I think women are "generally" less about the physical than men.
I've heard many a woman complain about a guy being too big - not that they want a tiny one - but one that fits just right - too many of them, bigger is not necessarily better. You know what they say - "it's the motion of the ocean and not the size of the ship"!
Also to part of your question " ... that can pound her pussy for a long time ...".
Most women do prefer for a guy to last longer - women are like crock pots and guys like microwaves (i.e. takes women a whole lot longer to get cooking).
Also, many women will say that most men are way more obsessed about their penises than they (women) are.
Obviously what I've stated is not the norm for all women, but that is what I've had consistently heard over the years?
Putting my 2 cents in although I'm a dude since we really don't have too many ladies that post on a regular basis.
Hmmm...why not pretend to be a female...create a fake female account on the other pink site and asked there. The best way is to put yourself in others shoes and find out.
It depends on the girl. I had a girl (after lots of shit talk about what she was gonna do to to me) tell me it was too big, and we had to stop. Everyone else loved it. They really like looking at and playing with it too.
And I never thought about it the way Shadow put it, but it makes perfect sense.
Ummmmmm..I really do have to think before I write on this one. How small are we talking about or how big are we talking about? Too big would be uncomfortable for me. Too small and maybe I wouldn't be satisfied. If I loved someone though I could overlook alot of penile issues. A one inch dick and it might bother me. I'm not going to cross someone off the dating list for a less than perfect dick though
Size of dick and wallet are both important to most women, despite what they say. They need the fantasy that a thick dick and a big wad of cash will satisfy their needs. Just as men think that big boobs or big asses are needed for sexual pleasure. Guys who are not equipped to meet the fantasy sometimes try harder with techniques that surprise and delight women.
I was wondering if 10 inches is an ass virgin. I don't expect a truthful answer.
I'm certainly not envious at all because I believe many girls are not interested in something that is too big. It can be painful for them and it may not all fit in. I saw a chart somewhere of the prime size zone that feels the best for women. I'm in the zone. I did see a picture of one girl with a baseball bat up her so I guess there is someone for everyone. Some girls have very loose pussies.
One favorite told me that her husband wanted to fuck her in the ass. She told him to go out in the back yard, find a stick as big as his dick, and then stick it up his own ass. He didn't bring it up again. LOL.
Most men worry about size and their ability to hold off on coming when "Big Ed" is plowing the furrow. We all have worried about NDS at one time or another. But most women like to have some attention to their hot spots before the main event. Matter of fact, the more pleasure we give to them before inserting the wand the better both feel in the whole transaction. It's important to know that experience and techniques in the "before" part are enhanced by asking her what feels good as you are attending to her needs. For instance, I've had some dancers direct my hand to provide anal stimulation, something that I don't have in my basic repertoire as most dancers seem to prefer other areas and others object to the idea and shut down if I go their on my own. I'm average sized but I know for a fact that most women appreciate being "tended to" rather than being used solely as a sperm repository. If you are worried about your size (first - Don't) but second, practice giving women what feels good to them. You'll quickly learn that size recedes into the warm glow. Women like sex as much as we do, in some ways, they may like it even more -
Like Oscar Brand sung: "If all them young ladies was singing this song, it would be four times as dirty and six times as long.
I think Rlionheart hits it on the head. I always engage in a lot of foreplay before sex, because if my woman is satisfied when all is said and done, I will hopefully get more action down the line. I have never had a woman complain about my size (I fall into the average range 6-7). But when you hear girls say they only want someone hung (8+) it can play on your mind.
last commentA dick should feel good to the girl, and as we all know, that depends on the girl.
I'd prefer to hear from the women on this issue!
I've heard many a woman complain about a guy being too big - not that they want a tiny one - but one that fits just right - too many of them, bigger is not necessarily better. You know what they say - "it's the motion of the ocean and not the size of the ship"!
Also to part of your question " ... that can pound her pussy for a long time ...".
Most women do prefer for a guy to last longer - women are like crock pots and guys like microwaves (i.e. takes women a whole lot longer to get cooking).
Also, many women will say that most men are way more obsessed about their penises than they (women) are.
Obviously what I've stated is not the norm for all women, but that is what I've had consistently heard over the years?
Putting my 2 cents in although I'm a dude since we really don't have too many ladies that post on a regular basis.
And I never thought about it the way Shadow put it, but it makes perfect sense.
You consider 6-7 MEDIUM? Don't you know every guy's is at least a foot. Just ask them. :)
But we get stereo viewing.
lol, it always comes down to Juice....
Now what was the subject....
I'm certainly not envious at all because I believe many girls are not interested in something that is too big. It can be painful for them and it may not all fit in. I saw a chart somewhere of the prime size zone that feels the best for women. I'm in the zone. I did see a picture of one girl with a baseball bat up her so I guess there is someone for everyone. Some girls have very loose pussies.
No. I've framed a comment a former ATF once said to me. "my boyfriend's dick hurts me"
LOL. She was so sweet.
Papi- I'm sure you're fine
Hmm... was that really a compliment? Lol
But most women like to have some attention to their hot spots before the main event. Matter of fact, the more pleasure we give to them before inserting the wand the better both feel in the whole transaction. It's important to know that experience and techniques in the "before" part are enhanced by asking her what feels good as you are attending to her needs. For instance, I've had some dancers direct my hand to provide anal stimulation, something that I don't have in my basic repertoire as most dancers seem to prefer other areas and others object to the idea and shut down if I go their on my own.
I'm average sized but I know for a fact that most women appreciate being "tended to" rather than being used solely as a sperm repository. If you are worried about your size (first - Don't) but second, practice giving women what feels good to them. You'll quickly learn that size recedes into the warm glow. Women like sex as much as we do, in some ways, they may like it even more -
Like Oscar Brand sung: "If all them young ladies was singing this song, it would be four times as dirty and six times as long.