It's so rare to see a stripper with no tattoos it's kind of like seeing an albino t-rex.
& every one of them have it, I hate it, I disliked tattoos already before getting into SC, but I was able to tolerate them. Frequenting strip clubs in recent months however made me realize exactly how much I hate em, A LOT. It's actually a deal breaker a lot of times, I know for a fact I'd like some girls MUCH better if they didn't have tattoos.
But hey, what can I do? I still enjoy naked women. (clothed ones too)
So, for you guys who plan to have children, can you somehow prevent tattoos? I want to be 50 years old and enjoy tattoo-less women.
Dalex once they are 18 and out of the house its their choice. I know some guys like tats some don't. As a father you can tell them why they shouldn't have tats (if that's what you want) but ultimately once they are out of the house it's beyond your control.
When my daughter told me wanted a tattoo, I told her "there's no way you're getting a tattoo....unless I can get one too". She got a big kick out of it and we made it a father-daughter adventure. She now has three and she's not dancing.
I thought that I was bringing up my daughter the right way. On her 33rd birthday, without consulting me, she got a tatoo. Two of her girl friends paid for it.
So No. We can not stop them from getting tatoos. We can only hope that they do not take up more serious things, like cocaine, etc.
Some of my best friends have tattoos. My ATF stripper has 3. They're small personal mementoes. They look fine and don't detract. We joked about getting tates together on our birthday but skipped it. There's another stripper I know and love who has a full sleeve as well as others on other parts of her beautiful body. She is Chinese, exotic, and carries the ink well. It really depends on the person. Some it looks great while others it is not an adornment.
OP - maybe you ought to forget about stripclubs and start hanging around nunneries or something. Less chance of tats there , except for an occasional Jesus tat discreetly positioned under a nun's habit.
Let's see..... the wife & I agreed that any of our kids were allowed to get any tattoo they wanted once the were 18 and paid for it them selves...... that seems fair, not approving but not denying, not paying more for one kid over another, they are mature enough to pick a reasonable design......
Soon after her 18th birthday, the oldest got her first....... soon after her 18th birthday, the 2nd oldest got her first tattoo........ when I suggested that I buy a tattoo for the 3rd, the second oldest told me in no uncertain terms that she and her sister would be loyally pissed because I didn't buy their's too.....
Bottom line: Pick your battles, you will lose this one Teach your child tolerance & understanding then follow it yourself
My daughter, no tattoo's (at least visible to me) and no piercings, even the ears, no matter the age. When she moved out the ears got pierced and she got a small ankle tattoo. her choice, but she knew my thoughts. I look at it this way. She was raised to be independent and able to make her own way through life. She makes the choices and lives with whatever comes her way. I am good with that!
Not every stripper has a tattoo. A couple of my recent favorites have somehow avoided the tattoo shop.
For at least some dancers, the reason they have a tattoo isn't because they wanted one, but their loser boyfriend wanted it for them. I think it's supposed to be some sort of ownership symbolism. At least that's the theory.
One person despises tattoos so he requests that we all make sure our daughters don't get any. Absolutely fucking amazing. Sure pal. I'll make sure that I'll check in with you before making any huge life decisions.
I'm with you, Dalex. You don't put bumper stickers on a Ferrari. I tolerate tats in the SC, but on the rare occasion I get a hottie grinding me with a smooth expanse of tattoo-free hips/back for my viewing pleasure, I'm in heaven. Nothing beats virgin skin.
I am no fan of tattoos and many/most I see are poorly done and their placement is wrong. IMO.
However, I have also found some outstanding ink on some outstanding looking dancers. So for my 2 cent contribution it really just depends on the girl and the tattoo.
My favorite so far was observed on a dancer at TDs North in Albuquerque with matching tats on both legs depicting the seams of old styled stockings with bows at the top, just above mid-thigh. She is not my type of dancer otherwise, but I really love the ink on the back of her legs. And I've told her of my appreciation.
Know I will get some push back for this comment - but I used to view tattoos as moral shortcomings.
Although I still don’t like them, I’ve become a bit more open minded w.r.t. them. I used to think nice people did not get tattoos; but of course that is not the case – yeah many crazies have tattoos; but many that have tattoos are good people and many that don’t have them are aholes.
Which came first - the tattoo, or stripping? I dont normally find tattoos on civilians, and its relatively common on dancers. Is it something strippers normally get after dancing for a while, or are tattooed women more incline to start stripping?
Dougster, just my observation. It may be a west coast (you) vs east coast thing (me). Though let me clarify my observation - most civilians with tattoos, have the discrete kind which can be covered up with normal attire. Not the full or half sleeves, on neck, upper chest, whole back, etc. So agree with you that tattoos are more prevalent in club and out of club.
last commentNo.
Lol, the fuck? Are you saying our daughters are gonna be strippers?
Alucard's team just keeps growing and growing.
Long story short, pick your battles.
So No. We can not stop them from getting tatoos. We can only hope that they do not take up more serious things, like cocaine, etc.
There's another stripper I know and love who has a full sleeve as well as others on other parts of her beautiful body. She is Chinese, exotic, and carries the ink well. It really depends on the person. Some it looks great while others it is not an adornment.
Soon after her 18th birthday, the oldest got her first....... soon after her 18th birthday, the 2nd oldest got her first tattoo........ when I suggested that I buy a tattoo for the 3rd, the second oldest told me in no uncertain terms that she and her sister would be loyally pissed because I didn't buy their's too.....
Bottom line:
Pick your battles, you will lose this one
Teach your child tolerance & understanding then follow it yourself
For at least some dancers, the reason they have a tattoo isn't because they wanted one, but their loser boyfriend wanted it for them. I think it's supposed to be some sort of ownership symbolism. At least that's the theory.
One person despises tattoos so he requests that we all make sure our daughters don't get any. Absolutely fucking amazing. Sure pal. I'll make sure that I'll check in with you before making any huge life decisions.
However, I have also found some outstanding ink on some outstanding looking dancers. So for my 2 cent contribution it really just depends on the girl and the tattoo.
My favorite so far was observed on a dancer at TDs North in Albuquerque with matching tats on both legs depicting the seams of old styled stockings with bows at the top, just above mid-thigh. She is not my type of dancer otherwise, but I really love the ink on the back of her legs. And I've told her of my appreciation.
Know I will get some push back for this comment - but I used to view tattoos as moral shortcomings.
Although I still don’t like them, I’ve become a bit more open minded w.r.t. them. I used to think nice people did not get tattoos; but of course that is not the case – yeah many crazies have tattoos; but many that have tattoos are good people and many that don’t have them are aholes.
Say what? I see very few girls under about age 28 without them theses days.