"One & Done" or More?

avatar for Alucard
How many of you are "One & Done" on your Club VIP visits & why?

How many of you are up for more than one cum in you Club VIP visits & why? Assuming 1 cum/VIP session.

My present situation & my own desires are for multiple VIP cums (1/VIP session). I don't feel that after the traveling I do to get to the Club that I want to have 1 cum & then leave so soon. It makes NO sense to me.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I'm pretty much one and done. Chalk it up to old age. I sometimes hang around afterwards to socialize with my buddies and to check out talent for future visits.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I try to get a dance from every one
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Drac I'm this way with strip clubs, massage parlors, escorts and my girlfriend if I have one lol.....I always love multipul pops in the visits.....it may take 4 to 8 hours to get all I want but it was weel worth the money and time invested
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
Me, I am good for a couple as long as I am there for a few hours or so.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Having high blood pressure, and on medication for that, in combination with being out of shape, though getting better, I am generally a one and done guy. There have been occasions where an hour's rest will let me get off again, though.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
One cum usually yes but never done in one lap dance it takes longer with age
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
With my current ATF, its one (and sometimes two) and done. But let me explain.

We spend most of the night together (like Juice has indicated). We wear the couch out in the VIP (or the bed in our room) whatever the case may be.

The first cum is a lot, if I feel like it, the second cum is a little bit. By then I am either spent or time is up. But I leave a happy man.

My only complaint is this doesn't happen often enough!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"With my current ATF, its one (and sometimes two) and done. But let me explain.

We spend most of the night together (like Juice has indicated). We wear the couch out in the VIP (or the bed in our room) whatever the case may be.

The first cum is a lot, if I feel like it, the second cum is a little bit. By then I am either spent or time is up. But I leave a happy man.

My only complaint is this doesn't happen often enough!"

Yeah pabloantonio, this pretty much mirrors my Club visits to degree.
avatar for Rabbit21
13 years ago
Depends on my budget. If I have enough I greatly prefer multiple shots, but it doesn't always work out that way.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
Have not had the budget or time for more than one. But one day ... :-)
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Aha.... the beauty of being female is multiples, as little or as many as I want. Sometimes the dancers & I have marathons. It's nice to have options.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Aha.... the beauty of being female is multiples"

(Chuckling) Tis too bad that evolution did not provide the same ability for us guys that it did for the ladies. LOL

Sure would make Sex & having orgasms SO much more FUN.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I've done it twice in an hour session at a MP but never at a SC
avatar for dallas702
13 years ago
Mostly because of time limits (time, I keep telling myself, not age!) I am a one and done these days. But I still remember the days when that first one was more of a "warm up" for a much longer lasting "really good time."

Even in the "Bad" ole' days, there were exceptions to 2nd time lasts longer. In a Toronto club, sometime in the 90s, a sweet young thing stopped what she was doing, looked up at me and said, "you taste like Princess, I like her too." I lasted about 11 more seconds!
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
I try to get in as many as the wallet will allow. I have gotten 3 nuts in 2 hours before, but after the third one, I can maintain wood, but no ejaculation. If I was in shape and could afford it, I would try to hit every dancer in the club.
avatar for Revolution
13 years ago
Usually as many as the budget will allow. I was feeling generous before Christmas and got a dance from every girl in the club. Finished up 3 times in about 3 hours.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"I've done it twice in an hour session at a MP but never at a SC"

What's more exciting in a MP? LOL
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Drac baby you know ! LMFAO ! Were I go amp they give good showers and very good sucky sucky
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Drac baby you know ! LMFAO ! Were I go amp they give good showers and very good sucky sucky"

Yes Juice I do KNOW all about great "sucky sucky" at AMPs. I've done countless times over the years! LOL

But can't we get that now in Strip Clubs?!? LMAO ;)
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
Now that I have my friend, Mr. Cialis, as a sort-of wingman I am always eager for at least two in an OTC romp of an hour or longer.

I can remember one two-bagger in the Cannonball in Brampton prior to hooking up with Mr. Cialis. But, ITC is otherwise one and done for me.

Prior to meeting Mr. Cialis, it could often be 'none and done' for ol' farmerart.
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Sadly my watch and my wallet can't really keep up with my desire and ability most of the time.
avatar for bumrubber
13 years ago
I get in trouble if I don't save 'em all for my girlfriend. She gets antsy if I'm "below par."
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
;) :)
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