
"Are You The 'Rich Guy' From Alberta"?

On an unexpected trip to Toronto last week I dropped unannounced into my favourite club hoping for an encounter with a dancer who works there, the dancer I vacationed with in Hawaii. That particular lady wasn't there but I had a most successful VIP session with another of the club's beauties. During the small talk while we were 'cooling down', this dancer chattered away with club small talk including telling me about one of her co-workers who knows this rich guy from Alberta who took that dancer to Hawaii for a vacation.

This girl looked me in the eye and asked me point blank: "I've never seen you in the club before but you are wearing a really, really expensive leather jacket. Are you the 'Rich Guy From Alberta'? I spluttered a denial, cut the conversation short, paid her, and left the club. I definitely do not want any grief from my Hawaii girl because of this. Hawaii girl is leagues and leagues the better performer and it would be a pain in the ass if she were to dump me over this.

WTF! Outed by a leather jacket! I never realized before just how much gossiping these girls do among themselves in the club. But then, I guess that we horndogs do lots of the same here on tuscl.


  • bang69
    12 years ago
    that is very true
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    I dont think being known as the "rich guy" from anywhere among pretty girls would be that bad of a thing. I could be wrong.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    BUSTED !!!! YIKES !!!

    Unless you gave an Oscar winning performance, at the point she asked you whether you were the "Rich Guy from Alberta", my good friend, Art, I have no doubt she passed on the info to your ATF that you were there. That's the breaks. Hopefully it will not negatively impact your relationship. In any case, it's good to hear you were clubbing in the fine, fine city of Toronto on the lake.
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    Art, girls do talk and guess who talked first. You took her to Hawaii, that should mean more to her than worry about your vip with another girl.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    That's why you don't do other girls in your ATF's Club. Without express & sincere PERMISSION. LOL
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    She will find out. I've been involved in far too many jealous triangles.

    There is no crying in baseball.
    There is no fighting in the war room.
    There are no secrets in strip clubs.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    "This girl looked me in the eye and asked me point blank: "I've never seen you in the club before but you are wearing a really, really expensive leather jacket. "

    @farmerart - d'oh, next time make sure you remove the price tag.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "This girl looked me in the eye and asked me point blank: "I've never seen you in the club before but you are wearing a really, really expensive leather jacket. "

    Or just dress in a way that does not signal a bankroll of millions, UNLESS you're sending a signal on purpose with your apparel. LMAO
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    @motorhead, "no fighting in the war room" is still the best!
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    All I ever get is "Are you the guy with the big dick from Atlanta?":)
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    Art, you stopped in your ATF's club to see HER, and presumably asked the bartender and maybe other staff about her whereabouts. Those people will probably make it known to her that some guy with a great leather jacket was looking for her. I can't imagine your encounter with the other cutie creating a major problem.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Bummer, shadowcat. What a terrible thing to be remembered for. LOL
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "All I ever get is "Are you the guy with the big dick from Atlanta?":)"

    NOT a bad thing to be remembered for. lol

    "One was my jeans. Though well worn she said that I stood out because they were neither dirty nor bonaroos"

    You just didn't dress down FAR enough toward the "Poverty Row"
    look! Lesson learned...or not?
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "@Alucard. I think you may have missed the point I would make of dressing appropriately, spending appropriately and acting appropriately in all situations. I’ve found that people who don’t do that are at a real disadvantage whatever they are looking for but maybe that’s just me"

    I learned the Lesson of how to "Blend In" and look & act like a local long ago. It was not in a Strip Club though. It was in NYC. The 1st couple of times there as a tourist I "stood" out from the locals in dress & behavior, as I acted like a tourist. I paid the "penalty" for that & EVERY time after that on any NYC visit I was just like a local.

    I've transferred that lesson to Strip Clubs. It works for me. It achieves my purpose.

    I've never been suspected as a Well-To-Do patron by Dancers or anyone else in a Dive Club due to dress & behavior such as "Making it Rain" with 100's of $1 bills.

    But I'm SURE you probably have a "Better Idea". LMAO
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    Art, In your case, it comes with the territory.
  • wld4tatas
    12 years ago
    If your Hawaii hottie is still working in the club, entertaining other men, you don't need her permission or approval for nothing.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    "I dont think being known as the "rich guy" from anywhere among pretty girls would be that bad of a thing. I could be wrong."

    Well if they start expecting you to pay a higher rate for services, then yes that's a bad thing.
  • silkypants
    12 years ago
    Art, if she was such a good performer how come no call even on short notice? If she knows you were coming into town but couldn't meet you are partially off the hook. You are never really of the hook with a women of any sort.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    O.K. I made up the 'leather jacket' part. I went to the club straight from my meetings and was wearing a standard business suit and power tie. The 'tell' was more along the line of shadowcat's quip.

    Didn't want to sound like I was bragging.
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    Art you should have said nope i am the upper middle class fellow from Saskatchewan. and worst case scenario it will only cost you another trip to hawaii.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    I still don't understand this exclusivity thing with dancers. It is probably less like "going steady" with someone, and more like you have been marked as her property and she expects everybody--other dancers and you--to follow accordingly. I think that you could turn the tables and let her know that you acted responsibly and honorably, and that if she didn't like it you could easily find another companion for Hawaii next time. If she's cool with it OTOH, then she's still on the possible guest list. These girls think that they can take the money *and* move the pawns around the board. Nope.
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