Bartender in Gentlemens Clubs

avatar for Bubble22
Hello, I have bartended in strip clubs for 5 years now. I dated the owner of the club I worked at the entire time so I got the opportunity to hear all the stories of what went on inside the rooms. I also, had my own crazy experiences behind the bar. I know my biggest pet peeve is when dancers sit next to guys and ask for drinks before the gentlemen offers. Ladies should no better then to do that, makes the club look cheap. I also hate when gentlemen are rude to the bartenders because they don't give them the same entertainment as dancers. We already have minimum patients as it is, we are behind the bar constantly dealing with drunks in high heels running back and forth. We don't get to sit and relax with customers like dancers. And not only do we just make you drinks but usually are serving the dancer you are sitting with as well, so you should always tip. And for those of you who only tip a quarter......Keep it you clearly need that more then we do.

My tip for dancers, you should never bust out a bartender if a guy is more interested in her then a dancer. Dancers always told customers I was dating the owner if they guy was spending money on me and not her. That's wrong, I am in the same business as you and if a guy is interested in you I don't tell them you have a man, and 3 kids at home. Also, the bar I work at allows dancer to have free sodas, and some will come to the bar when we're super busy and we have to take time away from paying customers just to serve you a pop so you should tip at least a dollar.

For the most part the dancers are great and I usually feel sorry for all the crap they have to put up with just to make a dollar. Guys will grope all over them if they sit next to them, come on guys they are strippers doesn't mean it's free game to rape them basically.

They work hard, pole dancing is a sport, you get a full body work out when you put on a show, so if you sit there and watch then you can get up and show your appreciation.


last comment
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
I go to full nude clubs and don't have to put up with all that bartender/alchohol crap.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
sometimes a bartender is a dancer's best friend. but, what did u mean by "dancers always told customers I was dating the owner if they guy was spending money on me and not her." do u mean something besides buying drinks and tipping?
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
juice ... whats up with you lately ... the door is wide open on this one and all we get is mmmmmk? are you feeling ok?
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Many times the bartender is the hardest working person in the bar. I always tip the bartender and waitresses. I was in a club in Toledo a while back and the HOt waitress and bodacous bar tender did not wear panties under their skirts and got lots of tips.
avatar for MassD
12 years ago
Since the bartender is not going to be feeling my cock at any point in the night & I don't drink while I am out then why the Fuck do I give a fuck about the bar maid. In fact half the times I have been pissed at the fact that the bar tender is like the hottest chic in the club and she is not even dancing. Bartenders, GFY!
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
A bartender can be your best friend or your worst enemy in a strip club, especially if it's a club such as the ones I especially like. I've successfully "made friends" with the bartenders at both of my favorite clubs, and they are always "nice" to me.

"made friends" = tip generously and consistently.
"nice" = gives me preference on dancers and rooms, and either doesn't allow, or timely warns of, disturbances.
avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
I'm surprised I was able to keep my grammar/spelling radar under control long enough to get through that.

yes, a bartender is usually the hardest working person in the club. they can be the customer's best friend especially for pointing out prospects for good dances. even if they don't like a dancer & complain that the dancer is offering extras. that's good info for me to have. a bartender/barmaid should NEVER put a dancer's request for a drink ahead of any paying customer unless a customer is buying it.

a customer groping a dancer as they sit and talk should be no concern to the person behind the bar unless the dancer requests their help. a while back, I was sitting at the bar with a dancer standing next to me and my arm was around her waist. half way through our conversation, the dancer said "this aint right" as she grabbed my arm and slid it down so i was grabbing her ass as I usually did to her.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Interesting post I guess...
avatar for Stiletto25
12 years ago
I agree with a few things in the post and disagree with a few points also.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I never grope I only molest
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
Bubble22. I have worked in sc's. Both as a floor host & bouncer. I agree with some of what yu saind & dissagree with some of it also
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
It's was just my personal experience, everyone else may have a different point of view.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I agree with mmrock. I don't go to strip clubs to drink. If some enjoy it, that's great. But on my list of priorities, drinking ranks well below pussy, boobies, mouth, tongue. and even hand.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
There are many factors that make a SC visit a success, so-so, or a failure. The bartender/waitress is always a part of the equation. Even if one doesn't "drink", I know of no SC that you can sit and not at least have a soda or water, and someone provides that. How one ranks the individual items of a visit is as diverse as our taste in women.

I have visited a club many time because of the bartender. I've known her for almost 30 years and she is a friend. Since she is no longer is in the business, I've never returned to the club where she last worked.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I've met my fair share of strip club bartenders. They are generally the only ones in the club working their ass off and keeping the place from become some sort of train wreck. I even went to one where they are allowed to do lap dances. That said, I find most of them to be a total waste of time, especially the clubs with male bartenders.

BTW, Clubber, any BYOB place technically allows for the possibility of not drinking anything. That said, my first step, even before finding a seat in such a place, is to the vending machine all of them typically have and getting something to drink.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
Just a comment on one thing bubbles said...the dancers are the reason those gentlemen are in the bar. If the dancers weren't there, you would be making zero tips from the "real" customers. Your expectation that a dancer tip you for getting them a free soda is ridiculous. From my perspective bubbles, you have no idea how mutually beneficial relationships work. Or maybe you do, if you're fucking the owner to get a job, you just consider some beneath you.
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
Hey asshole TortillaChip, go screw yourself, I never said it wasn't the dancers who brought customers there. And I had o expectation that they tip, just said its common courtesy, and it seemed the ones who were the most needy and distracted you from waiting on paying customers didn't, so you need to read this right. Also, you piece of shit I didn't fuck the owner to get a job, I worked there for an entire year before I dated the owner. So go fuck yourself.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
Ah, you know bubbles, you must have spent lots of time around strippers and their SS transferred to you. Bartender shit? BS :)

From your OP: " I have bartended in strip clubs for 5 years now. I dated the owner of the club I worked at the entire time..."

and now the story changes to: " I didn't fuck the owner to get a job, I worked there for an entire year before I dated the owner" Another stupid stripper, or in this case stripper wannabe, who can't keep their story straight. SS, BS, its all the same. lol

avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
I meant the club I worked that the entire time was the owners dated. Because most staff work at other clubs to. I don't need to fuck an owner to get a job. Again go fuck yourself asshole, and get off my post.
avatar for Digitech
12 years ago
It's annoying when they ask for drinks, but that's usually part of their job - I mean, they are most likely instructed to do that by the manager, owner, etc. Sell, sell, sell.
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
Actually legally dancers are not allowed to ask a customer to buy them a drink, it sucks but they're not suppose to, and my manager always said to inform him if they did, and I hated it.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
Actually legally dancers aren't allowed to tip bartenders either. Especially ones who are kinda stupid.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
(Quietly munches popcorn)
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
bubbles, I want to be a bartender in general (doesn't matter if its a strip club (which is unlikely) or a regular club) but I have no experience. Where can I go to get free or cheap lessons so I can become a bartender. I really don't want to pay 250 for a fucking license when I know bartenders don't really pay that.
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
Honestly I never went to school, I just started bartending on the slower shifts at the club I worked at and learned that way. It helps to cocktail first. Best bet is to start working somewhere and seeing if they will train you.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
Estafador, I'll translate the babble of bubble. If you want to be a bartender and have no schooling and no experience, you fuck the owner and beg him to give you a job right before the cock goes in your mouth, pussy, and if he's a little freaky, asshole. So I would guess you gotta find some babe who owns a bar and try your luck!
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

Thanks for the update. I don't think I've ever been in a BYOB club. I have been it those that don't have alcohol, but a sodqa or water was required, and usually at $5 or more!
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
I really wish this tortilla chip guy would stop commenting. He knows absolutely nothing about me.
avatar for Harderlap
12 years ago
Well, I usually sit at a table, so I don't usually interact with the bartender much. But I tip the waitresses generously and I suspect that some of it makes its way back to the bartender. I hope so at least. I tip when the waitress brings the dancer I am with gets a free drink as I figure the waitress is working and serving and she should get paid for that.

If you don't tip or are stingy with your tips in a strip club you will get a reputation for being cheap and you don't want to get that reputation in a strip club. Remember everything in a strip club revolves around money.

You should also treat everyone that works at the club with respect, whether you like them or not. That should be a basic human tenet, but if you weren't raised that way you should do it because it will generally make your life in the clubs much easier and more enjoyable.
avatar for 10inches
12 years ago
have been in a few clubs where the bartender is the hottest girl in the place. Oasis in ATL has big titty blonde on day shift that gives me a major boner. always wearing some low cut top that really shows off the girls to her advantage. would love is she would come out from behind the counter and dance !!!
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