I was sitting in my favorite club today with my wingman, Chandler. One of my favorites was sitting in my lap and rolling a joint on our table. I have to wonder if there is anything that this club frowns upon.
After a 2 year hiatis from posting, he is back doing reviews but is not at least yet, intereted in posting on the discussion board again. He is enjoying my favorite club and some of my favorite dancers there.
No matter our experience, being with a fellow TUSCLer is a good thing. I've enjoyed visits with sc, vm, Rod, Timbo, etc. Found my current favorite waiting for vm in Miami. Got Dazzled at PP thanks to "A" and sc. All good times!
I am sure my favorite club frowns on pot smoking in the club, but I do know one of my favorites there will go out to her van for a smoke break (you can't actually smoke in the club) and smoke pot.
Leaving a bar in a grimy Alberta POS oil town I saw one of the waitreses cooking her next dose while on her smoke break in the alley out back. I gave her a blast from the airhorn of the semi I was driving - she didn't miss a beat.
rolling a joint for medical use is one think. But to get stoned is a nother. I don't waist my time with drug useing strippers or any one for that matter
what bang69 said. IME strippers into drugs leads to you into potentially very bad situations. If she's rollin right out in the open like that, she's got quite a habit.
OK. I know why he stopped posting but out of respect for him, I will keep it to myself. He was not in jail and health was not an issue.
As for flying solo, I was in the avation field for 46 years. A wingman was requied. It is not required for strip clubbing but I have found that it adds to the enjoyment and I almost hate going solo anymore.
Yep, Clubber. Imagine that. I imagine a lot of things. World peace, free pussy for everyone, food for all. I can't imagine world peace when I've seen people get tossed out of a club for various reasons.
last commentNo matter our experience, being with a fellow TUSCLer is a good thing. I've enjoyed visits with sc, vm, Rod, Timbo, etc. Found my current favorite waiting for vm in Miami. Got Dazzled at PP thanks to "A" and sc. All good times!
With over 4000 posts, very few can top that, except Mr. S. Cat
Imagine that!
Strip club management in the clubs I frequent does not like the open use of drugs. But they seem to have no problem as long as you're discreet.
As for flying solo, I was in the avation field for 46 years. A wingman was requied. It is not required for strip clubbing but I have found that it adds to the enjoyment and I almost hate going solo anymore.