This is just a little post for some of the guys that might be new to the strip club scene or for the guys that might be getting a bit disappointed in the experience.
1) Strip clubs are expensive. To have a good time, you need to minimally plan on bringing $100 with you. That is NOT enough for you to get "laid", but you can probably hang around for a little while and maybe get a lap dance or two.
2) You are at a bar. They make money by selling you drinks. It's bad form to simply milk a beer for 3 hours while you watch the girls dance.
3) Tip you wait staff and bartenders. $.50, $1.00, $2.00.
4) Remember that you're being judged based on what you spend. If you are cheap with tips, or milking a beer, or constantly turning down dancers for dances...that gets communicated to the girls and you will be avoided.
5) Just because a girl works at a strip club and is in her have to pay for the right to "touch". Strippers are used to guys being a little "grabby" when they are drunk...but don't confuse "tolerance and understanding" for "permission or desire". And no, you can't go on stage unless you're specifically invited.
6) Also, just because a girl is a stripper, that doesn't mean basic rules of engagement don't apply. Make pleasant conversation. Make her laugh. Compliment her. Entertain her. A stripper will spend a lot more time with you (free) if she's enjoying your company.
7) Remember the strippers are "working". They aren't there to meet their future boyfriend. If you aren't going to get a dance, they probably will need to leave your company and find a customer who will pay them. If they like you, they may come back...but don't take it personally...they're just doing their job.
8) The club makes money selling drinks...the strippers make money selling dances. They don't make their money collecting a few singles on the stage.
9) If you like a girl and want her to come see you after she gets off the stage, tip her while she is on the stage. In most cases, the stripper on stage will seek out the person who gave her the most tips or the highest value tip while she was on stage.
10) Lap dances vary greatly from club to club. The dancers will tell you what you can do and what you can't. If you're unsure, and they aren't guiding you, just ask.
11) Unless the dance was very bad or the stripper was rude or tried to scam you...tip her. $5, $10, $20, $40, $50, $100...depending on what service you were paying for.
12) If your goal is to actually have sex for money (prostitution), realize that this is a fairly common practice but it is not cheap, it is not legal, and not all dancers offer that service. These fall into the realm of "extras" and will likely occur in a VIP area, or Champaigne room, or in a lap dance area that has some curtains. Be "cool" about it. Strippers that don't offer extras can get offended if you ask for them. Strippers that don't offer extras, often feel jealous about it, because they make less money than the strippers willing to go further. Some strippers will get offended and think you're a bad person for asking, others will kindly decline but offer you advice on what strippers will perform those services. But be cool.
13) Extra services can cost a great deal of money. At very dirty, scummy, hole in the wall, ugly ghetto stripper may be able to get all the action you desire for $120+$20 tip. At most clubs where extras are commonplace, you'll need to spend between $200-$600 for these services. For clubs where these services are uncommon, you may have to spend a great deal of money to convince a stripper it's worth her while, in the $1000 range.
14) Once you get into lap dances and "extras"...make sure everything is agreed upon and try to keep track of what you're getting. The worst strippers will try to scam you...give you 2 songs when they agreed to 3 or say they'll give you head in the VIP room then once inside try to negotiate a higher price. When things are happening, it's hard to keep a clear head so making sure everything is agreed upon up front can avoid some embarassing, uncomfortable moments.
15) If you're planning on having sex, or even if it's something you'd be possibly open to...bring a couple condoms. The strippers will usually take care of this...but just in case...keep in mind that it is highly, highly unlikely you are the only man she is servicing.
16) Never get between a man and his ho. If you want a dance from a girl, and she's talking to another customer...patiently wait or ask a bouncer or waitress if they could let the dancer know you're interested. You may want to slip them $5 for their help.
17) It's HIGHLY unlikey that a stripper will go home with you. They get propositioned every's unlikely you're going to be the lucky one. If this IS your'll need to spend a good deal of time at the club, with the girl, spending money. And even then, it's unlikely and if they do agree to go with you it will likely be for coffee or breakfast and if they are willing to spend the night with you, expect that they may expect some type of payment.
A strip club is like a casino. If you can't afford to pay, you can't afford to play. If you bring $20 to the blackjack table, you probably ain't gonna build up a pot of $2000. If you go to the strip club with $60, you might not have a very good time. I used to go to the club with $80...wanting to get really good lap dances and ultimately take the stripper to a hotel. Obviously, I left every night with blue balls and an empty wallet...disappointed. I have since learned, through experience, that (for me) it's better to save up some funds and have a good time every 4-6 months rather than nickel and dime and be disappointed once a month.
LOL I sure as hell don't know where you are clubbing on $80. At every club we have been to, in at least 4 different states, $80 gets you two drinks and maybe one lapper with shitty tips. And if you try tipping $5 in the Chicagoland, you will be laughed out of the joint. The only time that is an appropriate amount is for the waitress who brings a round of drinks.
Do tell where you are clubbing - we will visit there and they will think Santa came back to town waaaaaay early.
I often do not tip anything extra on lap dances and sometimes have trouble getting rid of dancers. I've spent as little as $60 on high contact lap dances and had a few of them at that price total. However a newbie probably won't get as good a deal as me since I was a regular in the club. Tonight in fact, the hustle factor I experienced made me not want to go back to one otherwise popular strip club. Even a female customer wasn't leaving me alone. Don't bother to tip if you have trouble getting rid of dancers.
Best way to avoid disappointments is to find a dancer you like and if you become a regular, stick to your favorites who charge you a fair price and give the proper amount of lap dances for what you're willing to pay. They tend not to rip you off. Some dancers will rip you off regardless starting dances when the song is half way over or almost over and counting it as a whole song or just ripping you off by not dancing what they agreed to dance or overcharging you. She may insist you owe her the full amount. Then if you want to argue it will be her word against yours and it may not be worth arguing over if you want to stay in the club.
should be kept on here somewherefor all 'newbies' to see.
i'm still only a few years into my SC habit, but i wish i knew all this when i first started out. am about where i wanna be now, in terms of my enjoyment and knowledge, but its taken time and a lot of wasted dollars to get there!!
gotta say posts like this and others from the much respected 'veterans' out there, are really helping me enjoy my SC experience much more.
The average guy isn't likely to spend $1,000 for ITC sex in one sitting, but you may have to do a thousand dollars worth of dances over time with a particular dancer before she would agree to it at a reasonable price. Technically, that is called "playing you", but it is just an expected part of the game.
I think some guys tip for lap dances if the dancer "gets them off"....they are usually so giddy with satisfaction that they are compelled to pay extra.
I would agree that $100 is the min for a good time out ! And depending what club it is and girl hell it could just be a happy ending ! Not kidding.....if your looking for extras ( don't be scamed into the whole $500 to $1,000 shit !......dude its just a can happen if you r willing to put the time in to read reviews of all your local and semi local clubs to find that realy good dollar value extra meal !....$100 to $300max.......good luck from your boy juice : )
I'll agree with all of those except #17, as long as we fudge the definition of "home" just a bit. I've found over the years that quite a few of them will go "home", i.e. to a hotel room, with me. I'll also disagree with the "you'll need to spend a good deal of time at the club" part of it. I've had lots of girls give me their numbers and say "yes" after my first visit with them in the club. Many of the others did so after the second or third visit.
I've only had one girl play the "I have to get to know you better card" for long and still be worth it. However, that one has worked out so well that I can no longer discount <i><b>all</b></i> girls who try do as a waste of time. Most yes, but not all.
Re #2, I don't drink alcohol. I am not there to drink water or sodas. I am there for the girls. I can "nurse" a coke for 3 hours. It has never been a problem. As long as you are buying lap dances or trips to VIP they usually leave you alone.
Most of this is pretty basic stuff, but I'll play along:
1) True. 2) True, though I don't let anyone dictate how I spend. 3) I actually tip a little more than that, though I am from the NE. 4) True, but again, I don't let social pressure dictate what I spend and neither should anyone else. It is a quick way to go broke in a club. 5) True. 6) Eh, true to a degree, but first and foremost the burden to entertain is hers, not mine. 7) True. 8) True. 9) Sometimes true. There are a variety of things that will lead a stripper to sit with a customer and stage tips are only one of them. 10) OK. 11) I tip what I feel is appropriate for the service and so should you. My general gauge is 20% for a decent dance and it moves up or down from there. 12) True for the most part. 13) Depends completely on the girl, the club and the area. It is hard to generalize on this. While most the numbers were not out of line, if a stripper is quoting you $1000 then she will probably do it for cheaper if pushed or she never intended to do it at all to begin with. 14) True. 15) OK. 16) Agreed. Chasing after a girl is also bad form and makes you look desperate, which is a horrible position to bargain from. 17) Did you mean p4p or for free? I agree if you meant that a girl will likely not leave for fre with a customer, but in many places there are lots of girls leaving clubs for OTC p4p. But, as with anything, caution in setting these things up is needed.
This probably would have been better as an article than in the discussion board, which generally contains a lot of guys who know what they are doing.
I agree with GoVikings, I am not going to tip extra on a lapper unless the lapper exceeds my expectations. I have received enough of them to know the difference. That extra money I would be wasting on tips for an average LD could be better spent on dances with another dancer who I like better.
"17) It's HIGHLY unlikey that a stripper will go home with you."
I don't think this is true. The likelihood depends on a number of factors, such as: 1. The club. Some clubs are much more liberal than others, and if you can get extras in the club you can usually get OTC. 2. The dancer. Some dancers have an absolute policy against OTC, while others may only do OTC with customers they have gotten to know and trust. Some dancers, however, are complete whores. 3. You. If you look nice and clean and not dangerous, strippers will be more willing to see you OTC. 4. Money. When I first began going to clubs on a regular basis, I was naive. I remember asking a beautiful dancer many times about meeting outside the club, and she was always non-committal. I finally realized she wanted to be sure of a financial reward. If you're willing to spend enough money, you can get most strippers to go home with you.
Okay, first, sorry I didn't make it an article. I had just posted an article and thought two in one hour would be a little pertentious. But it would have been a better article.
As to the two that seem to be the source of interesting disagreement, #11 and #17:
#11- This is just something I personally believe. A stripper is like a waitress, you tip them no matter what unless you really, really have reason not to. They may not have been the best ever...sometimes you may not have even wanted the dance to begin with. But if they did their them that extra $10 rather than have them "break a $20" is just the classy thing to do. And if you want that stripper to keep coming back to you...or even "extra services", you need to let them know you're not "cheap"
Now, I did hold back tips on one occasion. A stripper that was very large and unattractive hustled me into a dance offering me 2 for 1. And of course, after offering 2 for 1 and me agreeing, she said at the start, "you're gonna take care of me and tip me for this right?" Well, it was a horrible lap dance and after one song she said that it was 2. I told her it was only one and she tried to tell me the DJ often merges songs together. I just gave her the flat amount and went back to my table.
The sad thing is, she eventually came back and wanted to know if I wanted another dance promising that it would be even better...and while she was sitting there...the waitress came over and asked if I wanted to buy her a drink. I half heartedly agreed out of pure "being a gentlemen" and by the time the waitress returned, the dancer had left to try to get some other sucker to get a dance from her. I didn't want to pay for the drink because the dancer wasn't even there and didn't even want it. But the waitress said it was already ordered. So I just paid for it, no tip. The waitress got snippy and said, "What? No tip?" I was adament about not giving her one because A) I was annoyed and B) It's just a dancer/drink common hustle anyways. My buddy finally just gave her a buck to go away. Needless to say, I got my drinks at the bar the rest of the night.
#17- Hey...maybe I haven't reached the player status of some of you guys...but I've only seen it happen once and it was an older gentlemen who was apparently laying down some serious cash for the experience. My thing is...if you can go to strip clubs and get the dancers to go home with you...why go to strip clubs? You should save the money and go to regular bars/clubs where the girls won't charge for the sex.
The thing is...almost EVERY guy wants the stripper to go home with them. Most strippers don't...unless it's a guy they actually think will pay them very, very well...or it's a guy they kinda like. I mean, at the end of the day....strippers are just girls...they'd like a little company at night as well. But my advice was for the new guys and the cheap will be very, very lucky to just show up at a strip club with $60...and talk your way into a stripper taking you home and give you free sex. It's just not gonna happen.
As to the guys that don't drink, that's totally cool. Especially the designated drivers. But I was aiming that at the guys that don't spend money and are just there for 3-4 hours of staring (in a creepy way) at naked girls. The club doesn't make money and neither do the girls...and that's not cool. I'm not saying you can't do's just "lame" and it will eventually be noticed and you'll be "that guy" that the strippers and staff want nothing to do with.
I watched a guy read a book at a strip club once. Not saying you'll get kicked out...just saying it's kind've dorky.
@Leonard313: "You should save the money and go to regular bars/clubs where the girls won't charge for the sex. "
Dude, *every* girl with half a brain charges for sex. She may not do it for straight up cash, but you're gonna pay, eventually and one way or another. I prefer the ones who are honest about it.
@Clubber: In the long run, I completely agree. It may not seem so at first when the girl who does it for "free" is busy ensnaring you with her charms, but when the piper comes calling, you'll find out.
Leonard, you are swimming a little out of your depth here. You sound young and it is obvious that your club experiences are limited. It is not that #17 is "controversial" per se, but simply that you are wrong in your assessment of the landscape.
Keep in mind that many of the guys that you are posting with here in their 40s, 50s and even 60s and many of them engage in p4p with much younger strippers on a regular basis. Get the picture? Each night there are 20-something year old strippers all over the country who are graciously providing all sorts of things, either ITC or OTC, for cash donations ranging from as low as $100 to much loftier numbers, depending upon the area and a variety of other factors. In many areas, $200-300 will set one up quite nicely with the right gal, though places like NYC, Boston, Chicago, and certain others are a bit more difficult.
I haven't been going as long as some of the guys on the board, but I do have some comments.
1) I agree its expensive. I think bringing around $150-300 is fine. I am not financially set like some of you guys that can spend more than that. Seems to be enough for me. I would suggest bringing cash and leaving the credit cards at home. The fees to use a credit card are not worth it; contesting it is not worth it at all. 2) I don't drink and shot girls and barmaids are respectful of it. 3) I agree 4) its your money. everyone girl will eventually make her way to you unless she has a whale or thinks someone else has more money to spend on her. 5) agree 6) She's doing it because she wants you to like her and to buy a dance. Its nice if you become "friends", but if you never get a dance from her or tips, she won't give a shit. if you had to choose between the weirdo who has money and is willing to spend it or the "entertaining" guy that is broke, they'll choose the weirdo. Try not to blur reality with fantasy. 7) agree. 8) all money adds up, but they do make most of their money based on dances and vip. some girls make an equal amount of money onstage (one song) as they would with one dance. with the house fees and other fees that they have to pay, every dollar does add up. 9) if they think you have money, they'll come. 10) agree 11) somewhat agree. 12) I've never tried this and i don't have any knowledge or experience. I'd probably look like a dumbass for trying. 13) same as 12 14) you can still get ripped off even with an agreement, so its not foolproof. 15) haven't done this, so no comment 16) true. I think most guys understand this unless either they're completely obssessive with the stripper or a newbie. 17) true to a certain extent. it all depends on where you are and the type of club it is as well as the type of stripper she is.
Rather than reading a book, I was watching the Okalahoma state and iowa state game for a few hours when i was at the club. there's nothing wrong with that. if the club dind't want you to watch tv sometimes, they wouldn't have tv's in there.
Overall, all of the guys who have been going for many years and are older gentleman are right with their assessments. Although they do make it sound very easy to get "extras" and whatnot, these guys have years of experience.
@rick...nope...definitely not young...definitely not new to the process.
@macandbum...I've seen a few high end clubs where a girl can come off the stage with as much as $100 worth of singles ...too much to possibly fit in her g-string. But given the house fees...the money is in the lap dances. The strippers don't go to the DJ asking for more stage time...they tell the DJ they can't go on stage because they are with a customer.
@ macandbum...concerning #6. I actually agree with you 100%...strippers chase the money and not the personality. BUT...sometimes the club is slow...sometimes they're tired, or bored. Sometimes they have to choose between a rock and a hard place. In these instances, personality doesn't hurt.
The best times I've had at strip clubs...besides getting extras...were times when I got to really "connect" with a stripper. I like to make them laugh. Not where they fake laugh to try and get you to spend money. I try to get them to really laugh. I almost make a game of it. Sometimes during the lap dance I'll see if I can get them to laugh and ruin their conentration.
For example...I was getting a "so-so" lap dance once...just a girl ramming her but into my pelvis in a bored fashion. Well, as she was doing this, I said..." and I are wearing the same underwear." It was wasn't a "knock knock" joke or anything. But I tell ya...she laughed so hard she stopped dancing for 15 seconds to try and get her concentration back. I thought it was hillarious. They are so used to "seducing" with their bodies....that it's sometimes fun to see if you can mess with their game a little.
And I tell ya what...the dances are usually better once you get them liking you or at least amused.
Tipping norms vary from place to place. At my fave club in central IL, the girls are pleasantly surprised if I give them an extra $10 after 3x$30 lap dances. Other places that would be thought as cheap.
@Leonard re: getting them to laugh. I have a CF, a 22 year old who was doing a decent grind but looked bored doing it. I reached up and and put a finger on each side of her mouth, forcing her into a smile, telling her to at least fake like she was having a good time. She got a kick out of that and smiles for me all during her dances now. And before anybody makes a crude comment, her dances are fairly tame so my hands had not been where some of your dirty minded guys think they were before touching her face.
+1 for rickdugan. I am mid 50s and bang girls in their 20s regularly, half the time in the ass. It takes about $200 to get in the VIP and 50-100 for the tip.
When i was young i thought strippers would never ever have sex and an outside date was just a fantasy. Turns out all you need is a dark corner, the balls to ask, and some money and the sex is forthcoming. Not all strippers will for $100 but at $1000 yes? Would it be worth it - probably not.
South FL is stripper sex heaven. All I do is sit and wait for them to come to me, I don't even tip the dancers on stage. All the girls have given me their number but I dated just one (date = I paid for her time and sex).
Kinda fucked up that a girl in her prime would have anything to do with me but our culture has been heading down this path for some time. Guess there will always be women who make poor choices. Some enjoy the sex and interaction and they are the best. If you want one part time become her "sugar daddy" and help her with the rent or car payment and then you get home visits. For roughly the same $ you spend in the club you can have a stripper "girlfriend." (this is assuming you like just one girl - I get bored too quickly for just one) i'm getting all I can get while my pecker still works.
Minimally this is interesting because it shows how far "extras culture " has come in three years.
I think it's also only applicable to the "bars with tits" club model. For juice bars the game is different. The club gets their cut from the dances. Some provide soda and water totally free.
I've had a lot of fun and only spent $40. On the right slow afternoon with the right girl I can get plenty of attention, 2 good 2-way contact LDs for $20, plus cover and tips. But I'm glad there are guys throwing around huge chunks of change to subsidize my experience.
I've been going to strip clubs for 15 years (I'm in my 40s), and if you know what you're doing, you can get what you want frugally. There was a Filipino stripper who looked like Lily Thai at one of the local Spearmint who would give me blowjobs - I would get two dances, and tip her $10. There was a slim Latina at the same Spearmint who would give me handjobs - I tipped her my loose change - generally close to $10. I had sex with another attractive Latina at a traditional black club - I had two dances @$15 each, and I tipped her $30. Play your cards right, know what you're doing - you don't need to spend an arm and a leg.
Yes, the OP's comments make sense at a certain level. But one learns to work environments and situations. The dancers are ordinary people, as are all the others you will find at strip clubs.
Dancers do go home with people. Dancers do find boyfriends at strip clubs. It is possible to do things cheaply.
So while what the OP says is generally true, there are also exceptions to most everything he wrote.
Heh, somehow never saw this thread! Like many of the other guys, I have some trouble with #11 and #17
#11 After a dance, I only tip strippers for extraordinary, surprising service, and that's what i recommend for others too. Just a matter of opinion and style difference, I guess. I do tip them if they spend a lot of time with me, at my request, and I don't do a dance with them, but that's not a "tip" on top of a service fee, it's money for time spent
#17 is just wrong, it's not a matter of opinion or difference in style, just plain incorrect (maybe Leonard has been SCing in the wrong places?): many girls will see you OTC, and not for a fortune, that seems to be one of the things that all of us here seem to experience, even though we're from all over the country
"So you came on a strip club web site, and dug up a three year old thread, just to tell us that you're not interested in strip clubs? Thanks. "
It is funny that escort guys think they're revealing some hidden secret, rather than considering that we all know about escorts, and just prefer the SC experience. It's as if your buddy complains that it's so expensive to see the Packers, and you tell him "you should just go to a Little League baseball game, it's cheaper and doesn't take as long and it's easier to get in". Nothing wrong with Little League baseball games, for a guy who likes them, but seeing the Packers is a completely different experience
last commentDo tell where you are clubbing - we will visit there and they will think Santa came back to town waaaaaay early.
should be kept on here somewherefor all 'newbies' to see.
i'm still only a few years into my SC habit, but i wish i knew all this when i first started out. am about where i wanna be now, in terms of my enjoyment and knowledge, but its taken time and a lot of wasted dollars to get there!!
gotta say posts like this and others from the much respected 'veterans' out there, are really helping me enjoy my SC experience much more.
I think some guys tip for lap dances if the dancer "gets them off"....they are usually so giddy with satisfaction that they are compelled to pay extra.
My recipe for Success, I establish an ATF & I regularly see her. It is a VERY low or NO Risk situation.
I've only had one girl play the "I have to get to know you better card" for long and still be worth it. However, that one has worked out so well that I can no longer discount <i><b>all</b></i> girls who try do as a waste of time. Most yes, but not all.
1) True.
2) True, though I don't let anyone dictate how I spend.
3) I actually tip a little more than that, though I am from the NE.
4) True, but again, I don't let social pressure dictate what I spend and neither should anyone else. It is a quick way to go broke in a club.
5) True.
6) Eh, true to a degree, but first and foremost the burden to entertain is hers, not mine.
7) True.
8) True.
9) Sometimes true. There are a variety of things that will lead a stripper to sit with a customer and stage tips are only one of them.
10) OK.
11) I tip what I feel is appropriate for the service and so should you. My general gauge is 20% for a decent dance and it moves up or down from there.
12) True for the most part.
13) Depends completely on the girl, the club and the area. It is hard to generalize on this. While most the numbers were not out of line, if a stripper is quoting you $1000 then she will probably do it for cheaper if pushed or she never intended to do it at all to begin with.
14) True.
15) OK.
16) Agreed. Chasing after a girl is also bad form and makes you look desperate, which is a horrible position to bargain from.
17) Did you mean p4p or for free? I agree if you meant that a girl will likely not leave for fre with a customer, but in many places there are lots of girls leaving clubs for OTC p4p. But, as with anything, caution in setting these things up is needed.
This probably would have been better as an article than in the discussion board, which generally contains a lot of guys who know what they are doing.
I don't think this is true. The likelihood depends on a number of factors, such as:
1. The club. Some clubs are much more liberal than others, and if you can get extras in the club you can usually get OTC.
2. The dancer. Some dancers have an absolute policy against OTC, while others may only do OTC with customers they have gotten to know and trust. Some dancers, however, are complete whores.
3. You. If you look nice and clean and not dangerous, strippers will be more willing to see you OTC.
4. Money. When I first began going to clubs on a regular basis, I was naive. I remember asking a beautiful dancer many times about meeting outside the club, and she was always non-committal. I finally realized she wanted to be sure of a financial reward. If you're willing to spend enough money, you can get most strippers to go home with you.
As to the two that seem to be the source of interesting disagreement, #11 and #17:
#11- This is just something I personally believe. A stripper is like a waitress, you tip them no matter what unless you really, really have reason not to. They may not have been the best ever...sometimes you may not have even wanted the dance to begin with. But if they did their them that extra $10 rather than have them "break a $20" is just the classy thing to do. And if you want that stripper to keep coming back to you...or even "extra services", you need to let them know you're not "cheap"
Now, I did hold back tips on one occasion. A stripper that was very large and unattractive hustled me into a dance offering me 2 for 1. And of course, after offering 2 for 1 and me agreeing, she said at the start, "you're gonna take care of me and tip me for this right?" Well, it was a horrible lap dance and after one song she said that it was 2. I told her it was only one and she tried to tell me the DJ often merges songs together. I just gave her the flat amount and went back to my table.
The sad thing is, she eventually came back and wanted to know if I wanted another dance promising that it would be even better...and while she was sitting there...the waitress came over and asked if I wanted to buy her a drink. I half heartedly agreed out of pure "being a gentlemen" and by the time the waitress returned, the dancer had left to try to get some other sucker to get a dance from her. I didn't want to pay for the drink because the dancer wasn't even there and didn't even want it. But the waitress said it was already ordered. So I just paid for it, no tip. The waitress got snippy and said, "What? No tip?" I was adament about not giving her one because A) I was annoyed and B) It's just a dancer/drink common hustle anyways. My buddy finally just gave her a buck to go away. Needless to say, I got my drinks at the bar the rest of the night.
#17- Hey...maybe I haven't reached the player status of some of you guys...but I've only seen it happen once and it was an older gentlemen who was apparently laying down some serious cash for the experience. My thing is...if you can go to strip clubs and get the dancers to go home with you...why go to strip clubs? You should save the money and go to regular bars/clubs where the girls won't charge for the sex.
The thing is...almost EVERY guy wants the stripper to go home with them. Most strippers don't...unless it's a guy they actually think will pay them very, very well...or it's a guy they kinda like. I mean, at the end of the day....strippers are just girls...they'd like a little company at night as well. But my advice was for the new guys and the cheap will be very, very lucky to just show up at a strip club with $60...and talk your way into a stripper taking you home and give you free sex. It's just not gonna happen.
As to the guys that don't drink, that's totally cool. Especially the designated drivers. But I was aiming that at the guys that don't spend money and are just there for 3-4 hours of staring (in a creepy way) at naked girls. The club doesn't make money and neither do the girls...and that's not cool. I'm not saying you can't do's just "lame" and it will eventually be noticed and you'll be "that guy" that the strippers and staff want nothing to do with.
I watched a guy read a book at a strip club once. Not saying you'll get kicked out...just saying it's kind've dorky.
Dude, *every* girl with half a brain charges for sex. She may not do it for straight up cash, but you're gonna pay, eventually and one way or another. I prefer the ones who are honest about it.
The "cash" ones are most always the less costly!
Keep in mind that many of the guys that you are posting with here in their 40s, 50s and even 60s and many of them engage in p4p with much younger strippers on a regular basis. Get the picture? Each night there are 20-something year old strippers all over the country who are graciously providing all sorts of things, either ITC or OTC, for cash donations ranging from as low as $100 to much loftier numbers, depending upon the area and a variety of other factors. In many areas, $200-300 will set one up quite nicely with the right gal, though places like NYC, Boston, Chicago, and certain others are a bit more difficult.
Hopefully this helps.
1) I agree its expensive. I think bringing around $150-300 is fine. I am not financially set like some of you guys that can spend more than that. Seems to be enough for me. I would suggest bringing cash and leaving the credit cards at home. The fees to use a credit card are not worth it; contesting it is not worth it at all.
2) I don't drink and shot girls and barmaids are respectful of it.
3) I agree
4) its your money. everyone girl will eventually make her way to you unless she has a whale or thinks someone else has more money to spend on her.
5) agree
6) She's doing it because she wants you to like her and to buy a dance. Its nice if you become "friends", but if you never get a dance from her or tips, she won't give a shit. if you had to choose between the weirdo who has money and is willing to spend it or the "entertaining" guy that is broke, they'll choose the weirdo. Try not to blur reality with fantasy.
7) agree.
8) all money adds up, but they do make most of their money based on dances and vip. some girls make an equal amount of money onstage (one song) as they would with one dance. with the house fees and other fees that they have to pay, every dollar does add up.
9) if they think you have money, they'll come.
10) agree
11) somewhat agree.
12) I've never tried this and i don't have any knowledge or experience. I'd probably look like a dumbass for trying.
13) same as 12
14) you can still get ripped off even with an agreement, so its not foolproof.
15) haven't done this, so no comment
16) true. I think most guys understand this unless either they're completely obssessive with the stripper or a newbie.
17) true to a certain extent. it all depends on where you are and the type of club it is as well as the type of stripper she is.
Rather than reading a book, I was watching the Okalahoma state and iowa state game for a few hours when i was at the club. there's nothing wrong with that. if the club dind't want you to watch tv sometimes, they wouldn't have tv's in there.
Overall, all of the guys who have been going for many years and are older gentleman are right with their assessments. Although they do make it sound very easy to get "extras" and whatnot, these guys have years of experience.
@macandbum...I've seen a few high end clubs where a girl can come off the stage with as much as $100 worth of singles ...too much to possibly fit in her g-string. But given the house fees...the money is in the lap dances. The strippers don't go to the DJ asking for more stage time...they tell the DJ they can't go on stage because they are with a customer.
The best times I've had at strip clubs...besides getting extras...were times when I got to really "connect" with a stripper. I like to make them laugh. Not where they fake laugh to try and get you to spend money. I try to get them to really laugh. I almost make a game of it. Sometimes during the lap dance I'll see if I can get them to laugh and ruin their conentration.
For example...I was getting a "so-so" lap dance once...just a girl ramming her but into my pelvis in a bored fashion. Well, as she was doing this, I said..." and I are wearing the same underwear." It was wasn't a "knock knock" joke or anything. But I tell ya...she laughed so hard she stopped dancing for 15 seconds to try and get her concentration back. I thought it was hillarious. They are so used to "seducing" with their bodies....that it's sometimes fun to see if you can mess with their game a little.
And I tell ya what...the dances are usually better once you get them liking you or at least amused.
When i was young i thought strippers would never ever have sex and an outside date was just a fantasy. Turns out all you need is a dark corner, the balls to ask, and some money and the sex is forthcoming. Not all strippers will for $100 but at $1000 yes? Would it be worth it - probably not.
South FL is stripper sex heaven. All I do is sit and wait for them to come to me, I don't even tip the dancers on stage. All the girls have given me their number but I dated just one (date = I paid for her time and sex).
Kinda fucked up that a girl in her prime would have anything to do with me but our culture has been heading down this path for some time. Guess there will always be women who make poor choices. Some enjoy the sex and interaction and they are the best. If you want one part time become her "sugar daddy" and help her with the rent or car payment and then you get home visits. For roughly the same $ you spend in the club you can have a stripper "girlfriend." (this is assuming you like just one girl - I get bored too quickly for just one) i'm getting all I can get while my pecker still works.
Nice…the sites gotten fancier since last I was here.
Minimally this is interesting because it shows how far "extras culture " has come in three years.
I think it's also only applicable to the "bars with tits" club model. For juice bars the game is different. The club gets their cut from the dances. Some provide soda and water totally free.
I've had a lot of fun and only spent $40. On the right slow afternoon with the right girl I can get plenty of attention, 2 good 2-way contact LDs for $20, plus cover and tips. But I'm glad there are guys throwing around huge chunks of change to subsidize my experience.
Dancers do go home with people. Dancers do find boyfriends at strip clubs. It is possible to do things cheaply.
So while what the OP says is generally true, there are also exceptions to most everything he wrote.
#11 After a dance, I only tip strippers for extraordinary, surprising service, and that's what i recommend for others too. Just a matter of opinion and style difference, I guess. I do tip them if they spend a lot of time with me, at my request, and I don't do a dance with them, but that's not a "tip" on top of a service fee, it's money for time spent
#17 is just wrong, it's not a matter of opinion or difference in style, just plain incorrect (maybe Leonard has been SCing in the wrong places?): many girls will see you OTC, and not for a fortune, that seems to be one of the things that all of us here seem to experience, even though we're from all over the country
It is funny that escort guys think they're revealing some hidden secret, rather than considering that we all know about escorts, and just prefer the SC experience. It's as if your buddy complains that it's so expensive to see the Packers, and you tell him "you should just go to a Little League baseball game, it's cheaper and doesn't take as long and it's easier to get in". Nothing wrong with Little League baseball games, for a guy who likes them, but seeing the Packers is a completely different experience