
It finally happened!

Saturday, November 26, 2011 5:48 PM
That is... I saw a stripper that danced for me in public. Haha. I've heard some of you talk about it, but I never thought the chance would happen to me. It was simply awkward. I was at the grocery store. When we saw each other, it was a slight pause for both of us (I think that we were just trying to take who each other was) and then she cut down an aile and I kept walking. I ignored her and she ignored me. She was just wearing sweats and a t-shirt. I remember us talking about how we lived in the same city. When I go to a strip club, I enjoy the anonymity of the encounter. This just made it awkwardly too real. Tell me about your encounters.


  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    if you were both single then it should not be an issue. The real problem is when you are out with your wife and she notices the attraction between you two. Or when she is with her boyfriend/husband.
  • chukko
    13 years ago
    Nope. It was just us two. It was just just the reality that cut into the fantasy environment that I seek when I go to strip clubs. It's such a small world I guess.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    She danced for you in public, so why would seeing her in a store be awkward?
  • canny
    13 years ago
    You mean meeting them for lunch and visiting them at their house? Or running into them at random? I've done the first more times than I can count, but I've never run into one at random. I have run into someone who is currently stripping who I knew from work at the club where she strips and that was awkward to say the least.
  • HootnHal
    13 years ago
    Quite a few years ago, i had it happen too. Not too long after clubbing, was with wife & kid when dancer's & my eyes met. I think she recognized me too, but if so she was professional & nothing was said, & we went our separate ways.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    I ran into a stripper and her lesbian s.o. at a music festival. Dancer had seen me for a few minutes, so when I finally saw her it kind of startled me. I was with my wife, so all could do was smile and nod like "hi, I know you!". Dancer had been telling me for a long time about her relationship: dancer was white 27ish, s.o. was black 50ish. I felt guilty about actually seeing them because now the whole thing was real and no longer in my imagination.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    It has happened to me quite a few times. Mostly in restaraunts. Only twice were they with their husbands. The important thing to remember is always let them make the first move.
  • kuteechaser
    13 years ago
    Discretion is key here. If either one of you is with another person or a group of people then you both respect each others privacy and behave as strangers. I've gone out with strippers and have been introduced to brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and children. The stripper tells them she works as a waitress at a restaurant and does not let them know that she takes off her clothes for a living. Sometimes the stripper will drive to a club farther away, even though there may one close to her house, to lessen the chance of encountering a family member.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    I saw a stripper I got dances from frequently at a casino last summer. I stopped going to her club once I started dating a chick and hadn't seen her in a few months. We saw each other at the same time and she started walking toward me until she realized I was with someone. I just winked at her and she gave me a little nod and disappeared into the crowd. Thats the only time so far. The closest club to where I live is about an hour away so I don't expect it'll happen again any time soon.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Hell I live 2miles from one club and like 10miles from the 2cnd club in my town....so if I shop 4 grocieries at or go to the mall I have a good chance of seeing one.....doesn't happen all the time but it has happened more times than I can count.....4 me I'm single now so if she is by herself I will just go over and hug and chat....if they have their s.o. with them I just smile like a mother fucker and go on........
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I had three recent encounters with dancers in public. I saw a couple different dancers together in the section I was in at the Guns'n'Roses concert I went to. I also made a trip to the movie theater and while waiting for a friend to show up, I saw my current favorite taking her kids to a movie, which was weird because I've done DATY with her and you don't want to think about that when you see her with her kids. Finally, I saw one of the "evil twins" from my favorite club at the local Village Inn when I was there with my parents last weekend with her kids, the amazing thing about that being that they apparently do live separate lives (I've never seen one without the other, other than this encounter).
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    My daughter, one of her friends and I were at a local fast food placeand there at the counter with some guy was a dancer whose charms I'd sampled a few times. She turned around when we walked in, and appeared to not recognize me, just as I appeared to not notice her. As we were leaving with our food, though, and my companions' attention was directed out the door, she caught my eye and winked. Fast forward to later in the week, and she's in the club. Her: Thanks for not recognizing me in front of my boyfriend last week. Me: Thanks for not recognizing *me* in front of my daughter. Her: What say we go in the back and not recognize each other for the next half hour. How could I resist a line like that? (If the story is familiar, there's a reason for that.)
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    My daughter, one of her friends and I were at a local fast food placeand there at the counter with some guy was a dancer whose charms I'd sampled a few times. She turned around when we walked in, and appeared to not recognize me, just as I appeared to not notice her. As we were leaving with our food, though, and my companions' attention was directed out the door, she caught my eye and winked. Fast forward to later in the week, and she's in the club. Her: Thanks for not recognizing me in front of my boyfriend last week. Me: Thanks for not recognizing *me* in front of my daughter. Her: What say we go in the back and not recognize each other for the next half hour. How could I resist a line like that? (If the story is familiar, there's a reason for that.)
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Several years ago I went to the IHOP for breakfast. As soon as I sat down in a booth, I spotted my soon to be ATF with her soon to be ex husband. As soon as she saw me she waved at me. Her husband had his back to me. Evertime I looked in her direction, she smiled at me. As they were leaving, she waved to me again. Later at the club I tried to tell several dancers about our chance meeting but they had already heard it from her. Yes, I did get some dances from her.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    @ gmd The second time it was a lot more familiar than the first, lol.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I've run into a few dancers in town. Reactions ranged from ackward to awesome. IMO I'd say rule #1 is don't make it known that you recognize her if she's with someone. If she's alone I'd say hi to her, and then odds are she'll make it clear if she cool with running into you. shadow... I don't see the upside to telling other dancers about a chance meeting with ATF. That's info they don't need and would most likely be used against you or her.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    I had a stripper dance for me
  • TABB
    13 years ago
    About a couple weeks ago I was at AZ mills mall across the street from chrisites and I ran into one of the bouncer and I'm pretty sure a dancer from there as well. At first I didn't notice both of them until I was few feet away from them. The finny thing that the bouncer notice me and did a double take and tried to nod his head.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    chukko, Where did this public dance take place? Or are you saying it was "public" in a club rather than VIP?
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    mjx01 - If you knew me and her, the club & the other dancers, Then you wouldn't say that.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Ran into half a dozen dancers in public. I always keep my distance when they are with someone, and I usually approach if they are alone. Whenever they spot me first, but don't follow the rules in front of the wife, I just say they were a bartender or waitress somewhere. In every case except one, the dancer was not looking like she was ready to go onstage, so it was an easily sell. Last ear around this time I witnessed a smoking hot dancer (multiracial Asian, with bolt-ons, easily a 9+) at Best Buy with a date. I saw the date trying to buy her an iPhone, and 2-3 different customers (guys) went up to her. Each had some different uncouth way of "recognizing" her. I had. Ever been able to score a dance with her, so I just observed from afar. Most of the Best Buy staff was on to her secret immediately. This hot mama was dressed way too sexy. 6 inch platfform heels, skin tight jeans with the whale tail, low cut tight sweater with pink lace bra poppin out. I guess discretion is the key!
  • chukko
    13 years ago
    Clubber I was at a local grocery store. These are some interesting stores. Good read. The encounters that I was asking for you to share were not ones that were prearrange OTC's. Just chance encounters.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    She danced for you in a grocery store? Now that is weird!
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