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Joined Sep, 2012
Last Seen Nov, 2012


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12 years ago
commented on
Bartender in Gentlemens Clubs
I really wish this tortilla chip guy would stop commenting. He knows absolutely nothing about me.
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
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Bartender in Gentlemens Clubs
Honestly I never went to school, I just started bartending on the slower shifts at the club I worked at and learned that way.…
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
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Bartender in Gentlemens Clubs
Actually legally dancers are not allowed to ask a customer to buy them a drink, it sucks but they're not suppose to, and my…
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
commented on
Bartender in Gentlemens Clubs
I meant the club I worked that the entire time was the owners dated. Because most staff work at other clubs to. I don't…
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
commented on
Bartender in Gentlemens Clubs
Hey asshole TortillaChip, go screw yourself, I never said it wasn't the dancers who brought customers there. And I had o expectation that they…
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
commented on
Bartender in Gentlemens Clubs
It's was just my personal experience, everyone else may have a different point of view.
avatar for Bubble22
12 years ago
Bartender in Gentlemens Clubs
Hello, I have bartended in strip clubs for 5 years now. I dated the owner of the club I worked at the entire time…