
ok ok how many club then church ???

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Thursday, December 22, 2011 12:49 PM
I know I do..........I'm a libreal biovocational pastor of a small church and was wondering how many of you club sat night then church that sun morning ! I do and boy I'm ready to speak ! Lol ! Hell if I could make it back n time I would go after church on sundays !


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Ok juice. Have I got a deal for you. Visit Platinum Plus 362 Jacob Rd, Columbia SC on Saturday night. They close at 6AM. Then go next door to Young's Chapel Babtist Church at 359 Jacob Rd. You can catch the first service.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I've done Sat night club then Sun am church many times. It's not that hard if you don't stay at the club too late or get to trashed.
  • EarlTee
    13 years ago
    The club is my church.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I don't know why anyone would ever go to church, much less someone in this hobby.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Well, there are some fine, horny women sitting there in the church looking for companionship, DandyDan. LOL. Otherwise, I agree with your sentiments.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    dandydan & vince your both correct
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    A funeral or a wedding is all that will compel me to visit a church. I consider all religions to be curses on humanity.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @shadow.....LMFAO!!!! Hell that's what I will do when I go then......I will even review the service ! Lol !.....thanks man
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @the rest of you guys.....God is a God of love....and all thru the bible all of Gods men loved many many wemon ! Read song of soloman.......and yes I understand religion is man made all of them.....its our history and traditons passed down to us of our human experinces of this unknowable divine !........thank you guys and may the God of all of us bless our clubbing in the year 2012 !
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    I am reading "Age of Reason," by Thomas Paine. He would agree that religion is a fraud, God is real and clubbing is fun.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @superdude the "Age of Reason", by Thomas Paine is a fuckin good read !
  • EarlTee
    13 years ago
    Wow. Dan, Vince, Bang, Art... I had no idea that we had such an enlightened crowd hanging out here.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @superdude.....also "The Institutes of the Christian Religion," by John Calvin was a bitch to read ! But I us it all the time....its a nice read as well .....a bitch but very good !
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @earl.......yes their is no god I agree with this statment.......but I must quote the koran if u will let me....."their is no God but God"......hell that sounds like a buddist thought as well...... @everybody thanks 4 the comments happy clubbing guys
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    How about going to church then going to a strip club? Several years ago, when I actually did attend church most Sundays, by mistake I booked a 3 day weekend trip to Las Vegas over Good Friday and Easter. I was raised Catholic so I was taught it was a mortal sin to miss Sunday Mass and especially bad to miss Easter! So I went to Saturday night Easter services in Vegas then hit the strip clubs. It was shortly after that I realized how STUPID I am.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @motor.......that was funny.....but good job on sticking 2 it lol !........
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Church is not needed to be spiritual.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @clubber.....well said bro I 4real agree with ya 100%......but it is nice to be apart of a like minded community just like being apart of this forum.......
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @daddys that was a good one........but next time don't feel bad.....your job is very much needed for us men and the way we have been created and have evolved ,.......plus dirty money wtf ever ? I believe the holy is the secular and the secular is the holy !......its all good love : )
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    DGirl, I thought you were going to post some...well, more enlightening pics. In the meantime, could you pull that dress (or long shirt)up just a bit. Thx in advance! Lol, sorry if I'm getting too horn-dogg with those remarks; what I wanted to say was that church is a good source for music - particularly during the Christmas holiday season. And DGirl, as the money passes over the edge of the offering plate, it is cleansed of all of its previous sins....so they say.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @mmd.......aaaaaaamen ! Lol !
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    church going women can be real psyco's. trust me on this one. i know from experiance
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @daddys.....OMFuking God ! That was good girl ! Lol !
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @bang......ya I know 2 I was married 2 one for a long time or should I say it. Felt like a long ass time !
  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    St. Matthew wrote that the whores and tax collectors will be the first into heaven . Matthew was a tax collector.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Line forms behind me for Daddysgirl. Oops, sorry, sc is first!
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I forget about this, but at one of the clubs in Davenport, Iowa, I once met a dancer who claimed to be a minister in the Life Universal Church, or something like that. She said it was so she could perform weddings. That might be a wedding to go to.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    After going to church late Saturday afternoon and suffering from the lack of air conditioning and an overbearing priest that likes to complain about this or that or whatever and sweating like a pig due to the heat turned up way too high with lots of old people thinking everything is good, I have to wash up and go to a strip club to keep my sanity. If it weren't for church, I might stop visiting strip clubs. It feels hot as hell in church sometimes and the priest will try to make you feel bad if you walk out early and there are sick people in church who want to shake your hand and get you sick too. That's far worse than many strip clubs in my opinion. Someone once suggested I could be a bit sadistic punishing myself. It may be true, I still go to church. There is something wrong with the priest and some of the people in the church I visit. They like it hot as hell. It often feels like torture visiting church. If they would turn on the air or not turn on the heat, cut out the stupid music, and skip all the stupid jokes, it would be a whole lot better.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    My idea of a comfortable church would be temperature maintained to never exceed 72 degrees max inside the church where everyone is located, many times kept in the upper 60's unless shorts are acceptable. The thermostat would be located not near the outside door, but inside the church where the people meet to keep a consistent temperature. Instead of stupid terrible solo church singing, I would have music resembling Metallica energizing everyone at times. The sermons would be entertaining while also teaching instead of something stupid that doesn't seem to have much of a point. People would be welcomed upon arrival and nobody would be criticized if they need to leave early for whatever personal reason they may have.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    What I get is the opposite, hot as hell, temperature maintained near the cold outside door, old priest and old folks thinking everything is good if the temp goes up to 80 something inside due to the body heat of everyone. Slow as molassess music and singing. A priest who occasionally criticizes people for stupid matters like leaving early. You will only hear that if you stay late, leave early and you never hear him complain. Lol, :) Strip clubs seem pretty comfortable in comparison. I've met a number of dancers who go to church, not necessarily in church but I have been told on occasion they had to get up for church. The last dancer I slept with did not routinely go to church. I remember a driver's ed instructor in High School who said he always stopped by church everyday before meeting up with one class. I probably didn't help when I was getting ready to start driving and he asked if I had any driving experience. I said "yeah, I just drove bumper cars at Carowinds!"
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I'm in church right now, eyeing the 40 something babe down the pew and thinking what a Christmas present that would be !!! LMAO
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @shark.....I have made some realy good and funny points ! I thank I will try some mega death next week at church ! Lol
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @vince.........lol your a sick mother fucker but you remend me of my nasty ass self lol ! Well let me shut up so I can hold this goddamn service !
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