to be known or not to be known ?

avatar for JuiceBox69
That is the question that juicy faces.......a few locals r starting to maybee figure my aka online....they stile have some doubts but its closing I know some of you guys r well known and others keep your aka silent and for good reasons.....but the juice has no shame and is a single man so no worries !........I've been thanking about just comming out and trying to play it to my advantages what ever those may bee or not how do you guys way on this subject that I face ???.....and yes real answers and trolling are wanted and needed ! Happy endings from your boy juice !


last comment
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
On separate occasions, I have met three other Puget Sound Region TUSCL members. We chose a local strip club to meet at. It's been great. So, who are you concerned about discovering your "a.k.a?"-- Other customers in the clubs you go to, or dancers? I haven't informed any dancers of my on-screen identity, and I plan to keep it that way, but having a few other customers know me has turned out just great! We share information and advice a lot, since having met.
avatar for yankee428
13 years ago
I agree with goer, prob not a problem with the guys, but would avoid bringing up tuscl with any dancer. For sure would avoid discussing with dancers I know OTC. Would also avoid the topic with coworkers.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Thanks guys...but ya talking about dancers ! Lol
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
But club goer since you did kinda expand the field more let's keep it going for dancers, customars, fellow tusclubers.....and ect....
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Juice, say what?
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
As a general rule, don't tell the dancers you are on TUSCL. Most of them aren't aware of it, the ones that I have talked to about it didn't appear too interested, but I wouldn't chance blowing a good thing. I've met several of our TUSCL people in the last 2 years and it's been a pleasure to meet the guys and share information while enjoying the beauty of the women in the clubs.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I probably wouldn't care if anyone discovered my TUSCL identity. Our discussions are general in nature - usually not about a specific club or dancer. And I rarely mention dancer names in a review.

On the other hand, I also post on a local board where the topics are about specific clubs and dancers are often mentioned (negatively). I made the mistake of revealing my identity in a PM to someone I thought I trusted. It wasn't long before everyone knew who I was - the managers, the DJs, some of the dancers.

Not the end of the world, but it has caused me to be less candid about my comments.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
So no freebeis or kool shit ? Hell sounds like its better 2 lay low.....shit !
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
vm is correct. I plan on meeting a couple of TUSCLers next week. Only one dancer I've met knows me as Clubber and my real name. Soon to be two. :)

I can't imagine why a dance wouldn't follow TUSCL religiously! Like all the internet, everything is truthful!
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
don't ever tella stripper your on & what your screen name is. some strippers come on this site to see what people half to say about them & the club they dance at. so juice keep your mouth shut
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I am probably the most notorius poster on here when it comes to telling dancers that I am shadowcat. I have met 7 dancers that have posted on here. 2 I am still in contact with. One just phoned me 30 minutes ago to discuss my birthday plans. I have hosted 2 TUSCL conventions. Kinda hard to cover that up. At my two favorie clubs there are many dancers that know who I am and that I do reviews for TUSCL. Most ask me not to mention their names in reviews. And I never do not unless they are ROBs or ask me to. "I could use the business".

Now I don't go into a club where I am not known and start a conversation with "Hi, I'm, shadowcat and I am here to do a review on you and this club". I have to get to know them before I spill the beans.

It has only back fired on me once and that was 7 years ago. I still see her but we don't talk.

As for other members, I love meeting them. I have probably met more of you than any one else and I look foreward to meeting more of you. That is half the fun of being a TUSCL member.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Thanks guys for all your ideas and answers ! The juice needed it : )
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Never plan a birthday. Sometimes plans don't materialize. That would mean...
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Clubber- what could go wrong? Everyone knows that strippers are realiable. :) But I do have back up plans.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Friday, #70. Momentous!
avatar for canny
13 years ago
I try to stay under the radar as much as possible. There are 4 strippers in the area where I live who know who I really am other than the very short version that I tell anyone who asks me in a strip club. The short version leaves out almost 90% of the important information, but is accurate.
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
Like others, I never mention dancer names, however, I have used the fact I am on the board to my advantage with a dancer, explaining I would never mention someone by name on the board. Also, when the heat was on at some Philly clubs, I reassured one dancer who provides high mileage, that her name was never mentioned as providing such services, even OTC, so she would not worry about her job. That resulted in the gaining of her confidence and rewards followed shortly thereafter!
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Thanks guys : )
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I proudly something with U.Fla on it but no one ever says hi gator
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I lie about everythng all the time so no problem. I like to have LE something to do other than inspect nipples when they visit a strip club so I know they'll be looking for bj's and wild orgies when in reality, everything is dull. Plus taxpayers can be happy knowing their tax money is getting spent paying a cop to enforce some stupid new law among consenting adults when the real crimnals are outside checking out your car or backyard. Too many people act like money grows on trees. We need to get rid of all these new laws and bring back the constitution. Things will likely all melt down one day and our paper money will be worthless. It'llbe worse than the wild west. We're already a bankrupt country but I believe almost no one believes it. I was hoping enough people would pick up on that fact and cut out wasteful government spending before our paper currency really becomes worthless and it's everyone for themselves. The US is bankrupt. We could cut out all defense spending and spending on other major programs and we still could not pay all the bills. Yet we act like nothing's wrong and let our government keep spending money on new programs, new laws, etc. This needs to stop before our currency is worthless and our life savings get destoyed.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I prefer to remain unknown among dancers. I tend to type too much when I drink or only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep. Dancers acted threatened whenever I told one I post online about my strip club experiences. They could just imagine their name online with some good story I thought of whether true or not. I do not think it's a great idea to talk about it to a dancer who knows nothing about the site or much about you.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Most dancers know that I post on other SC sites, but none seem to know about TUSCL.
On those other sites I have to remain tactful and courteous. But here on TUSCL I can say anything I damn well want to, since they won't know. Heh heh heh.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I do enjoy being able to type whatever I want or rant on. I tend to do that too much when I didn't get enough sleep. They need to put more tv shows on that I want to watch. I seem to fall asleep a lot while watching tv. Then I have to find the reruns or watch hulu.
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