
her mom does what ???

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Sunday, April 29, 2012 1:10 PM
Ok so I've been wondering for some time know what my SO's mom does 4 a living.......I had a sneaky idea but thought maybee she was just friendly......nooooope ! I was right just like both her daughters she sales that pussy 4 cold hard cash !........sorry but 2me that is fuckin hot !.....but it makes sence why she never seemed 2 b working always had a lot of money and talked 2 a lot of men......lol......they do have damn good family jeans !


  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    So is the mom hot juice? You need to work it to do a four-way w/ the mom and the daughters. Then you would be the man. If you need some help with that, just give a brother a shout out! lol.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    You should be entitled to a family discount. :)
  • HB13
    12 years ago
    Genes as in genetics or jeans as in pants?
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    The Mothers of my 2 Ex-ATFs & my current ATF are ALL just ordinary women. Sorry Juice, nothing JUICY on that front from me.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    There was this very young, very cute and very friendly door girl. I would always tip her and spend some extra time chatting and flirting with her, telling her how hot she was, that she should become a dancer so she could give me a lap dance, how we could have fun in the VIP, etc. She said she wanted to dance, but her mother wouldn't let her. One day I'm sitting with this MILF type dancer I knew in the club, when the door girl comes over and says, "Mom, can I borrow some money for a coke?" Seems the dancer had gotten her the job so she could "keep an eye on her" as she put it, lol
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I know a dancer who's a grandmother. A chance for a 3 generation stripper show? Jerry Springer, take note!
  • kingcripple
    12 years ago
    Juice, that just baffles my mind congrats on being my 100th comment Jackslash, disturbing to say the least
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Juice, is there no woman who is safe from your perverted sexual desires? You lucky MF.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Men.....I wish I was making this shit up.....I was just as shoked.........and yes I meant both tipes of jeans lol.......and hell ya I should get a family discount.....the mom and sis always flirts with me with all those "that's what she said jokes".....they are a good bunch of girls........I do hold an open relationship with my SO so she can still run her business in this fuck game we call a hobby.......and no their is no girl safe from my juicie little fingers lol......thanks for all the comments guys
  • bobvz
    12 years ago
    Ah yes, Take me back to my high school days. Wasdating this hot little number in 11th grade and I had a huge crush on her step-mom. This was long beforfe the MILF term was even thought about. Let's see, this was about 1971. Anyway, the step mom was a splitting image of a young (and sane) Shirley Macclain. Man was she hot. Anway, they had a lake in the backyard and the three of us went skinny dipping one night. My girlfriend went in to change after a while in the lake, leaving me and the step mom. She teased the living shit out of me and eventually I did get a nice hand job out of it!!!! Ah, those were the days! If I knew then what I know now, I would have banged her silly!!
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Bobv lol your juices fuckin hero !
  • bobvz
    12 years ago
    Just try'in to live up to the Juice's standards! Which by the way I fully intend to do tonite starting around 7pm. Got an email from a dancer wanting to know if I was still coming by to see her tonite. My reply, in true Juice fashion, was "depends what you do to make me come". She replied "that has never been an issue". So that is on for tonite. Then Friday off to scout a place I have not been but read about. Know a former ATF that I still see from time to time that works there. Told her I read some stuff about her on TUSCL and that got her curious. Check the new place out and check out some old times. Then Sat. is a work in progress.....gotta leave some timne open for either new recruits or the ATF.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Bobv goddamn ! Ya ya ! Pop that pussy you lucky ass dawg you !.....pm me details if you like 2 ! I love a good read !
  • Bonesbrother
    12 years ago
    "Mother and daughters?" Hmmmm, I was in a similar situation at my regular club, before it go closed down. I met Naughty, one of the stripper daughters who seemed to enjoy my company and my $$$. Then, she makes a comment, "You ought to meet my mom." I told her ok, no problem, I had no significant other. Then I meet stripper Leah, Naughty's sister, who worked at the same club. Leah agreed with me meeting their mother. So, a couple months later, after learning their mother just broke up with her boyfriend, I meet mom and we start dating. Now keep in mind mom knows both daughters are strippers and she also knows I frequent the club, so figures I've been with her daughters. Mom also knows her daughters have to put out (mileage) to make money. It becomes on and off with mom and me for about 6 months. On occasions, mom and I would frequent the club her daughters worked at on Friday evenings. Mom, being as nasty as her daughters, didn't mind freeing Mr Happy from hiding and started jacking me off underneath the club bar, which is the usual thing for the dancers to do. Whenever Naughty would get off stage and do her bar dollar walk for tips, her mom would be jacking away on me while I am stuffing a fiver down her daughter's thong while her daughter was watching mom do her thing to me. This happened on several occasions, but there was never a "family" gathering so to speak, although one almost occurred one night mom and I took Naughty home with us. But, I just couldn't put myself through a possible incestual relationship. I mean I, like my friends, may be a pathetic loser, but I do have an ounce of morality left in me! LOL"
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