avatar for ambersdream


joined Nov 2012last seen Nov 2012

Comments made by ambersdream

discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for mrrock
I'm a dancer and I say be honest. Believe it or not some actually will be understanding. If you just stop giving her money and she doesn't know why, she'll get pissed and stop seeing you. I've recently seen this happen, the girl stormed off mad and isn't planning on talking to that customer again. It was another girl who pointed out that maybe something happened. She'll at the least be waiting you to come back if she knows the situation instead of take it personally.
discussion comment
12 years ago
avatar for Omega22
So yeah this seriously happened to me at a strip club recently.
I'm a new dancer and I actually think I agree that the stripper over reacted. I don't hustle.. the only dances I get are ones where the guy has asked me, although I will go sit and hang out with guys after they've visited my stage. At the club I work for, the girls who make their rounds over and over thinking eventually the guy will get annoyed and give in or get drunk enough to give in aren't even liked by the other girls. The ones I know will return even if you've said no.
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