
Waiting for a stripper

Avatar for ifmarketa

Say you ask a girl to come over and chat and she says she will when she's done on stage or whatever she's doing. While you're waiting, another girl that you'd be interested in getting dance from comes over and asks if you'd like to chat. Do you say you're waiting for someone else or do you just let her sit there and hope the original girl comes over once you're done with this one?


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Avatar for Alucard

I say I'm waiting for someone.

Avatar for bang69

I let her stay & chat. Then when the girl asked for a dance comes to the table. The 3 of us chat. I take the dancer i saked for a dance back for some dances. When thoes are done I get a dance form the other girl.

Avatar for rockie

If I've waited 15 minutes, I do as I please at that point. If it's in the 15 minute window, I mention that I'm waiting for another dancer, but that they are welcome to come back after,

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

If you rather spend your money (and time) with the original dancer, they I’d wait for her and save my “resources” for her.

If you happen to like the new girl that approaches you, then do her since there is absolutely no guarantee the 1st girl will come back or she may take forever as many dancers tend to do.

You can always try to catch up with the 1st girl later on – I’m sure she will still take your $$$. Many dancers will also often tell a customer they’ll be right back and then go sit with another customer – there is no loyalty to be had in a SC and none should be expected in either direction. – it’s just business – you should wait b/c you want to – not b/c you feel obliged to, IMO. Just as she should expect you to understand her being w/ other customers, she should be able to understand you being w/ other dancers.

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

I've been stood up too many times to waste part of an evening waiting for an unknown quantity. If it's a girl I know from previous visits, or the second one is repulsive, I'll tell the second girl I'm waiting for someone. Otherwise no.

Avatar for Dolfan

It depends. If I'm interested in the 2nd girl I generally will tell the 2nd her something indicating that, but that I just asked another girl to stop by. Usually we come to an agreement on what to do next, either she'll hang out and see where it leads or she'll move on and stop by later if/when we're both free. I'm usually pretty quick to get it out there, for whatever reason I find myself quite annoyed when a random passer by is at my table and a dancer I asked to stop by thinks I changed my mind...

Avatar for chairsky

sometimes I tipped a girl on the stage multiple times in one song and told her to dance for me after she was done on the stage; but she just went to sit with another guy after the stage dance. In this case, I'll just wait for 15 mins. If 2nd girl comes, and she's pretty beautiful in my eyes, I would switch my interests to the 2nd and don't want to waste my time in waiting.

Avatar for shadowcat

Yeah. I gotta go along with Papi too.

Avatar for sharkhunter

It depends sometimes if I don't mind pissing off one dancer because a hotter dancer came over and wants to dance. 15 minutes is. long time to wait, 5 minutes is more reasonable but if a hotter dancer comes over and asks first, I choose either hot dancer or risk pissing off other dancer. Sometimes I just go with the hot dancer but I usually will wait for hot favorite dancers because I don't usually want to piss them off. The last time I had two dancers say they were both going to catch me on the two for one dance song special, I got dances from the first dancer who asked after they got off stage. I noticed the first dancer who asked didn't come right over to me.

Avatar for Otis2222222

Stripper ettiquette generally dictates that if a stripper sees you sitting with someone else, she won't bother you. Even if you asked her to come over while she was busy or on stage. Strippers don't like it when someone else 'steals' their customer but they are not going to involve you in any drama if they can help it, so they usually won't try to 'steal you back'. This varies from club to club or girl to girl, but most of the places I've been it's better to let the "new girl" know you're waiting for someone. Give the stripper you're interested in a chance to stop by first, and if she doesn't live up to her promise to sit with you, move on to the next girl and come back to her later.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I usually try to leave before the other dancer can see me going off to the lap dance room. Usually the other dancers are still around afterwards trying to get dances. I may not want anymore but it's first come, first to dance sometimes.

Avatar for lopaw

Gotta love the one you're with.

A bird in the hand.......

Avatar for rh48hr

I agree with papi

Avatar for jester214

Papi summed it up well.

A big factor would be how long I had been waiting for #1

Avatar for Franky_spanky

Usually if a guy that I'm walking by says hey would you like to come over and talk... If I'm not busy sure I will, but if I'm with someone that has been or I know will spend money and some random guy asks me to sit and chat I will nicely brush him off. If you want a girl to talk to you or sit with you instead of waiting and having all the ugly druggies try their moves and you end up unhappy. Ask the girl for a dance that is the best way to show interest everyone tips if u do not want a dance right then tip big I'm not talking $ 1-5 more like $10-20 even if a girl is busy she is going to be flattered and come hang out because she knows you are interested and doesn't want to be rude...

Unless you are being a dick and that is just going to completely repeal any girl.

I like talking dirty can't stand when people come in and act like its a sin that I opened my mouth lol!

I actually got you shouldn't say things like that in Indiana when talking about an orgy and how much I love sex...

Strange people come in the strip clubs so we never know what we will encounter

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

Papi +1

Original girl might learn something.

Avatar for DandyDan

This depends largely on my mood that day, and possibly on which club I find myself in and also who the dancer is. Sometimes I tell them to stop by later because I'm waiting for someone, but it all depends on how long I'm waiting. If it's been too long (which is mostly a feeling and not some precise number of minutes), I let her sit down. To me, this also depends on which club I'm in. If I'm at my favorite club, I know eventually, the dancer on stage will come to me at some point, because they usually know to do so and not let the fact some other dancer is with me get in the way. But if it's the other two regular clubs, it's pretty much first come, first served. And girls who are favorites always get to go to the front of the line.

Avatar for SuperDude

Papi is absolutely right. Most of the time the dancer does not return. Why should you wait?

Avatar for umissedaspot

I don't usually wait around for strippers, except when my girl's on stage. Chat to fill the time, sure. But to be getting dances with another girl when she comes back would be pretty freakin' cold.

Avatar for gatorfan

I say fuck off and die

Avatar for sharkhunter

I'm pretty sure a dancer was a bit ticked off one time when she sat down with me but then I got up and walked off with another dancer. I just wasn't sure with whom. I didn't bother to tell her I already told another dancer I would be happy to get dances from her when she got off stage. She was walking right over towards me in spite of the fact another dancer just sat down at my table. The other dancer eventually came back over after she spotted me again. Lots of times, I may not stay in a club longer than an hour or two so I'm not always willing to wait around to see what dancers become available. If I don't get dances from someone in the first hour or two, I might just leave.

If a dancer is very hot but wants more money for a dance than I want to pay, I'll just let her move on to someone else.

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