Dancer intrusions into the "Men's" room.

avatar for shadowcat
I have noticed a big increase lately at my favorite Atlanta club. Some of the intrusions are do to the bath room trool. Some of the girls come in to get candy or gum from him. One was even looking for super glue to fix her shoe.

I did over hear a conversation between a customer taking a leak and his dancer. He asked of she wanted to come in and hold it. She replied no but when you come out I want to suck it. Unfortunately from where I was standing I could not see her.


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I have enough of a problem with my Cats "intruding" on my "Business" in the Bathroom. I don't need Dancers too. LOL

Although I don't mind getting a BJ from a Dancer after the "Business" in completed! LMAO
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Oh man, Alucard. Golden showers !! LMAO
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Alucard - I have the same problem with my cat "Shadow". At home, I have to sit down to piss. :))
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Golden showers ! That cracked me up ! Lmafa !
avatar for TimboAtl
13 years ago
Last time I was at Shadow's favorite ATL Club, one of the dancers came in the men's room and asked the troll for mouthwash. I asked her what she just had in her mouth and she laughed.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
Centerfolds in Seattle has only one bathroom and the customers and dancers share it. I went to take a leak after a booth dance and a dancer I had met the day before but had not gotten a dance from yet just coming on duty came in to use the facilities as I was finishing. Needless to say things were still enlarged as the dance had not been satisfying. She told me as she dropped Gstring to pee that she would be right out after her stage number to put that thing in a warm wet place to feel it grow. Actually she said she would like to "take care my swelling" . I agreed as she was a 7+. She told me later she like only one bathroom as she said seeing cock turned her on. True or not she was true to her word. But bring you own cover the floor walker does not like them to carry a purse so there is not place to hide covers.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
At Ace of Spades, formerly Cheetah's, in Detroit the mens room is practically co-ed. I am too old school to accept this behavior, but I have no where else to pee.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
I feel a need to visit Seattle...
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
@ 3Legged: Please do visit Seattle, you'll enjoy it here. The Puget Sound Region is a beautiful area, with lots of interesting sights to see for the vacationer. But, don't bother with Centerfolds. It's a low-level excuse for a strip club.
avatar for BigYogi
13 years ago
In more than one club here in atlanta, the bathroom troll is the weed man.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Shadow, that makes up for the bathroom situation at The Crazy Horse in San Fran. There, if you wanted to do a #2, you had to use the ladies bathroom due to broken toilet in the guys' spot.
avatar for how
13 years ago
Once in an El Paso club, I was in the men's room after a full-service lapper in the VIP. Two dancers came in, much to my surprise. They just said, "We wanted to see it." But for having just done what I had just done, more might have followed that brief restroom encounter; however, it was limited to that one comment.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"Some of the girls come in to get candy or gum"

That's why I always bring extra gum for the dancers.
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
Shadow - I too noticed the girls coming all the way into the restroom on a frequent basis. I actually don't mind it and find the intimacy rather cool. It reminds me of German clubs where the girls shower with the guys and use the same facilities to put their makeup on, etc. Again, very intimate and a turn-on. I think we should go unisex bathrooms, IMHO.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Alucard - I have the same problem with my cat "Shadow". At home, I have to sit down to piss. :))"

It is a particular problem will my Male Cat shadowcat. Once or twice he has almost got hit in the Head with the stream. LMAO I have to resort to sitting at times.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
If they want to hang in the mens room go for it
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
"If they want to hang in the mens room go for it"

No thank you. I can't pee in front of the bathroom troll as it is.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
The only time I ever had the misfortune of actually going into the men's room was by a troll who refused to sell me a stick of gum until I went in to his "lair" so that I could pick out the flavor that I wanted. He was like 200 years old and could barely walk, so I felt sorry for him and went in....and got out again as fast as I could. At least it was in an "upscale" club, so it wasn't too ratty in there.
Lesson learned to ALWAYS make sure that I have a pack of gum with me BEFORE I enter the club!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Why are there Men's Room Trolls?
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I don't know. Ever been to the Mons Venus? The bathroom is tiny as it us and then add a troll and his junk and it's just ridiculous. That's why I prefer the afternoon before he gets there.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Why are there Men's Room Trolls?" + "I don't know"

To give out Gum? I guess...
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I suspect it could be to appear upscale but it could also be to stop customers from doing drug deals in the bathroom or causing trouble for a club. The bathroom may be one of the few places without a camera and the manager may want to know what's going on in his club.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
If the restroom is too small, then there is usually none.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I know in the old days at my favorite club, the official ladies room was essentially a room where the female costumers would go and perform BJ's and various other sex acts. One time, they weren't exactly quiet in there and you could hear it if you were sitting close to the ladies' room. For all I know, it may still go on, but no one's told me any stories about it recently.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
The way I see it, this presents the ultimate opportunity to freakin start the "Ten Inch Club"....I mean, let's get down to earth here, we already got the "Mile High Club"....
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