How long have you not gone to a SC?
My fellow TUSCL brothers and sisters what was your longest break from the strip club scene? Mine was just over 6 months because the closes strip club was a 1 1/2 hour drive and was focusing to get my certificate for my job. As well I'm thinking about taking a break from strip clubbing for awhile. One of my friends thinks I should stop for a year. She said that ill be saving around 150 dollars a month but in reality ill be saving at the least 3x the amount.
Then my fav called and told me she was "un-retiring" the next Friday night. Could I see her? Yes, I said, I need you. It was a great way to end my 3 month drought.
It's possible I went 2 or 3 months and was thinking about not going to strip clubs at all at one time. Then a news story appeared on the news about some religious group trying to shut down strip clubs. I started going again thanks to that religious group. They put strip clubs in the spotlight and I thought I better go in case they do get shut down before it's too late. So if it hadn't been for that overreaching arrogant religious group, I may have given up the habit completely.
Undergrad and grad school).
That was about 5 years of no clubs.
maybe I should smoke a joint to ease