Been visiting a few nice strip clubs around south florida recently (Cheetah Pompano, Solid Gold). I am in my mid 30's, dress decent - nice shirt, jeans, clean cut. I have money to spend, tip the bartenders but none of the dancers that I would be interested to spend some time with come up to me. I would like to get a few dances here and there. They all go to the guys in their 50's and 60's+. What am I doing wrong? Is there a specific time I should be going? I have more luck at bars, but sometimes I just want to relax at a strip club and not put in the effort. Shouldnt be this hard :)
It could be some of those guys are regulars who spend a lot of money with them or else they see them as easy money.
Do you tip the girl well on stage and tell her you would like her company at your table? I have found this line gets results: "Hey honey if you want to make some money, come see me at my table."
nruparel - The girls may initially bypass you for regulars/older guys because, all things being equal, they're more likely to cough up bigger dollars. To counteract that, I sometimes just reach out, tap a girl on the shoulder, and ask her to stop by. Seems to work most the time. Or, ask the waitress to bring you the girl in whom you're interested. There's nothing lame about doing it; good things come to those who ask. And once dancers learn you're generous, they'll remember you next time.
Like london said, I may be able to offer some advice. Even though the clubs you mention are far north to me, all of South Florida is fairly similar. Being an older guy, those that mention this as a reason, that is often the case. Older=disposable income.
One MAJOR concern to me is ethnicity. No spanish=less attention.
The best advice, regular=attention.
One thing I have often found true, what you drink can have an effect on your attention. Beer, $4'5, Jack close to $10. Same as the being older reason, more disposable income. beer=less attention.
Ask vm about my latest favorite, "C". She came to me, and not the other way around. One very hot Lady!!!
The truth is that dancers prefer older guys in their 50's and 60's. They know that old guys will treat them right and will satisfy them sexually. In fact, dancers usually give old guys extras for free.
Ahh, yes. "C", She is an exceptionally beautiful woman. Strippers are strippers, they're looking for the money. Don't be afraid to approach them. If they don't have the sense to approach you, approach them.
Haven't seen her in a month or so, but then I've been rather busy and on the west coast a lot. She likely is back in school so not working as much. I should check.
My experience matches yours exactly. The dancers see the white in my beard and flock to me when I hobble into the club, take me kindly by the arm, and lead me and my cane to the VIP where I am provided with the most exciting debauchery out of the pure kindness in their hearts. I am so embarrassed by this generosity that I will often leave a $2.00 tip.
Nruparel, I tossed up a thread a few weeks back related to stripper attitudes on Stripperweb. Most of the girls stated they avoid Indian and Latinos. Hope that helps.
I'm starting to believe that old guy stuff. My ex told me she likes older guys now(35+) because they're the only ones who can fuck better than me. I hate that bitch.
Yeah, I'm not sure what the problem is with just asking. Sure, you don't want to appear *too* hungry, but the disinterested shit I see sometimes is for the birds.
Dancer attention in clubs is often hit or miss, alot of the times it depends on time of day or who's working then. One day I'll be mobbed as soon as I walk in the door, and other days I couldn't get a dancer to throw water on me if I was on fire.
Dancers have secret ways of detecting spenders. These include a mixed drink, wristwatch, and real shoes (not sneakers). I'm told a tie is no help, it makes you look like a salesman.
interesting comment about types of drinks having a potential appeal. I typically drink beer at a club and not mixed drinks but one time I did order a captain and coke, when I was at a different club that I'd never frequented and girls stopped by and talked to me fairly regularly.
In general, I think most dancers prefer the older guys. Why? They're more likely to spend more money and younger guys tend to be more rowdy/rude to the strippers. And this is coming from me, one of the younger guys.
That said, one time during one of my very rare day time visits, I met one of the better looking dancers I've seen since I've been clubbing. Ended up getting a dance from her, but before that we sat and talked a while. Long story short, we had a good conversation, which she said can't have with most of her customers, because they're usually old men in which she has nothing in common with. LOL
Actually myself and a couple of friends did an nu-scientific study on this what we were drinking. Whichever one of us wasn't drinking beer got approached first every time. Not most times, EVERY time.
thanks guys. a lot of good advice here. Ill have to put some of this in use - i always get beer since its usually right after work and that is what i am in the mood for. Ill stop by today and tommorow and go with a mixed drink instead. Of course I cant change my ethnicity or age haha
You mention tipping the bartenders, if you want the strippers attention tip them.
That said, at Cheetah Pompano just ask. When a girl you're interested in is on stage give her a few dollars and ask her to stop by when she's done. Point in the general direction of your seat so she knows where you are at. Also, as someone else mentioned - the waitresses will be more than happy to relay the message to the dancer of your choosing. They'll relay their opinion of you too, which should be positive if you're tipping. Keep in mind, they are consistently busy there and the popular dances are $10 tableside - dancers aren't going to spend a lot time with you to sell a few dances. It's not quite "wanna dance" but don't expect her to sit with you for half an hour to warm you up unless you know each other.
Once you're seen getting a dance, you'll get more attention.
Maybe give Diamond Dolls a try. It's much smaller and more intimate, the girls are likely to see you notice them and react accordingly. Or, if you really prefer to be approached, try Booby Trap. Based on the clubs you mentioned I assume looks are your top priority, so you'll probably get over that whole not wanting to ask thing real quick and be back at Cheetah asking for a dance within the hour. All 3 of them are within 5 minutes of each other.
I'll also pile on with the drink observations. There is an absolute correlation between having a rocks glass on my table and increased numbers of dancers stopping by.
One other thought - dancers, like birds and small children, are attracted to shiny objects. Flashing a rolex or platinum moneyclip can be quite effective.
Slap on a shit ton of crappy tattoos, get one of those idiotic earlobe plugs, don't wash your hair for 3 days then muss it up with some styling gel and, if possible, make some fake track marks on your arm. Seem morose yet fixable and if you can do it convincingly you won't need money anymore.
You won't be able to swing a dead cat without hitting a stripper.
last commentDo you tip the girl well on stage and tell her you would like her company at your table? I have found this line gets results: "Hey honey if you want to make some money, come see me at my table."
Yes, come back in 20 years. (Just kidding - I agree with the advice given).
One MAJOR concern to me is ethnicity. No spanish=less attention.
The best advice, regular=attention.
One thing I have often found true, what you drink can have an effect on your attention. Beer, $4'5, Jack close to $10. Same as the being older reason, more disposable income. beer=less attention.
Ask vm about my latest favorite, "C". She came to me, and not the other way around. One very hot Lady!!!
Haven't seen her in a month or so, but then I've been rather busy and on the west coast a lot. She likely is back in school so not working as much. I should check.
My experience matches yours exactly. The dancers see the white in my beard and flock to me when I hobble into the club, take me kindly by the arm, and lead me and my cane to the VIP where I am provided with the most exciting debauchery out of the pure kindness in their hearts. I am so embarrassed by this generosity that I will often leave a $2.00 tip.
Tip at the stage and mention you'd like a dance
Ask a Host or Server/Bartender
Bring some chloroform
I'm starting to believe that old guy stuff. My ex told me she likes older guys now(35+) because they're the only ones who can fuck better than me. I hate that bitch.
I believe TOO many men EXPECT that Dancers OWE them a visit. Doesn't work that way!
"Ya pays yer money, ya takes yer chances".
I'll have to remember that in the future.
That said, one time during one of my very rare day time visits, I met one of the better looking dancers I've seen since I've been clubbing. Ended up getting a dance from her, but before that we sat and talked a while. Long story short, we had a good conversation, which she said can't have with most of her customers, because they're usually old men in which she has nothing in common with. LOL
Actually myself and a couple of friends did an nu-scientific study on this what we were drinking. Whichever one of us wasn't drinking beer got approached first every time. Not most times, EVERY time.
You go the OLD MAN part down pat! :)
That said, at Cheetah Pompano just ask. When a girl you're interested in is on stage give her a few dollars and ask her to stop by when she's done. Point in the general direction of your seat so she knows where you are at. Also, as someone else mentioned - the waitresses will be more than happy to relay the message to the dancer of your choosing. They'll relay their opinion of you too, which should be positive if you're tipping. Keep in mind, they are consistently busy there and the popular dances are $10 tableside - dancers aren't going to spend a lot time with you to sell a few dances. It's not quite "wanna dance" but don't expect her to sit with you for half an hour to warm you up unless you know each other.
Once you're seen getting a dance, you'll get more attention.
Maybe give Diamond Dolls a try. It's much smaller and more intimate, the girls are likely to see you notice them and react accordingly. Or, if you really prefer to be approached, try Booby Trap. Based on the clubs you mentioned I assume looks are your top priority, so you'll probably get over that whole not wanting to ask thing real quick and be back at Cheetah asking for a dance within the hour. All 3 of them are within 5 minutes of each other.
I'll also pile on with the drink observations. There is an absolute correlation between having a rocks glass on my table and increased numbers of dancers stopping by.
But maybe that's just me.
You won't be able to swing a dead cat without hitting a stripper.