There is a review today for the 3 King's Lounge in Nampa, ID by a first time poster. He took his wife AND son to the SC.
Would you ever consider taking your spouse AND adult child to a club, together? I have no kids so cannot honestly answer but have to guess that I would probably not party in this manner.
I don't see anything wrong with taking family to a club. At separate times I have gone with my Dad, wife, cousin, cousin & his gf, my gf. Once my son is old enough he will be there too (at the request of a bunch of dancers).
The review looks like a one-time thing to me. I don't think it's a throw away just for the free membership. There was no information I, as someone that may stop, would be able to use.
Once many years ago I spotted a group of 10 or 11 people entering a divey club in my area and they proceeded to sit in the middle of the club. The group was comprised of both male & female, ranging in age from 21-80. There was even an old lady that looked like someone's frail grandmother. They sat down and proceeded to order a shitload of food. The dancers had no idea what to make of them, and kind of circled them for a while trying to figure out what they were all about. Gradually the dancers ventured over and before I knew it the whole group was getting lapdances....even grandma. From the way they were dressed they looked to be from some eastern european country. I suspect that the cab driver that no doubt brought them from the airport told them that the stripclub was an Olive Garden or something.
I have been with my SO, and adult son and daughter. My son and I have been at another, but just us. The family went to the one mentioned in one of sc's last topics. We didn't go to see the dancers, however.
Took my ex wife once back in the early 80s because she wanted to see what it was all about. It was a disaster. Never again.
My son & I closed the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus 3 nights in a row about 13 years ago. Good time. We agreed before hand that mom did not need to know about it.
alutard: "This is why all memberships should be PAID FOR!! "
So, fuck face, when you are going to get your own board up and running if you are such a genius about how to run an SC site? Heck, looks like you can even get your latest boyfriend, tenishomo1776, to be moderater over there. Maybe even have a special subforum devoted to 18th century/homo poetry.
Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, were at their daughter's 18th birthday at an all nude Deha Vu. I'm not sure if they realized that when the birthday girl got up on stage, the dancers strip her down. Had to be kind of embarrassing for dad.
I did go with some of my cousins on one occasion. Notwithstanding the fact that club sucked big time, never again with any family.
One of my friends was going to go to a strip club with his grandpa, only on the way there, they got into a major car wreck which nearly killed them both. That was a sign for him to not go with family.
Well, I would take my son or daughter (though not to any of the clubs around here), and I'd take my wife, but I can't think of any condition that would prompt me to take more than one of them at the same time.
I don't have a family, but I've been with a a buddy his wife & son before. I've also been with a girlfriend, her parents & sister (on the girlfriends birthday). I've been a few times with brothers/cousins/etc. It's a different experience, but fun.
Keep in mind, the strip club experience isn't always about everyone fucking strippers. For some people (or some times) a strip club is club that's just a lot more free and open than a dance club.
@ kingcripple- have they no sense of family? Whatever happened to a good old fashioned family outing? That's a shame, really. I would consider that good quality bonding time.
Thank you jester. You really had to see it happen in real time to truly appreciate the surreal feel of it. To this day it has to be my all time most bizarre SC moment.
last commentThe review looks like a one-time thing to me. I don't think it's a throw away just for the free membership. There was no information I, as someone that may stop, would be able to use.
From the way they were dressed they looked to be from some eastern european country. I suspect that the cab driver that no doubt brought them from the airport told them that the stripclub was an Olive Garden or something.
My son & I closed the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus 3 nights in a row about 13 years ago. Good time. We agreed before hand that mom did not need to know about it.
So, fuck face, when you are going to get your own board up and running if you are such a genius about how to run an SC site? Heck, looks like you can even get your latest boyfriend, tenishomo1776, to be moderater over there. Maybe even have a special subforum devoted to 18th century/homo poetry.
One of my friends was going to go to a strip club with his grandpa, only on the way there, they got into a major car wreck which nearly killed them both. That was a sign for him to not go with family.
Keep in mind, the strip club experience isn't always about everyone fucking strippers. For some people (or some times) a strip club is club that's just a lot more free and open than a dance club.
You're right. It's about *me* fucking strippers. I don't give a shit what the rest of you do...