Somehow they missed juice. :)

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North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement agents arrested 11 people at a Hickory adult entertainment club recently on alcohol, sex and drug charges.

A search warrant was executed last week at Thee Playhouse, 1520 U.S. 64-70, Southwest. During a five-month investigation, agents made multiple drug purchases and witnessed numerous Alcoholic Beverage Control violations by employees of the establishment.

Special Agent in Charge David Ashley said, "ALE had received numerous complaints from concerned citizens about Thee Playhouse and we initiated an investigation. More arrests are expected."

The following people have been charged:

Robert Sterling Cannon, manager of Thee Playhouse, 48, of 3816 Richard St., Claremont – being a permittee's employee and knowingly allow sexually explicit conduct to occur on ABC licensed premises and knowingly allow violations of the controlled substances act to occur on licensed premises.

William Wayne Pickard, assistant manager of Thee Playhouse, 53, of 4696 Homestead Drive, Morganton – being a permittee's employee and knowingly allow sexually explicit conduct to occur on ABC licensed premises and knowingly allow violations of the controlled substances act to occur on licensed premises.

Holly Danielle Scronce, dancer, 23, of 3453 Springs Road, Hickory – two counts of sell/deliver schedule II (oxycodone), two counts of possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II (oxycodone), and being a permittee's employee and engaging in sexually explicit conduct on ABC licensed premises.

Tonya Marie Coulter, bartender, 33, of 3453 Springs Road, Hickory – sell/deliver schedule II, two counts of possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule II (oxycodone and methylphenidate), possession with intent to sell and deliver schedule III (hydrocodone) and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Lindsay Jewell Blalock, dancer, 23, of 2055 Startown Road, Lincolnton – solicitation of prostitution, solicitation for crimes against nature, six counts of being a permittee's employee and engaging in sexually explicit conduct on ABC licensed premises, sell schedule II (oxycodone) and conspire to deliver schedule II (oxycodone).

Lonnie Samuel Edward Pelliccia, 32, of 2306 Startown Road, Lincolnton – conspiracy to sell schedule II (oxycodone), deliver schedule II (oxycodone) and possession with intent to deliver schedule II (oxycodone).

Miranda Kay Wiggins, 20, of 1949 Ellick Drive, Newton – possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of another's drivers license.

Charity Patrice Cambell, 26, of 9304 Amy Drive, Charlotte – possession of one half ounce or less of marijuana.

Chelsea Foster Jones, 23, 204 Heritage Drive, Valdese – possession of one half ounce or less of marijuana.

Christopher Raymond Greenhouse, 30, of 3443 Section House Road, Hickory – unauthorized possession of mixed beverage (in vehicle).

Casey Michelle Keziah, 19, of 5061 Lineberger Loop Road, Denver – underage possession of spirituous liquor.

In addition, there is an outstanding arrest warrant for:

Amber Rose Kelley, dancer, 19, 465 Bruce Farm Road, Statesville – sell/deliver schedule II (oxycodone); possession with intent to sell/deliver schedule II (oxycodone); four counts of being a permittee's employee and engaging in sexually explicit conduct on ABC licensed premises; and obtaining money by false pretenses.


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Shit shadow...this is one of my hangouts ! If I wasent on a brake my ass my have been in this shit !......damn
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
juice - I knew that but I don't know what "solicitation for crimes against nature" is. Clue us in. :)
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Lol....hell if you got me but I bet I would have been in it lol !.....I had a feelin that place was becoming a hore house !......I just didn't get to go enough......but I had heard people was getting fucked in the dressing rooms, bathrooms and parking lot
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
Juice...the stripper gods must have been looking over you if that was one of your could have been you...difference is with your rep by now you would have been getting the extras for free!!! No arrest!!! LOL LMAO!!
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Lol good one....bobvz.....I do get free from time to time but not that much dick ant that I would have been paying their....but good one bro ! Lol
avatar for Sowhatt
13 years ago
crimes against nature is probably anal. this is north carolina after all.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
sowhatt you are probly right and ya I would be all in that hersy highway 2 lol
avatar for elemental23
13 years ago
Crimes against nature in NC is anything that is NOT missionary position, male to female. Yes, it is that bad. In this case it was probably a BJ.
avatar for elemental23
13 years ago
Technically oral sex between a husband and wife is illegal in this state. No joke.
avatar for Leonard313
13 years ago
Great! Just when a brother finds a place to get anal and drugs...the po po gotta shut it down!! Life just ain't fair. much you think they charged for anal? Even the total slutosauruses I've come across draw that line in the sand.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Bj....ya you guys are so right about NC.......Leonard313 probly $300
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
I've been there in the past, don't remember anything special. Oh well...
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"solicitation for crimes against nature"

Here I thought someone wanted to engage in bestiality! LMAO

avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
makes you wonder whats in the koolade down there
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
gator in the part of NC where me & juice are. we don't drink coolade. we drink moonshine. the info listed above is why i don't go to nc strip clubs!!
avatar for elemental23
13 years ago
It's not koolaid, it's holy water. haha.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Bang damn right ! Give me some of that wite lightning
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I thought "a crime against nature" was littering in a national park.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
Up north at the exploration camp 'crime against nature' is banging the male moose.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I love lesbians beeeeeeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Here you go. Clear as mud.…
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
If you're still not sure...…
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
It is the Buckle of the Bible Belt. I always heard that the south would be a better place if you just get the Baptists to drink facing one another! I bet it's election time for the local constabularies and he has to satisfy the old church biddies.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Lmfao ! Sounds and looks about right
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