Waiting for a stripper

Say you ask a girl to come over and chat and she says she will when she's done on stage or whatever she's doing. While you're waiting, another girl that you'd be interested in getting dance from comes over and asks if you'd like to chat. Do you say you're waiting for someone else or do you just let her sit there and hope the original girl comes over once you're done with this one?
If you happen to like the new girl that approaches you, then do her since there is absolutely no guarantee the 1st girl will come back or she may take forever as many dancers tend to do.
You can always try to catch up with the 1st girl later on – I’m sure she will still take your $$$. Many dancers will also often tell a customer they’ll be right back and then go sit with another customer – there is no loyalty to be had in a SC and none should be expected in either direction. – it’s just business – you should wait b/c *you* want to – not b/c you feel obliged to, IMO. Just as she should expect you to understand her being w/ other customers, she should be able to understand you being w/ other dancers.
A bird in the hand.......
A big factor would be how long I had been waiting for #1
Unless you are being a dick and that is just going to completely repeal any girl.
I like talking dirty can't stand when people come in and act like its a sin that I opened my mouth lol!
I actually got you shouldn't say things like that in Indiana when talking about an orgy and how much I love sex...
Strange people come in the strip clubs so we never know what we will encounter
Original girl might learn something.
If a dancer is very hot but wants more money for a dance than I want to pay, I'll just let her move on to someone else.