW - BS has the bikini/topless/VIP 3-song deal (with occasional 2-4-1 specials), and JS has only bikini/topless with a 30 second "freebie" instead of 2-fer's.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    FONDL: I agree, the only club that is still busy in Providence every day of the week is the one that has not raised dance prices and offers any extra you could possibly want. Allof the girls don't perform extras but enough do that it draws a crowd.

    In general, I've found strip club owners to be among the stupidest people on the face of the earth
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    LP: Are you referring to BE, JS, or WG?? Are dancers charging more than posted or advertised prices to "give you a real good dance"?? Or did posted price rise as a result of "dancer input"?? I know that Bare price incr. happened shortly after new owner took over back in'04. I don't quite understand JS structure, ie the difference between the 3 packages. Theres not exactly a shortage of clubs in LA area.
    19 years ago
    Lopaw, I've been arguing that same point for years. I think the whole industry is killing itself with high prices. The only clubs that I know that are doing fairly well are those that have kept their prices low or are offering extras along with their higher prices. Clubs that have raised prices but not quality have seen their business collapse. It's the only industry I know of that has raised prices in fhe face of declining business. I don't understand how they can be so dumb.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    I do break my rule about never paying a stripper for sex, for parodyman--> and JC's mothers or when parodyman-->'s mother/whore introduces me to one her daughters or sisters. I was going to pay for sex with parodyman-->'s mother's daughter in law but I passed on that one since I am not into 300 lb women: You're off the hook that time parodyman--->. Consider yourself lucky.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    I always leave room in the budget to try a new dancer or two. Why go to a SC if you aren't interested in variety?
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    The increase in dance prices has cost my fave club alot of LD business, so many of the "old faves" have left, in search of greener pastures. That leaves a crop of new girls to fill the void. So if I continue to hang out at this club, it will be a diet of fresh meat for awhile. Ironically, the girls have no one but themselves to blame for crappy business, since they were the ones who raised the dance prices. They just don't get it.
  • FunSeeker
    19 years ago
    It all depends from my expereices when it comes to favorites or ATF's. They can be good for every or many visits or bad for the next day or next visit. So, I don't count on favorites.

    When it comes to new dancers - I had dances from 20 new dancers during past year. Here is the breakdown:

    70% of the dancers of the dancers gave satisfactory to great dances.

    30% were below just so so to poor dances. I cut my losses after one dance.

    When it comes to dollar amount spent for these dances from the new dancers - satisfactory to great is 85%

    However, I would repeat about 50 to 60% of these new dancers
    19 years ago
    I'm with minnow, I get dances from a new girl whenever I'm in a new club. If I'm in a club I know I'm almost always with a girl I know. That's why I go there.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    If I'm traveling. If I go to see a fav and she's not working I may or may not roll the dice. There is a reason why my favs are my favs. Obviously they where all new to me once as well but once I find what I like I tend to stick with it. I like older dancers and it's unusual for the average newbie to fit my profile anyway.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    This might seem contradictory, but I don't prefer "favorites" to dances from somebody new and interesting. It's just that sometimes there's no one that satisfies the "interesting" half of the "new and interesting" bill. Favorites are good for those times.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    It depends on which club I'm at. If it's a new or infrequently visited club, why, of course, I'll get a new dancer. If it's one I visit a lot, I do tend to go for favorites. They almost have to be new to the club itself for me to want a dance from them. That's actually the one big problem with my favorite club, as they get relatively few new dancers, mostly due to rural isolation. Of course, that said, there are at least 2 dancers I haven't got one from I would love to, but they are always busy and the way the club goes, they can get out of stage dancing.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    While I say "as often as possible", in practice it's not nearly as often as I'd like. There simply aren't as many new, hot looking dancers to try as there should be. At clubs I've been to before, the best options often are the girls I've already had dances from. Still, whenever I leave a club without trying at least one new girl, it feels like I missed something.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    Every time I walk into new club! If in reg. or semi reg. club, & ATF busy, try to get general lay of the land before springing for newbie, never forgetting that ATF was once new to me.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    If I have a reasonable time to spend at the club (2+ hours), I will usually try to mix it up between new dancers and ones with whom I have some experience. Of course, if no "old regulars" appear, then I will try out new dancers. I do have to say that my bias is in favor of sticking with "known quantities", and when I get dances from new girls, it is because dancers that I know are not in the house, or are tied up with othe customers.

    I will confess to breaking this rule lately at one club due to the appearance of a possible new "ATF", but I do follow this rule more than I break it.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    As often as possible. I'd always rather try a new girl rather than settle for a known quantity. I thought that's what strip clubs are for.
  • FunSeeker
    19 years ago
    Favorite dancers are not there or busy. From new ones all the time. The dances I got were good to great about 75%. I get more dances from the good new dancers.
  • T-Bone
    19 years ago
    I second FONDL on this. These days, if I get dances from newbies its at clubs I don't regularly hit. Most often I'm go to see ATFs I'm with ITC, OTC or both.
  • ArtCollege
    19 years ago
    I like variety. If I wanted to limit myself to one girl, I'd get married. However, I'm wary of new dancers, so I prefer girls that I've had dances with, or have at least seen busy. But I don't like to be tied down.
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