Little background on me: 24 year old white male, with a high speed internet connection, competent around googles and internets, with a sufficient income coming from staying at home, no social life.
Which means, I'm young & get my sexual needs fulfilled by porn, have zero friends, don't go around many people at all (outside of grocery stores and gas stations), but I make enough money to live comfortable life without needing to put myself in any kind of social situation, ever.
So that means, as of 4 months ago, I was a basically miserable lonely motherfucker. A fat one, at that, don't find myself good looking, and although confident within my work, not confident enough as a physical being.
After being this guy for years, many years, since high school, I've decided enough is enough. Getting into Pick up artist bullshit, and all of that, won't help a guy like me, at all. I'd never put myself in a social situation, and if I were, if I got a negative reaction from anyone, ever, I'd run out and never return again.
I've considered strip clubs for years, I knew money was the answer there, but being extremely shy person, I never pictured myself being seen there, what if my family found out? what would people think of me having to PAY for female interaction? After years of working up the courage, one night while alone in my apartment, lonely as shit, I decided I had it enough. Fuck my morals, fuck my ethics, fuck my reputation, fuck everything, I'm going for what I want in life!
I stepped into local club, nicest club around, I knew if I went there instead of some dives, I have less chance of anything going wrong, so I'd just try to be transparent, & I also brought enough money to make sure everything goes smoothly as possibly.
I walk in, nervous as shit, $10 cover, whatever that's nothing, walk in, NAKED FUCKING BITCHES? WHAT THE FUCK?
Wait hold on, are you saying, that for $10, I can walk into this place where there's just naked women walking around? Wait... WHY HASN'T ANYONE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN A NAKED WOMAN IN REAL LIFE BEFORE!!!
Ok, keep it cool I keep telling myself, find yourself a seat, try not to be noticed. I did, got myself a drink, and I looked around & seen these guys who were exactly just like me, enjoying this experience, man, I KNEW MY LIFE HAS CHANGED RIGHT THERE, FOREVER! Then suddenly a girl came to me, and sat on my lap, and she was naked, this was first time this has happen in my life!
Of course I wanted a LD, I think this was easiest sell she ever had. My first LD = First time seeing ass, titties, pussy, in real life. First time being touched in that way. I finally felt like a man, I'm sorry, but that was it. Song over? Why did you stop, KEEP FUCKING GOING! Man I bought like 12 dances from that girl in the row, she must have been EXHAUSTED by the time she was done.
Whole club experience = $150, I paid that much for a single shirt before, and never got this kind of action, ever. This changed my life within one night, I obviously escalated from there and got into the whole scene much more. Prior to that, I was also talking to one girl, strictly platonic, for months with nothing going on. After my SC experience, within a week we had sex. If there's one thing that had most impact on my life, it's strip clubs.
By the way this was just 4 months ago, since then I visited every club in my city, the city over, took trips to Atlanta and Miami, and just, felt alive. But it's more than strip clubs, man, I just feel like a new man, my confidence is so obvious now, I have finally come to accept myself for who I am. It changes everything, it changes everything I do in my life, I can just be naked right now & I don't give a flying fuck, I'm just comfortable.
The level of how anti social I was, and social anxiety I had, and porn addiction I had, I swear these were classic serial killer traits. With some money and open mind for one night, I went from being a depressed bitch who considered suicide to a person who appreciates life in every aspect
Good luck and happy clubbing dude. I'll offer some unsolicited and probably unwanted advice: be very careful about letting yourself get overly attached to a favorite dancer. Strippers are mostly really fun girls that know how to help you enjoy the experience, but they are also master manipulators who are very adept at convincing you that there is more to your "relationship" with them than there is. Don't share too much about your history. Given your social history and situation, you could be a prime target to be taken for a ride, and taken advantage of in the process. Sorry for the sermon, it's perfectly OK if you slept through it. Have fun and be careful out there!
I like azdd post. And, OP, if you do get played by one of them, don't go all serial killer on them. Plus show up at your door after that, never stop asking you questions. Not worth the bother!
Agree don 't make SCs your life. If you want to make just SCs and establishing a good income stream to fuel your addiction / hobby your life, that seems like a decent option that many of us here have choosen.
Like people have been writing, be careful with your emotions, man.
Plus, when I was gaining the weight, I made it a point to go out walking and then when in better shape, biking (I ain't no runner!) You will meet people and get more practice talking to them. And... it's OK to be quiet. I learned long ago I am not going to be the center of the party and became pretty OK with that.
But thanks for advice guys, trust me I know how much that is to be true, and I was already somewhat played, but hey you live and you learn, I wasn't straight up robbed or setup in that type of fashion, which is a real possibility, so I'm glad for that.
But I do have few rules I came up with through my journey.
1. Going the long way home, making sure I'm not followed. 2. Nothing in my car that would reveal my identity & my residence. My wallet carries my ID/insurance card. Sometimes a girl has to be left in a car under some circumstance, I don't want her digging through there. 3. Nothing in my car to steal. 4. I have 2 cars, I always take the shitty one out to strip clubs. Unless it's a nice strip club or one far from my home. 5. Don't come across that you have bunch of money, unless, that's your thing, in which case you shouldn't actually have a lot of money. 6. Don't bring out too much money with you. (very easy to get 1000 in 1s and make it rain, very easy, yeah it'll get you attention, but you'll throw it fast & get worse mileage than a '78 dump truck filled with sand) 7. Don't eat at the strip club. (thanks Pin Ups in Atlanta for that) 8. If you do get a girl's number, arrange things asap, delete her number after she tells her that she's struggling to pay her rent couple days later. 9. Don't drink at the club.
That's about it off top of my head.
Oh and, absolutely on point about not becoming a strip club dweller, this has improved my overall life, and now I find it much easier talking to girls (and men, in non sexual way) and doing stuff in a regular social environments, it really does wonders.
Some of your rules above may be a bit excessive, IMO. In a SC what one normally needs to guard against is being manipulated by dancers that will try to make you think, and feel, things that are not true in an attempt to get you to spend all your $$$ on them (and *all* your $$$ does not only mean the $$$ you walk into the club with).
Being physically attacked, physically robbed, followed home, etc, “can†happen but it is as rare (or common), as getting mugged walking to one’s car in the mall.
Also, SCs are a remedy but not the cure to your problems, IMO.
I’ve seen plenty of people that have grown up overweight and have totally changed their lives by eating healthy and exercising – which everyone should do whether overweight or not.
Best way to get what one wants out of live is to be proactive. You don’t have to look like Brad Pitt, but you should try to be the best *you* and not just accept things that you don’t like about your life and that you may be able to change with effort and persistence.
Hey glad you found an outlet. But one word of caution: keep your pants on when it comes to strippers. Don't believe all the hype on this board. Outside the club or inside the club without protection is one of the surest ways to get HIV or another STD. So be careful and enjoy.
Dalex - you have written more in this post and put more thought into it than some guys put into five reviews. It doesn't take much to put together a review. If you write as you did in this thread you'll be fine.
My 6th sense (which has been wrong over the years a number of times, perhaps this one included) tells me that dalex could be full of bs.
First, he writes way too well for a 24 year old who claims to stay home all the time. Generally speaking techies can write shit. I'm happy if them fuckers write meaningful paragraphs without grammatical errors and typos every other sentence. Fellas trained in them writing schools (some become reporters, others become freelance fuckheads) have a style of putting words together. A learned skill. dalex exhibits that skill. Perhaps it's talent. My writing sucks, so does most stuff posted on the boards including them articles section.
Second, for a guy who's been going to SCs for four months, he sure talks like someone who's been going there 10+ years. OK, he claims he did a 4-month full-time stint so maybe he's a fast learner. From the observations he's made, apparently he knows what's there to know in theory, and I suspect, from prolonged experience.
Does any of this matter? Not really. It was refreshing to read well crafted stuff on this board. And don't wanna piss off a dormant serial killer.
To be honest, I also got the same impression. It almost felt like some kind of a sales pitch or something.
He was way too eloquent and like “3003†said, seemed to learn quite a bit in a short 4 months – went from no confidence to a whole lot of confidence; got laid (maybe for the first time?); etc. I wonder if his fuel mileage, his 401K, and his penis size, also increased in those tremendous 4 months due to his new found SC cure :)
These "Rules" can be put together by doing extensive reading here or at other Club boards. He sounds to good to be true with this "Transformation". Things TOO good to be true usually ARE!
Thanks for complimenting my writing guys, probably for the first time in my life have I received such recognition, being a high school drop out and all.
Not sure what would be the point of me lying though, I make a lot of money so I spent a lot of money over the course of those 4 months, and pretty much went out every night.
The serial killer shit is meant to be a joke, don't crucify me for that, lol.
Many members have many reasons to lie here. You wouldn't be the 1st dalex, nor are you likely to be the last.
I find it quite curious that a High School dropout has all this money to spend on Strip Clubs and has two cars. I think many other dropouts would love your "Secret" for making the $$$$$$ to afford this stuff.
Thanks for sharing, dalex. You sound like strip club master in the making. Reviews are real easy once you knock the first one out. And I can totally relate to the concept of strip clubs saving your life. You don't often hear it put that way, but that's usually how I describe the effect they've had on my life as well. I discovered strip clubs a few years ago at age 30 (when I was in the doldrums and at a true crossroads in my life) and they've been saving my life ever since. They give structure to my monthly schedule and something to always look forward to and work (make money) for. They give me a reason to travel and see new places and a means to experience beauty in all its forms and truly taste the spirit of life. So I get what you're saying, and wish you nothing but great SC experiences and adventures in the days and years to come.
Being a loner w/ no social life, no addictions, no kids, little responsibility, zero distractions, never getting into trouble, and being this way for years, your mind tends to venture off into something that can potentially make money.
It's no big deal, most of us trade that in for have a meaningful life early on, I haven't, so I suffered being in pretty much a self made prison.
@scpatron that's exactly how I feel. Now traveling makes sense, where it never interested me before. Being so anti social, what am I to travel for? Especially being alone, I don't care about museums and pretty mountains. But now, there's a purpose, I can go to any city, and I know there's a strip club there, and if I have some money and nothing to do for the evening, I sure won't be in my hotel room watching TV.
I was a bit suspicious too since "shy" personalities tend to only change slowly over time. I gave him the benefit of the doubt though, since erratic/dramatic types can change rapidly (although doubtful it would be permanent) and it is possible to be a combination of both. Also didn't want to call him a liar an get him pissed off at me in case he really is a serial killer type. :-)
What scpatron is true of most guys who travel for business, to varying extent, not just them overweight social misfits. It's one of the things that makes business travel tolerable. But that too gets old in a hurry.
Well, bs or not, this is a very interesting post and it resonates with me most resoundingly. I, too, am a relatively recent arrival to the SC hobby but my entry to the hobby occurred in my early 60s when my economic situation had been secured for life. My habits, my personality, my world view, my politics, my faith, my way forward unto death - all that was formed and in place before I discovered the SC culture. I will say that my sex life is considerably more interesting since my entry into the hobby.
Would my life have taken a different path if I had discovered SCs when I was 24 years old? Would I have focused my energies towards building my company? Would I have become a sex addict? Would I have married and had a normal family life? What would have been?
dalex, truth or fiction, I thank you for this post. It led to much interesting personal musing on my part.........pointless but very interesting all the same.
Don't worry alutard, even if I were to go, you would pretty quickly offer yourself up as a punching bag to someone else, or multiple people on here. That's just your nature to like to be kicked around. (i.e. you would miss it.)
Ha, reminds me of the Louie episode where the Comedy Club owner dies. Louie goes to his funeral where nobody turns up but some other dude, they proceed to talk about how big piece of shit club owner was & aren't surprised nobody showed up, after that they decide to go to the strip club that he always mentioned but nobody ever went to with him. Once they're at the strip club, they tell strippers about the club owner's death, then they're shocked as the strippers start sobbing over the fact.
If any of us died, I think they'd be at least one stripper upset over the fact, and hey, they're people too. Just don't think of them as people after they ask you for shit once you've established sexual relationship with them.
@farmerart I think we stand on the same ground, just at different points of our lives. I been building my company for last few years, and I'm sure I would've followed the same path had I been just a little bit more social. Strip clubs and this lifestyle is certainly a distraction from building a business, or just building yourself as a person, but it's leading me to much more fulfilling life than one I had. I don't plan on being a strip club adventurer for the next 40 years or anything like that, ideally it'd be a crutch for time being, or at least until I grow up in some respects.
The rules seem pretty excessive. As others have stated, you have a far better chance of getting ripped of by paying a dancer's rent than you do getting mugged in a SC parking lot.
Adding to the unsolicited advice - believe it or not there are many millions of beautiful, loyal (if you treat them right), sweet, sexy young babydolls that would love to hook up with you. They just don't live in America. Think globally when looking for a mate. Fact is, you are in a very enviable position you just don't know it.
“… there are many millions of beautiful, loyal (if you treat them right), sweet, sexy young babydolls that would love to hook up with you. They just don't live in America. Think globally when looking for a mate …â€
That is a good point IMO – unfortunately many of these “non-Americans†become “Americanized†pretty soon if one brings them to the U.S. and often one ends up dealing w/ the same BS as with an American mate.
last comment", I should, never been a good writer or a reviewer though, so I'm not really comfortable with that."
Does not compute
nobody is confident in everything, I also mentioned that with the whole "I'm confident with my work but not as a social person" point.
While its great that you've found an outlet, don't make strip clubs your life.
Plus, when I was gaining the weight, I made it a point to go out walking and then when in better shape, biking (I ain't no runner!) You will meet people and get more practice talking to them. And... it's OK to be quiet. I learned long ago I am not going to be the center of the party and became pretty OK with that.
But thanks for advice guys, trust me I know how much that is to be true, and I was already somewhat played, but hey you live and you learn, I wasn't straight up robbed or setup in that type of fashion, which is a real possibility, so I'm glad for that.
But I do have few rules I came up with through my journey.
1. Going the long way home, making sure I'm not followed.
2. Nothing in my car that would reveal my identity & my residence. My wallet carries my ID/insurance card. Sometimes a girl has to be left in a car under some circumstance, I don't want her digging through there.
3. Nothing in my car to steal.
4. I have 2 cars, I always take the shitty one out to strip clubs. Unless it's a nice strip club or one far from my home.
5. Don't come across that you have bunch of money, unless, that's your thing, in which case you shouldn't actually have a lot of money.
6. Don't bring out too much money with you. (very easy to get 1000 in 1s and make it rain, very easy, yeah it'll get you attention, but you'll throw it fast & get worse mileage than a '78 dump truck filled with sand)
7. Don't eat at the strip club. (thanks Pin Ups in Atlanta for that)
8. If you do get a girl's number, arrange things asap, delete her number after she tells her that she's struggling to pay her rent couple days later.
9. Don't drink at the club.
That's about it off top of my head.
Oh and, absolutely on point about not becoming a strip club dweller, this has improved my overall life, and now I find it much easier talking to girls (and men, in non sexual way) and doing stuff in a regular social environments, it really does wonders.
Being physically attacked, physically robbed, followed home, etc, “can†happen but it is as rare (or common), as getting mugged walking to one’s car in the mall.
I’ve seen plenty of people that have grown up overweight and have totally changed their lives by eating healthy and exercising – which everyone should do whether overweight or not.
Best way to get what one wants out of live is to be proactive. You don’t have to look like Brad Pitt, but you should try to be the best *you* and not just accept things that you don’t like about your life and that you may be able to change with effort and persistence.
But RickyBoyDugan isn't worried so why should the rest of us? Oh wait, we aren't RICH STUDS (who have natural immunity) like him. N/m...
First, he writes way too well for a 24 year old who claims to stay home all the time. Generally speaking techies can write shit. I'm happy if them fuckers write meaningful paragraphs without grammatical errors and typos every other sentence. Fellas trained in them writing schools (some become reporters, others become freelance fuckheads) have a style of putting words together. A learned skill. dalex exhibits that skill. Perhaps it's talent. My writing sucks, so does most stuff posted on the boards including them articles section.
Second, for a guy who's been going to SCs for four months, he sure talks like someone who's been going there 10+ years. OK, he claims he did a 4-month full-time stint so maybe he's a fast learner. From the observations he's made, apparently he knows what's there to know in theory, and I suspect, from prolonged experience.
Does any of this matter? Not really. It was refreshing to read well crafted stuff on this board. And don't wanna piss off a dormant serial killer.
He was way too eloquent and like “3003†said, seemed to learn quite a bit in a short 4 months – went from no confidence to a whole lot of confidence; got laid (maybe for the first time?); etc. I wonder if his fuel mileage, his 401K, and his penis size, also increased in those tremendous 4 months due to his new found SC cure :)
Not sure what would be the point of me lying though, I make a lot of money so I spent a lot of money over the course of those 4 months, and pretty much went out every night.
The serial killer shit is meant to be a joke, don't crucify me for that, lol.
I find it quite curious that a High School dropout has all this money to spend on Strip Clubs and has two cars. I think many other dropouts would love your "Secret" for making the $$$$$$ to afford this stuff.
It's no big deal, most of us trade that in for have a meaningful life early on, I haven't, so I suffered being in pretty much a self made prison.
What scpatron is true of most guys who travel for business, to varying extent, not just them overweight social misfits. It's one of the things that makes business travel tolerable. But that too gets old in a hurry.
Would my life have taken a different path if I had discovered SCs when I was 24 years old? Would I have focused my energies towards building my company? Would I have become a sex addict? Would I have married and had a normal family life? What would have been?
dalex, truth or fiction, I thank you for this post. It led to much interesting personal musing on my part.........pointless but very interesting all the same.
If any of us died, I think they'd be at least one stripper upset over the fact, and hey, they're people too. Just don't think of them as people after they ask you for shit once you've established sexual relationship with them.
@farmerart I think we stand on the same ground, just at different points of our lives. I been building my company for last few years, and I'm sure I would've followed the same path had I been just a little bit more social. Strip clubs and this lifestyle is certainly a distraction from building a business, or just building yourself as a person, but it's leading me to much more fulfilling life than one I had. I don't plan on being a strip club adventurer for the next 40 years or anything like that, ideally it'd be a crutch for time being, or at least until I grow up in some respects.
Adding to the unsolicited advice - believe it or not there are many millions of beautiful, loyal (if you treat them right), sweet, sexy young babydolls that would love to hook up with you. They just don't live in America. Think globally when looking for a mate. Fact is, you are in a very enviable position you just don't know it.
Assuming of course the OP is not BS.
That is a good point IMO – unfortunately many of these “non-Americans†become “Americanized†pretty soon if one brings them to the U.S. and often one ends up dealing w/ the same BS as with an American mate.