Joined Feb, 2004
Last Seen Apr, 2006

commented on
Going to strip clubs aloneStippers do not think guys are losers if they go alone. We usually think of them as "regulars".

commented on
Question for Strippers: Dancing for Unattractive GuysI agree that, for the most part, customer's looks are not important at all. However, sometimes men come in that are repulsive; I would…


327 Bourbon St
New Orleans, LA 70130Being new to the area, i was a little dissapointed with the advice I received about NO strip clubs; I was told to go…


3334 Midway Drive
San Diego, CA 92110
The best thing about this place is the fact that customers don't get bugged that much for lap dances. But just like in…


Little Darlings
312 Columbus Ave
San Francisco, CA 94133
The place charged too much to get in, it was dead on a friday and they didn't have diet coke.
Compared to strict San…
Compared to strict San…


Garden of Eden
529 Broadway
San Francisco, CA 94133I hate giving what I consider a bad review, but this club was dead on friday night. I wonder, when are they busy…


Main Attraction
939 Coast Highway
Oceanside, CA 92054Hey I guess I shouldn't be rating since I am a chick and this is the first strip club I have ever been to...but…