Strippers attached to their phones

What's the deal with strippers attached to their phones? Many seem to be more concerned with texting than making money from customers sitting right in front of them. I've been inside some clubs where the strippers outnumbered the customers, but the customers are sitting by themselves while the strippers are just texting away like there's no one there. If they're not there to make money, why the hell are they there?
I know this one really cute spinner that works everyday, because she says she needs the money. She could be making a fortune and not work everyday if she'd just stay off the phone. It's a real turn-off and it makes her seem unapproachable, but really she's very nice and great in the VIP. Anyone that didn't know her would just assume she's stuck-up and move one. I haven't clued her in, because this way she's available when I want her.
last commentShe's setting up her next fix. When she's got it arranged and the dealer on the way to deliver, then she will do a few dances so she can pay for part of it, thne she will do some dances for him for the other part of the payment. Then she will start texting again to set up some fake emergency so she has to leave work early and go get high. After that she will text her OTC FB and get some food and car payment money. Then text her sugar daddy and feed him some line of shit about how something awful has happened and she needs some cash. She might do BBBJ for him, but soon she will be texting somebody else for some more blow; and text her mom to see how her baby is and give mom some shit about how she'll see her tomorrow cause she's going to a photo shoot for a fashion mag tonight and can't come home......
Some clubs ban the customers from bringing in their cell phones. Too bad they don't do the same with their dancers.
I was doing a 2 for 1 dance with a girl at the Platinum Plus a couple of years ago and she was on her phone the whole time during the first dance. I would have just gotten up and left except that she was so distracted by her phone that my hands were free to do all the roaming that I wanted. :) However I never got another dance from her after that.
Todays generation of 20 somethings live on the cell phone. They talk/text while they eat, drive, walk, attend sporting events, go on dates, watch tv, go to school, etc.
Naturally, this carries over to the stripclub world. Many dancers it seems try to line up their clients by texting/calling them from the club, especially on slow nights.
One dancer I know has over 30 numbers of clients she maintains contact with. I suppose I am #31.
I've even had a dancer answer a cell phone call while on my lap giving me a dance. She didn't get paid for that dance, and I never spent another dollar on her again.
I think you guys need to vet you dancer's better! I've never had a dancer so much as look at her phone in VIP, couch room, LD area. If she's busy on her phone at the table, I certainly don't ask for a dance. Occasional look, taking a call out on the smoke area, sure. But not regularly and certainly not during dances.
Back in my day, telephones were attached to cords in the wall. This limited where you could talk on the phone, and so you wouldn't be interrupted while making out in the car.
But the good old days are gone forever, and they weren't all that fucking good anyway. It's nice to be able to carry a phone in your pocket and be able to call 911 from anywhere in an emergency.
Young women--and men--talk and text constantly, and this is true not just in American but all over the world. I was nearly mowed down numerous times in Paris by skinny Frenchies texting while walking down the sidewalk.
Strippers love their cell phones, and they will sometimes annoy us by texting or talking when we want them to be doing something else. But as long as they don't stop fucking or sucking to take a call, I'll forgive them.
Not just strippers. Civilian women in bars let you know that they are bored with your conversation by turning their attention to the ubiquitous cell phone. Strippers show their disinterest in customers by using the phone for all of the things mmdv accurately described. For me, when any woman goes to her cell phone in the middle of a conversation, it's the equivalent of a long look at her wrist watch, letting me know it's time for me to get lost.
I understand the pressures of single parents. I also know that you don't have to check on your kids every five minutes. The cell phone addiction is a not so polite brush off.
Only one contacts me via cell. Few get my number, The only time I saw her, my fave, use her cell in the club was to show me pictures of her home and family.
Saw a good one the other day. Stripper is walking with a customer to the lap dance area. Texting all the while.
So much for conversation, cuddling, holding hands.
I you notice the girls that make the most money put the cell away when they are with a customer. I have seen kids text someone in the same room rather than get up and go across the romm to talk to them.
Texting while grinding is illegal in 10 states