What to do When you Get a Multiple Dance Deal and The Dancer is Bad
What does everyone do, and we have all had it happen when you make a deal with a dancer - for example 3 for $50 in the VIP and after about the first 1/2 song you know you've had enough. Maybe she doesn't smell good, she's drunk, she does a really crappy dance. This has happened to me several times, usually after too many beers. I have generally just sat and let her do her songs although if it's a hygiene issue or she's rubbing me raw with too much friction I might just say thanks and get up and pay the full amount. Anyone else had this happen?
I always buy multiple dances with the condition that she keeps her end of the promise. I do tell her in advance that, I would continue with multiple dances if the first dance is good.
Last fall, I did have experiences that could have turned bad with a couple of dancers at a club that features half-hour VIP deals. One girl wouln't shut up. She was a little too interested in continuing the repartee we had exchanged before the meter started running. With extra attitude. It got to a point where I had to complain in a tone of mock outrage to stop calling me an asshole and give me my fucking fantasy. Surprisingly, she got the message and was pretty sweet from then on. All the same, I'll never get another dance from her. The other girl had a good attitude, but only one gear which was hard, fast grinding. I stopped her and told her she could relax, she really didn't need to do much more than squirm a little, look cute and let me have my way with her body. She smiled and said go ahead. The rest was like heaven. I'd like to see her again. So, if there's any chance of salvaging something, at least try speaking up before you abandon all hope.
My feeling was that my money was gone, but at least I could save me time.