
fucked up shit.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013 6:02 AM
So I was at my favorite titty bar the other day and I was chatting with a dancer I know and I see another dancer on stage that I had seen in the club about a month ago. I tell my dancer that the one on stage has gained a lot of weight in only a month. My dancer says "yeah she's 3 months pregnant, but don't say anything". 30 minutes later I see the pregnant one standing at the bar smoking a cigarette. I say nothing, but it is probably the saddest thing I've seen at a titty bar. Just got me thinking, what's the most fucked up thing you've seen or heard at a SC? I suspect my story will pale in comparison to what some of you more veteran mongers will have witnessed.


  • dalex
    11 years ago
    hearing fucked up shit from a stripper has became so common that I'm just indifferent to everything. Most fucked up one was the one that told me about her finding her mother after she hung herself. I'm thinking about quitting the whole thing altogether, while it's cool to hang around & fuck beautiful women, realizing these are some of most miserable people in the world takes the beauty away. In retrospect, pre-SC, being alone all the damn time wasn't all that bad.
  • sonic_r6
    11 years ago
    Not sure if it was true or not, but a dancer getting kidnapped outside of the club. I don't know how it came up in conversation, but she mentioned it.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    A month ago a 19 yo told me about how during the previous week, armed men came into her apartment. While she watched they put a gun to her boy friend's head and killed him. They also held the gun to her head and stole $1700 in cash. I saw her last Friday and she said the she is starting to feel a little better. The case is still unsolved. My gut feeling is that it was drug related although she does not appear to be a major user.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    @SC sounds like he was a drug dealer and they convinced her not to snitch. To not kill her
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Well, once a customer got a 1/2 hour champagne room with me and then he proceeded to tell me how I remind him of his daughter. That was awkward.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Over the years I've heard stories which included child neglect, child custody issues, prostitution busts, other crime and jail stories (her and/or baby daddy), drug abuse and variety of other things that don't immediately come to mind. However, the two most disturbing stories involved: (1) a girl who described how her father sexually abused her as a child; and (2) an extremely young looking dancer who used to cater to men in CR who wanted to do kinky daddy-daughter role play. And unlike some of the more outlandish tales that I hear and usually dismiss as BS, they way in which these things came up and were delivered made it fairly clear that these stories were genuine. Some things are just so bad that they guys involved should have their fucking heads caved in.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    @rickdugan Some of the Hustler clubs have "barely legal" rooms with Disney princess wallpaper. They definitely know their demographic.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    Yeah, it's understood Alucard represents a whole demographic of people.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Desperate heroin addict fucking guys in the parking lot for $10. Not in their cars. In the parking lot in Michigan in the winter when it's 10 degrees. Brrr.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    poor Alucard.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    I don't fuck pregant strippers.
  • boogieknight369
    11 years ago
    gatorfan, Why not? Isn't it just like having a threesome?
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    @duo: Nice skirt – but still covering up too much – throw a dog a bone! P.S. Don’t know why your avatar is not updating with your new primary pic
  • cnyknight
    11 years ago
    preggo strippers are the best.... you already know they put out
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I had a CR with a pregnant stripper recently. I didn't take it personally when she threw up. She told me no problem. She was going to have an abortion this weekend. Her fifth abortion. Now that's sad.
  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    Sad. The dancer who had run up to the limit the state would pay for abortions, and was fucking guys in CR to get money together to get another one.
  • she_is_covfefe
    11 years ago
    The most fucked up thing? Seeing my future boss (future CO then) at the same club I was working in Virginia...and getting awesome tips from him. At least he never mentioned a thing when he became the boss and did the work center inspections. On the topic of pregnant dancers: last year, I wrote a discussion about pregnant dancers in here and about how I hate when some of y'all act condescending towards that; like, feeling sorry and all that shit.
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    Most fucked up thing I ever heard happened was after I saw two dancers running from the VIP to the restroom real quick. Another dancer told me what happened later that night. The two dancers were giving a duo VIP to a really drunk bachelor from the bachelors party. At some point in the dance the guy started to throw up which caused the both dancers to start throwing up also.
  • boogieknight369
    11 years ago
    Jay jay, not condescending at all towards a pregnant dancer, just thought it was sad that she was smoking while pregnant . No regard, kid doesn't have a chance.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I don't see a problem with pregnant dancers especially if they aren't visibly pregnant. One dancer told me she was pregnant 2 or 3 months ago I believe. I figure she told me because she's not doing any flipping around during lap dances anymore. The only change I've noticed is that her tits look slightly larger.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    The dancers who became visibly pregnant either took off from work or worked as waitresses in my experience with the dancers who I knew were pregnant and showing.
  • carolynne
    11 years ago
    worst thing to me is dancer bfs or husbands who beat them and take their money. i knew one girl who used to get texts from her bf saying he would beat her if she didn't bring home enough $. sometimes i would loan her money, but he would beat her anyway.
  • SketchinGuy
    11 years ago
    This will be tame by comparison, but the most fucked-up thing I've heard of thus far was of a dancer I'd gotten to like shooting herself in the stomach. With a 12-gauge. And she was petite, too. It was a friend of hers who told me about it...terrible. Amazingly the woman survived it. Who knows what happened to her after that.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: " (1) a girl who described how her father sexually abused her as a child" Huh? Sexual abuse in their backgrounds is very common amongst strippers and other sex workers, RickyBoy. Gonna clue in on the basics one if these days, RickyBoy, it just say you understand things without ever saying anything that proves you do (not to mention saying plenty of stuff that proves how clueless you are).
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Apparently one guy in town liked to pay to choke strippers until they passed out. Then there were the scat stories.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Most disturbing things I heard "I've been used to being treated as a sex object my whole life, so I figured I might as well at least get paid go it" and "because feeling like a thief feels better than feeling like a whore!"
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    One girl's BF used to tie her, fuck her in the ass, and then leave her that way until she shot on herself. She said her father found out about it and beat the ever living shit out of him. Another girl told me about a guy who forced her head down while blowing him, making her throw up, then wanted her to keep going. Fortunately she was able to stop, and let the bouncer handle it.
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