Dancer Jealousy

avatar for jackslash
Dramatis Personae:

Dancer A: a busty blonde in her mid-20's who I've known for a few weeks
Dancer B: a busty brunette in her mid-30's who I've know for a few years
Jackslash: an innocent PL

Dancer A was leading me up the stairs to the VIP booths and Dancer B was descending the stairs. The two dancers exchanged a few words as they passed, and then when Dancer B passed me, she said, "I want to talk to you later."

After our fun, Dancer A and I returned to my table for another drink. Suddenly Dancer B appeared and sat down at the table. She said to Dancer A, "Why are you so jealous?"

Dancer A replied, "Why do you say that?"

Dancer B said, "You're always telling people that you fuck better than me!"

I prepared to duck if any bottles or glasses came flying my way. But after a few more words, Dancer B left.

Dancer A then proceeded to lay down a litany of complaints about Dancer B and how jealous she was. And on my way out, Dancer B caught up with me and complained for 10 minutes about Dancer A.

Why were these dancers so jealous? There's plenty of me to go around.


last comment
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Standard M.O. of most strippers. They can't stand another stripper getting into their money supply.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
Typical stripper jealousies and trash talk. I've had lesser examples of the same thing. Just chalk it up to strip club experience. At least they both know they have competition. I've always felt it's important to regularly remind my faves, in some fashion, that they have competition.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
It's on like Donkey Kong
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Apparently your dick is that big and you use it so well that they don't want anyone else to have it. Probably about getting your money tho.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
It's ALWAYS about the money.
All of us jaded and cynical clubrats learned that a long time ago. I look upon the possessive/jealousy thing amongst dancers now with amusement. It used to drive me nuts but I just let them fight it out and the winner gets the contents of my wallet. It makes life must simpler that way.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
What never ceases to amaze me is how they tell you all the nasty things the other dancers do that they won't do. That of course just drives me to the other dancers. :)
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
The use of "wallet" by lopaw instead of "purse" shows that lopaw is a male, as I always suspected.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Yes. Because no woman has ever carried a wallet. Ever.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@dain - What do you think we keep in our purses? My Little Ponies?
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
@dunomaxwell in a purses women keep. mace, guns,knives,makeup,brush, & other things they need
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
and wallets. most woman dont let their cash just flop around their purse.

furthermore, many lesbians (butch ones) dont carry purses at all.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
lol Dain your a complete moron. I've met Lopaw and she's all woman and not butch at all. And she carries her cash in a little wallet instead of a purse. Why don't you think before you type.
avatar for how
12 years ago
Their philosophy towards one another: "You must fail so that I may succeed."

Common among strippers.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Oh no! You've caught me! The jig is up! Yup I definitely blew my cover with that whole "wallet" thing. I'm surprised that it took you so long to figure it out considering that I've referred to my wallet on several previous occasions, but apparently you're smarter than I am, so I guess you were just biding your time to pounce with the truth!!! Well I guess posing as a woman for - oh I don't know - 9 YEARS was good while it lasted. I sure am gonna miss all of those perks that went along with it, tho. What were those again? Oh yeah - having to spend 2 minutes of my life responding to stupid posts like yours.

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Theres a lit of this with my faves, I have since eliminated a few for being too clingy. Also the few that remain know that if I want to spend time with them I will let them know. I always will get a few dances from each and whoever is the most on their game will get the big bucks, if I plan on spending big bucks. They know the deal now, and I think its starting to pay off. Ive had one drop her prices, because she loves spending time with me aka she wants to be cheaper than the other girls. One I have made my otc only girl. The other is there for when I want something more exotic.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
LMFAO Lopaw! Well said!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
It’s not just SS; it’s WS (women shit).

Women are notoriously jealous of other women and talk about other women behind their backs all the time – strippers or not.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
@ Lopaw: Another Lopaw classic ("Now back to your . . . "). I just love your wit, my dear !!!

@ Dain: Women take their wallets out of their purses to use them. When a woman discusses using her wallet, she's not likely to mention that she first had to take her wallet out of her purse. You've been a TUSCL member since 2003 and you haven't figured out that Lopaw is for real ??? By looking at your profile, you've probably even seen Lopaw at one of the club's you've reviewed, several times.

If TUSCL readers have noticed, I rarely criticize anyone in my posts, although I've felt they deserved it. This time it was warranted.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
@ Papi: After I posted my comment above, then I noticed you had responded as well. Your comment is SO true!!! I was talking to a dancer recently who has a day job as a hair stylist. She said that the same kind of shit goes on between the women that work at the salon as in the dressing room of the club she dances at.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
I can't seem to make it through the original post as I keep getting stuck on this:

"Jackslash: an innocent PL"

LOL. Why do I doubt that? :)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Why were these dancers so jealous?"

Because they WANT all of your fucking $$$$$$! LOL

Thought you knew that Sir.
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