Do You Stare ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Okay. This is not strictly a SC topic but I think is semi-related.

I live in Miami, FL where the year-round temperature is 80 deg. or greater (sorry to those in the north!).

Besides the warm weather, Miami is melting pot with many people from the Caribbean and South America. This means a lot of hot Hispanic women – and one thing about Hispanic women (since I am Hispanic myself) is that they LOVE to attract attention and show off their looks.

This means that if you just go grocery shopping – you will see women wearing high heels, tight-ass jeans, low cut blouses showing a lot of cleavage, etc.

I love women (yeah I know that's kind of rare!) and I LOVE to look at them. But often I feel uncomfortable looking (actually staring) at these women that dress very provocatively in many of the public places (not to mention the malls on weekends). I love to look at them as if I am going to eat them, but feel like a bit of a creep (or creepy) doing it – but hell, why do you dress like that in a public place and the put a face like it bothers you when you are stared at (it's not like I'm peeking thru your window to look at you in your house – you are in a public place)?

Does anyone else struggle with this?
Do you take a position; i.e. hell yeah I stare, WTF! Or no I don't?
Or, it's not much of an issue for me.



last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Not a problem for me, PapiChulo. I spent the last 2 winters living in South Florida. I enjoyed every second of checking out the women wherever I saw them
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
No I was told staring causes blindness or maybe it was jerking off too much either way I'm taking no chances
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago

Thanks for the health tip! Now I know why my eyesight has deteriorated so much over the last couple of years!
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Stare? No. Look? Yes. I try not to stare, but I am not ashamed to look at a pretty woman.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

I agree, I think it's semi-related. Before I started clubbing, if a hottie caught me staring I would look away sheepishly.

Now when it happens I just meet her eyes and give her my best strip club smile. It's surprising how almost all smile right back, as if they're pleased you checked them out.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
Damn right I stare! If I am caught I flash the broadest grin I can manage and give a small wave, just as I have been taught by that worldly upper class sophisticate, steve229
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I look, but try to avoid staring so I don't look creepy. If I ever get caught, I'm going to go with the smile routine. Thanks Guys!
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Two things:

First, I LOVE Hispanic women, they're my favorite. They're also the one's I seek out at the club, but sadly I don't find many because the Hispanic population isn't very high in Virginia from what I can tell.

Second, I do stare- not purposely, but sometimes I just can't help it.
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Cover it up if you don't want me to check it out.
avatar for JackKash
13 years ago
Funny you brought this up. There's a video on on catching a glimpse (and being caught). My opinion, I agree with newmark, I mean, really.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Taking a peek or looking for a few seconds is probably acceptable to most women, but staring slack-jawed and bug-eyed would definitely be a no-no.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
"This means that if you just go grocery shopping – you will see women wearing high heels, tight-ass jeans, low cut blouses showing a lot of cleavage, etc."

papi, being from the Northeast sucks...I'm moving to Miami, and who needs an SC.....just going to the grocery store every day is all I need...

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
@ Papi

In Houston we have a very large Latino population. I can't tell you the number of Latinas, and especially Mexican girls, that catch my eye all the time.

Unfortunately, the climate here is a little colder than Florida, but damn when it's hot you can't look hard or fast enough to keep up with the beautiful Latina tits and ass available for your eye candy.

I practice the 3 second rule. I look for 3 seconds then either speak or go on to the next girl. This works best for me.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
I usually sit at a table across from the cash register - about 6' away - at the coffee shop down the street. I am a butt man, and I HAVE spilled my dopio espresso right down the front of me as a result of being totally mesmerized by a fine specimen of hot babe ass while she is ordering and paying for her stuff. Please god, make something wrong with her credit card so she has to stand there for very long time.
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago
From mrs m00tpoint - If they are dressed that way in public, they want to be looked at. Take it from a woman...
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I DON'T struggle with this.

I stare all the time. What mrs m00tpoint says is right on point!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
13 years ago
That's the great thing about a nice butt, carefree staring like a pervert. But remember, if you can see her face in any mirror, she can see you drooling with you tongue hanging out. Boobs have to be appreciated in your peripheral vision while you're looking at her face.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
13 years ago
That's the great thing about a nice butt, carefree staring like a pervert. But remember, if you can see her face in any mirror, she can see you drooling with you tongue hanging out. Boobs have to be appreciated in your peripheral vision while you're looking at her face.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Oh course I "check women out", but I try not to stare.

I could write a novel on vm's comments, women, and his S. Florida travels. :)

I missed my friend this winter. :(
avatar for Electronman
13 years ago
It depends on whether my Wife is with me. If yes,then 3 seconds of peripheral vision is my time frame before she gently redirects my attention to the other activities at hand. If I'm alone, I'm not shy. A smile, a nod a thumbs up or more is ok. In my experience most women enjoy being appreciated and if they're dressed provocatively for a trip to the grocery, i assume it's open season on appreciating ... Not on gawking and stalking, just on noticing.
avatar for Electronman
13 years ago
It depends on whether my Wife is with me. If yes,then 3 seconds of peripheral vision is my time frame before she gently redirects my attention to the other activities at hand. If I'm alone, I'm not shy. A smile, a nod a thumbs up or more is ok. In my experience most women enjoy being appreciated and if they're dressed provocatively for a trip to the grocery, i assume it's open season on appreciating ... Not on gawking and stalking, just on noticing.
avatar for likes2look
13 years ago
Why yes, I do like to look. However, the binoculars might be crossing the line into creepy.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Hell ya I stare ! Then just like steve I get caught (100% of the time I do get caught lol) I just smile real big, wave and if she smiles, laughs playfuly I will aproch with my name is juice and try to take her to a nearby coffee shop or restraunt so I can lock her in and get to know her : ) this is just part of how juice works his none strip club day game !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
And yes if your wondering the juiceman works his game on girls all day every were I go ! Lol ! Its all I do !
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
You da man, juicebox69 !!!!!!!!
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I've missed my buddy Clubber too, this winter. Who knows where one's path in life leads. My path changed, I'm following the road and enjoying it. I'd love to read that book, Clubber. I'll never stop enjoying the beauty of a woman.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Vince thanks 4the love !
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Chapter 1

Gold Rush, My Favorite Club
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
LMAO, Clubber Did you experience the bar lately, too?
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
My first and ONLY trip there was a joke. I wouldn't set foot there again. See review below:

April 27, 2004

I am giving this place an average mark because I don't think it could be as bad as it was, on a regular basis. Granted I was there early afternoon, but the girl at the door said they were open. I would expect, if that were the case, someone would be dancing and attending the bar. I sat at the bar a couple of minutes before someone came to serve me a $6 beer. No one danced and none of the 4 or 5 dancers bothered to leave their conversations with each other to see if I was interested. I drank the beer and left.
avatar for Blue42TX
13 years ago
I have a window in my office with blinds to the outside hallway. The room across from me is a fileroom and one day this cute fine coworker was in the fileroom bending over for a very long time working with the files on the ground. She was wearing this very tight lowcut jeans. Of course I peeped through the blinds for a while and she quickly turned around and I was caught. Awkward moment.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Only a blind man doesn't stare at beautiful women.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Most women in southeastern Michigan are lard-ass, fat, blubbery whales. Nothing much to look at. Yet, they go to clubs and stores in skin tight pants and tops as if someone really wants to see them. Clueless.
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Sure I stare. But I can't quite make the leap to smiling if caught and looking into their eyes. These civilian girls in the grocery store came to shop and they don't have bedroom eyes, they're just still a little sleepy. It is rare to catch a cougar on the prowl in a neutral setting. And a hot young thing can get any guy she wants her age, and doesn't appreciate any leering by the old guy pretending to read a magazine. So, I'd say the smile and eye contact thing will nearly always be a loser play for most civilian girls. For the ones that really want every eye in the grocery store on them--I'd say we don't have those kind of grocery stores here or those kind of women here.
avatar for JackKash
13 years ago
Here's the link to the video I had mentioned.…

Get to the Seinfeld clip and you'll see Jerry agrees with the 3 second rule.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
“Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You can't stare at it long; it's too risky. You get a sense of it, and then you look away.”
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

You may have just stumbled on to something. maybe they do "stare". You know how a blind man "sees".
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
The whole thing about noticing women is that there is a standard behavior that goes on in this visual transaction.(This is most of the time and most younger (Sub-30) women). Some time, try sitting on a bench in a busy city and watch women who are well dressed walking to and fro - they almost always will be checking themselves out in the store windows. Also they will respond to stares almost always by looking away and down.
It's some sort of standard response and is very interesting to watch.

(If they stare back try starting a conversation - like, "Excuse me but I couldn't help noticing the scarf you have on (the belt - the shoes, whatever) It's beautiful. Would you mind telling me where you found it?" And if that leads to a conversation make sure you buy a lottery ticket that same day.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
The guy below did, AND got caught!…
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Not the same for him as if you or I got caught. :)
avatar for Cheo_D
13 years ago
Look appreciatively but don't just stand there staring. How long does it take your optical cortex to record the image anyway?
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