Does race play a part in how much mileage you get?

I know that it's all about the money(supposed to be) but from my years in SC's I have noticed that black dancers & White dancers whom like black males tend to give a little more mileage to the black customer more so than the white dancer whom from watching her doesn't seem to date outside her race. I don't usually just start off in trying to touch a dancer but if she initiates it(putting my hand on her ass) or if she is giving me a vibe that she wouldn't mind I will try. I am just going by what I have observed to me over the years recently also. I know that you might say it depends on the club. Some clubs or more strict than others. That is true, but that only goes for one way contact.
I am not saying that I have never gotten a good lapdance from a white dancer but not too many of them were in to touching me. Okay so for the guys on here who are not African American and have gotten a decent number of dances from Black females have you noticed any difference in them as far as them letting you feel their body?Do you think the black customer got a better deal than you? from the same girl? This isn't meant to be racial just going by what I have experienced.
last commenti have had limited success with black dancers. I have tried to add them to the mix but I just haven't gotten the enjoyment when I have tried.
I tend to get higher milage when I tell the girls I am a race car driver. Does this count?
I seem to get alot of attention from black & latina dancers, and I ain't complaining!
Young people are discriminated against in terms of paid attention, old people for free attention. Who has the better deal? Hmmm?
I think I get about the same mileage from black and white dancers, probably because I go for the same type of girl: young, thin, hot, innocent looking but wild at heart.
How does the mileage I get from black dancers compare with what black guys get? I suspect I fare a little better on average with all dancers simply because, deservedly or not, they believe black men are less likely to be big spenders and tippers. Once a black man demonstrates that he is a good customer, he probably gets roughly equal treatment. He just doesn't get the benefit of the doubt as quickly as a white man.
I think it's mostly economic prejudice, not a racial aversion, if you can allow for the distinction. Young customers can face a similar hurdle. Strippers discriminate less by appearance than by the perceived content of your wallet. But then again, as an old white guy, maybe that's just easy for me to say.
My own experience is that black dancers tend to be higher mileage at the clubs around Cleve. and Akron - not all but certainly over 70% tend to push the limits at any given club. A lot of them are really fun to joke around with also - maybe I just strike up a good line with them.
As a subhuman I do indeed get a lot of milage. For the rest of you I believe that the milage cannot be determined by race as much as individual dancer mindset.
I disagree Komey. I would think that just like in everyday life people in your on race might give you "extra perks" just because you are one of them. If a black dancer doesn't care for white men she isn't going to work harder but do the bare minimum that is allowed and the same goes with a white dancer and a blackmale customer.
I got a lot of mileage last Sunday during the Daytona 500. I'm not sure if the race had anything to do with it.
All races are equal, but, on a related question, what if you are SUBHUMAN like parodyman is? Does that affect how much mileage you get?
My guess, an it's only a guess, is that the black guys are getting better mileage.
OTOH, strippers have told me they consider white guys to be dorkier with much less game than black guys (especially the "middle aged perverts in sweat pants" who are considered the bottom of the barellel). Hence white guys tend to be considered less attractive than black guys to strippers.
I am not sure if customer attractiveness is correlated with mileage or not. Probably a bit, so we might expect black guys to get more mileage for this reason.
I personally think I get more mileage from black dancers than white dancers, at least at my favorite club. On the other hand, I think they have this belief where they see these white guys and think that the only way to get any business is by giving out more mileage than the white girls.
One of my favs was a black woman but she was of Potuguese decent so I don't really think the mind-set is the same. Her dances where amazing, some of the best I've had.
I have met a number of dancers who don't like dancing for Spanish guys or Black guys. Unfortunately it's based on the stereotype that they are all cheap and too grabby.
Sometimes everyone suffers for the sins of a few.
My thought is that how the customer looks plays a big part in how much mileage he gets. I would think that the more attractive a customer is, the more mileage the dancer will give because of attractiveness.
It would not surprise me if race played a part, but more in the interracial area. A black stripper might feel necessary to give more mileage to white customers - especially if there are a lot more of them than black customers. Let's face it, we are generally more attracted to the same race. So strippers of another race might feel like she has to do more to get business from whites.