
Not hiring

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, January 27, 2013 12:45 PM
Anyone know of any clubs that are not hiring dancers? It seems to me like most clubs will hire just about anyone just so that they can collect the house fees. Now there may be some clubs that have standards for appearance, etc. I know of one club that will not hire any more black dancers. They are racial profiling in an attempt to stop drug trafficking.


  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    I saw one club advertising that they are running out of lockers so girls should apply fast...but I'm guessing it was just stripper shit on behalf of the club because they never seemed to have a lot of dancers
  • gsv
    11 years ago
    At the end of the day the way strip clubs operate, even if they hire a girl who isn't very good looking relative to other dancers, she isn't going to make it very far. The system regulates itself as the girls who aren't up to par won't be able to make tip out (unless they start offering serious extras), and thus will be forced to leave.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    sc, Seeing as how the US is made up of 13.1% black people, I would say, in my experience they are over populated in the US market anyway. Asian at 5%. Damn, I'm barking up the wrong tree. NOT! BTW, date from: [view link]
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    That's crazy, Shadow. If you're talking about F's: I only had two girls try to sell me Yayo, and they were both white.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Stax. I wasn't talking about F's but I agree with you. At the other club a dealer was pointed out to me and she was an ugly, fat, white chick.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Most clubs are always hiring. Dancers come and go, and there is no downside for the club to have more than enough dancers on call. Since the strippers are independent contractors who pay the club to dance, the club receives more revenue with more dancers and does not have any of the employee costs that most businesses have.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    In Massachusetts there have been a series of lawsuits filed by strippers against the strip clubs claiming that their employment as "independent contractors" violates their rights in that they should be paid as regular employees. One SC argued that their business was selling liquor and the strippers just provided extra entertainment like a TV in a sports bar. Funny, I never tucked $1 bills between the rabbit ears. The dancers have been winning and now my ATF gets a paycheck and while she still tips the makeup artist and the bouncers, she pays no "tipping fees". In reading about several of these suits I noticed that its the same lawyer representing the performers.
  • jestrite50
    11 years ago
    The problem occurs when the club treats them as independant contractors for payroll purposes and treats them as employees for employment purposes. They cant (the clubs) have it both ways.
  • canny
    11 years ago
    Clubs are always hiring and they're also always firing. It's not unusual for a dancer to be banned from most clubs in a town/area because she got caught doing drugs, doing extras, or working at 2 clubs at the same time.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    When your staff is constantly leaving, not showing up and getting fired you have to constantly hire. Only the top tier places don't have to deal with that shit.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I found out the other day that if an employee of a strip club calls OSHA to complain about something such as the noise level, OSHA can investigate and might shut the club down or make them pay an extreme amount. However independent contractors are not considered employees. I guess if someone wanted to cause trouble or get a club to tone down the deafening music, there is a way. I don't want the music to be able to drown out a jet engine but I also don't want it so quiet the tv in my mother's house is a lot louder. 85 decibels is the guideline for noise limits. About the level of normal conversation I believe.
  • lovemetiddys
    11 years ago
    Any club that discriminates against black women is not for drug trafficking its because they are racist and want to keep the propaganda of "white being right and black being wrong" going. I usually work at "white" clubs and im always asked for cocaine by the white patrons. If i work at "black" club , i never get asked for drugs by the patrons. As a black person, its hard to even know anyone that sells "white" because most of the drug peddlers are selling weed or crack.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I know that many of the "upscale" clubs near me reject alot of dancer wanna-be's that audition, but they'll never take down their "Vacancy" sign out front. The turn over rate is just too high to stop auditioning & hiring.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Shadowcat, that club is obviously racist and used a poor reason for it. There is no color span on drug traffickers these days. Hell, black strippers in a mixed to mostly white club strip so they don't have to rely on drug cartel
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Estafador - I agree with you. The club Dancer Ethnicity listing is White. You rarely see that listing. However they do hire their "Token" blacks. Maybe 5% and there are a couple that are grandfathered.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    EVERY club is hiring. My favorite club will hire someone who comes into the club at 8pm and have them dancing at 9pm. I'm not saying all clubs are like that (most I know about are not like that), but you always need a large supply of ladies because you don't know whether they will just quit. As for the club that won't hire more black dancers, I can see how that happens. If you run a club that tries to appeal to a general audience, as opposed to some of these "Black" clubs, you don't want to hire too many of one type in a club. I can also see why the owner would claim to do so as a move to prevent drug trafficking. I had a decent chat with the club owner at one of my regular clubs and he said he wouldn't mind hiring more black dancers, but too many of them have "agents" and he refuses to deal with "agents", which I assume means pimps. And we do know many pimps are also into drug dealing, amongst other things.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
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