Dancer intrusions into the "Men's" room.

Atlanta suburb
I have noticed a big increase lately at my favorite Atlanta club. Some of the intrusions are do to the bath room trool. Some of the girls come in to get candy or gum from him. One was even looking for super glue to fix her shoe.
I did over hear a conversation between a customer taking a leak and his dancer. He asked of she wanted to come in and hold it. She replied no but when you come out I want to suck it. Unfortunately from where I was standing I could not see her.
I did over hear a conversation between a customer taking a leak and his dancer. He asked of she wanted to come in and hold it. She replied no but when you come out I want to suck it. Unfortunately from where I was standing I could not see her.
Although I don't mind getting a BJ from a Dancer after the "Business" in completed! LMAO
That's why I always bring extra gum for the dancers.
It is a particular problem will my Male Cat shadowcat. Once or twice he has almost got hit in the Head with the stream. LMAO I have to resort to sitting at times.
No thank you. I can't pee in front of the bathroom troll as it is.
Lesson learned to ALWAYS make sure that I have a pack of gum with me BEFORE I enter the club!
To give out Gum? I guess...