
Waitresses, bartenders, shot girls, etc. - successful pay for play? Non-SC?

Sunday, November 20, 2011 7:55 PM
I've been in and out of the restaurant business, as a chef, owner, and manager. At every place I've worked there have been waitresses or bartenders using the venue to sell themselves - whether they're essentially callgirls, or just finding "boyfriends." In posting about Vancouver, I was reminded of an incident with a really hot shot girl. A couple of us got her phone number, but one who gave her a ridiculously large tip wound up screwing her the next day - undoubtedly for several hundred, if not 1-2 thousand dollars more. He declined to state how much, but said she was worth every penny! She WAS hot. Over the years I've overheard conversations of these deals being made. Have any of you worked this angle?


    13 years ago
    A waitress at Bogart's was peddling. Deposited my hotel room key card in her cleavage and she responded with her phone #. She wound up being one of 3 options for the next day. I only pursued one but it didn't work out. So back to the clubs I went...
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Well, you know, usually a drink or a meal is all I want when visiting a bar or restaurant. I don't think with my dink 24/7.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    It always seems easy on TV or in the movies, but unfortunately it only works for me in the SCs. I have gotten a few numbers in bar/restaurants, but never been able to close the deal. Usually the girls have their "man blocker walls" up, when tryin my luck in just a visit or two. Or I have unwittingly slid into the "Friend Zone" whenever I put in the 2-3 months of visiting.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    To be honest, I've never taken the time to try. The dancers have always been sufficient. And girls in places besides strip clubs don't generally want to have much to do with a creepy old pervert like me. Plus, they're likely to be expecting something out of a relationship that most dancers don't.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    I do this all the time.....in life I'm always looking 4 a hot girl and a good deal.....every where I go I'm always looking.......I've fount some realy hot girls and had fs with them for like $100 to $150 easy.....plus it makes life fun to see it as one big strip club...lol
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