What is the latest/longest you've stayed at a SC?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
I Imagine this has been discussed before, but:

1) what is the latest you've stayed at a SC?

2) what is the longest amount of time you've spent in a SC in a single visit?

For me, the latest I've stayed has been 6 a.m. at Legends when I was vesting Houston. I got to the club around 1:00 a.m. after having visited another club earlier in the evening on the other side of town. That particular visit occurred on a Saturday night and it was the night in which the time was put ahead by 1 hour. I believe the club was supposed to close at 5:00 a.m. but ended up closing at 6 due to the time change.

The longest I've spent at one SC visit was 7 hours . Got to the SC around 5:30 p.m. and left ~12:30 a.m. on a Thursday in October of 2011. This particular SC was a black dive down here in Miami. I was super-horny and went thru almost the entire day and night shift roster. Ended up spending ~$700 all on dances and this black dive has dances for $5 although I always pay $10 b/c of the high contact one receives.

What are your answers to 1) and 2) above.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
vesting = visiting in OP (been a long day)
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
The latest I've stayed at a strip club is 3:30 am. The longest amount of time I've stayed in a strip club is like 5 hours.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
About 8 hours. Clubs close early in this town so that only works out to 2:30 am which is closing time in these parts.

Latest was about 4am when a buddy and I were visiting the Palomino in Las Vegas.
avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
The latest I've ever stayed was 230a. Around here that's closing time. Even when visiting out of state clubs, I always had something to do the next morning so never stayed too late.

Length of time is a tougher one. Years ago there were many times that I was at a club from open (4p) to close (230a). So 10.5 hours for single visit. Since then there have been times when I started clubbing at 1130a and didn't quit until close at 230a (15 hours) but that covered 2 clubs and a fast food drive-thru visit as I went from one to the other.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Answer to both is the same. Rachaels in west palm beach fl. Got there around 6pm on a Wednesday night. Stayed until close at 4am. I was green an drunk. I must've dropped 500 on 20 dollar dances saying yes to any stripper that even smiled at me. had fun though. Best talent I've ever see at a club without question. I mean every chick there was an 8 or better.
avatar for xxxrated
12 years ago
There's this topless club in EAST L.A.(NICOLAS) that i go to. Some of the dancers are very attractive. One day i arrived at 1pm and stayed all the way to 2am. 13 hours of hi-milage lap dances and watching attractive women take thier tops off. Also a lot of good conversation and phone numbers. This particuliar day there were so many women i really did not want to go home. i killed the hell out of my cash, but it was fun.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
My very first time in a strip club, 1962. 4 of us drove from Long Beach CA to Tijuana, MX and the sun was up when we came out of the last club.

There have been 2 or 3 times that magicrat and I have stayed in the Columbia Platinum Plus for 12+ hours.
avatar for grand1511
12 years ago
Juice bar clubs here stay open til 5 a.m. on weekends. One club will let you stay after closing if you're still buying dances. One June night I stayed overtime, left 5:30-ish to see the sun just starting to rise, which was nice!
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
pinups in Atlanta until 6am.

Only because it was open that late, it was open til 8am.

Don't go to Pin Ups, one of worst clubs I've been to.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I went to Pin Ups once when vesting ATL in Feb. 2011 – thought it was pretty good then and I had a pretty good time – but then again I am into black dancers big time.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I've stayed until about 6am in one club. It might have been 5:50 am. Longest time in a club is a lot harder to remember. I'm pretty sure I have been in the same club for up to 5 or 6 hours before with a stop in another club for one to two or three hours. I haven't kept track of how long I've been in a club. In some clubs ten minutes seems to drag on for an eternity while in others, hours seem to go by in a flash. Kind of like going to bed, falling asleep immediately, then waking up hours later.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
The latest I've stayed in a club = about 2AM

The most time I've ever spent in a club= 2 and half to 3 hours max

My money is usually gone by then
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
I've only shut one club down, at 2AM in Tucson last year. As for longest time spent in the same club probably around 4 hours. Money usually runs out after a few hours so those 5+ hour stays aren't my thing.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
The longest time I ever spent, as far as I can remember, is 8 hours at Lawrence Kansas's Flamingo Club (aka the Dirty Bird). This was a long time ago when they had a lot of hot dancers and I think I ended up getting one from each member of the dancing crew that day. The latest I ever stayed was 4am for sure at the Playhouse near Council Bluffs, Iowa. I am pretty sure I was still there after 4am once after they changed their Fri-Sat closing time to 5am. Of course, I used to drink then; now I am rarely there past midnight.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
12 years ago
Was at Cadillac Lounge in RI at 2am closing once. Normally, it's late afternoon and early evening for me.

Longest clubbing visit was 4 hours at Gallaghers 2000 in Long Island City, Queens, NY.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
About 8 hours at the Fare in Dallas. I walked out when it was closing at 6:00 am on a Saturday morning. That was the only time I have ever left a SC while the sun was rising.
avatar for rl27
12 years ago
The longest I have ever stayed in a strip club was 8 hours in Atlanta. From 3PM to 11 PM. The club had a free buffet, which helped. The only bad thing was that at sometime during the night the parking became valet, and I had to get the valet to move a few of the cars so I could get out. He wanted to charge me, but I stood my ground saying I arrived before it became valet.

The latest I ever stayed in club was closing at 4:00 AM.
During this time I had 2 one hour dances which ended up being about $200 each time, spend $25 on drinks,
avatar for endlesstempo
12 years ago
When I was still fairly new to clubbing I was so head-over-heels for my (then) ATF (whom I received no extras from, I was just naive and stupid), and was at the club for probably 7 or 8 hours just getting dances from her.

Latest I've ever been at a club is about 4am, no club I've visited stays open later than that.
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