
What City is the Strip Club Capital of the World?

Detroit strip clubs
Saturday, January 14, 2012 4:21 AM
I read an article about whether Tampa was the strip club capital of the world: [view link] This raised the question of what is the strip club capital of the world. The article focused on the number of clubs or number of clubs per capital, but I think the quality of the clubs should also be a factor. What city do you regard as the strip club capital of the world? Please give your reasons for your choice.


  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    The article only mentioned US clubs. The world is a much large place (duh!). My guess, were it shear numbers, it would be in the US and according to the article, the areas of Miami, NY or Vegas would vie for the honor. If quality enters the picture, I would bet it isn't in the US. If only I count, it HAS to be in Asia! : )
    12 years ago
    IMO, the basis for this distinction should not be per capita, as that introduces potential outliers (i.e. Cincinnati - R U kidding me???). And, though I've traveled internationally - I've never been to a SC outside the states, except Canada. Niagra Falls and Toronto are hard to beat.... However, for me it comes down to a blend of quality, quantity and attitude. So, based on the few times I've been, Atlanta and Dallas are my favs. That said, I've been to the Palm Beach area of Florida many times - and that area is also ever worthy of entering this discussion....
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Atlanta George at Follies with Shadowcat !...........juice : )
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    juice, u mizzed a gOoD onE
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    In my limited time in this hobby I will vote for Toronto and immediate area. The suburban clubs are as high mileage as the most jaded hobbyist could ask for and populated with much more attractive dancers than Detroit clubs. No nickel and dime rip-off charges and high contact $20 lappers. Extras fall from the ceilings of the VIPs like glorious rain and at very reasonable rates. Downtown clubs are more expensive and require much more 'game' (or cash) to winkle out the extras ladies.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I guess that question is best answered by the guys that do a lot of traveling. Which is no longer me. I think that an anything goes 2 girl 30 minute VIP for $200 is hard to beat. I don't need to look any further.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    It's not Seattle.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    sc, Hate to pop your bubble, but you were only gone about 2.53 minutes, not that I was checking. : )
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Interesting article. But I don't agree with everything. Tampa may not but number one, but not even in the Top 20. C'mon, give me a break. I disagree with some of the criteria that knocks it down. Who cares if it's not a bachelor party destination. That's not what defines a great club. And the fact it doesn't have a mega club like Speramint Rhino - who cares. I do agree that Joe Redner has helped to create Tampa's image. People who have never been in a strip club recognize the name. No one else can claim that. Outside of Detroit not Alan Markovitz. And Larry Flynt is famous got other reasons.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Clubber.....your cracking me up : )
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    Comedian Chris Rock called Tampa the strip club capital
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    According to the TUSCL rankings: Top Destinations Las Vegas, Nevada Houston, Texas Dallas, Texas Tampa, Florida Baltimore, Maryland Atlanta, Georgia Tijuana, Mexico Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Columbia, South Carolina Detroit, Michigan
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Portland has the most strip clubs per capita in the U.S., but most of the Portland clubs are garbage, so it's hard to say.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    sam - those rankings are just based on the total number of reviews for that city. Columbia Platinum Plus accounts for Columbia being in the rankings.
  • bluemonday
    12 years ago
    outside of the USA/Canada strip clubbing is different. Europe/Asia is more like brothels then what we would call a strip club(and i include cheap Mexico to be like that too?), UK is loads of clubs in even the smaller towns now, but just air dances, though a good looking girl can actually make more there than anywhere else for doing nothing basically. stip club capital of the world would be Vegas, but then it's capital of the world for lots of other sin city pleasures too. portland, oregon is famous for having the most strip clubs per capita so could that be considered? from my experience as a european and therefore an outsider really to the north american culture of strip clubs, i gotta go with farmer art's nomination and agree toronto is the daddy of them all. for quality and quantity of clubs, girls and perhaps more importantly whats on offer, it just can't be beaten. having travelled a fair bit, down the QEW at niagara is now my adopted patch and i aint moving on having found whats on offer there. in europe we got amsterdam, prague, krakow etc which are all great destinations for us like minded individuals (i think most people on here gotta fly over and try the DAM at least once, but these place are not to my mind strip clubs places, would defo open your eyes though). UK where i am from is what we call lap dance clubs aplenty, but they differ greatly from what a north american would expect and again are not really what i would call a proper strip club. Vegas is good but expensive to get what you want, other places are big cities where you would expect to find something going on, eg Dallas, ... Detroil i must admit aint been to yet but it sounds good, but a little too dirty for me, but i will be trying soon? you only gotta look at the revew lists ... with cannonball, sundowner, penthouse etc always near the top, those who have been to them, rate the southern ontario clubs amongst the best. i'm defo in that group and it will take a lot for me to move on to somewhere else now.
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    From a mongerer's perspective it has to be DETROIT or HOUSTON. Tampa is okay, but other than 2001 and Mons, there are not too many others that stand out for me. Scarlett's get good press on here, but I thought it sucked. Lots of dives in north Tampa too.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Ya my Ass !
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    Anyone who thinks Tampa is SC capitol of the world doesn't get around much. TUSCL lists 29 clubs in Tampa. I don't travel much any more, but there used to be short alleys in Bangkok with that many clubs, and even a single building (Nana Entertainment Plaza) with close to that many.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Quality more important than quantity. I'll take any ten blonde Mons Venus babes over 10,000 girls from Bangkok
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    If you can't get laid for cheap with 7s then the club sucks ballz !
    12 years ago
    I 2nd Art's well-written endorsement for Toronto. Detroit club's try to bleed their customers too much.
  • StrongSilentttt
    12 years ago
    The Block in Baltimore is high on the list for their Menu. Detroit and Houston are right there with them - meaning essentially every Dancer you see is ready for whatever you have money for. Atlanta is king of the air dancing, and Portland the top of the Hippies hill. San Francisco has the best Trannie shows. But the best city for strip clubs at the end of the day - is wherever I am that night!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Welcome to TUSCL Jess. Thanks for your input! Looking forward to more insightful comments.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I travel domestically almost every week, and I always hit strip clubs on those visits. I have no doubt that most non-professionals clubbers would choose Las Vegas. However, from my experience, I vote for Fort Lauderdale/Miami. The reasons are that there are more good clubs to choose from than any other area. There is the huge mega club with 100+ dancers, along with lots of medium and smaller sized clubs to chose from. They have the most upscale club imaginable, down to the horrible dives that I wouldn't visit if my life depended on it. And everything in between. Whatever I want, whether it's air dances, LDK, ITC extras, or OTC, I am more likely to get it with a gorgeous dancer there than anywhere else. And I got my first bbbjcim there. Tampa is probably in the top 5, definitely in the top ten. However, I haven't been to Detroit until the meetup on Sept 12. I reserve the right to amend my vote until then. I have been to every other US city that could possibly be a contender many times. But I have very little basis to comment on international clubs.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Used to be Windsor, Canada but that was maybe 30 years ago last I was there.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I don't get around the country that much but I have been to some of the cities mentioned and since I live in south Florida on the east coast I tend to agree with JS69 about Miami ,Ft Lauderdale but I would add Pompano and West Palm Beach to that keeping in mind that they are very close together Ft Lauderdale to West Palm Beach is 45 minutes driving time less when there is no traffic and Pompano is 10 minutes north of Ft Lauderdale and Miami is 25 minutes south
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