
When is best?

A simple question; when is the best time to go to a club? Middle of the week or the weekend?


  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    For me the best time is weekday on the day shift, if I'm not working. Otherwise going on a Saturday day shift is next.
  • chukko
    13 years ago
    Always has been the day shift for me. Other then that, around 6pm or whenever the dayshift and nightshift girls are coming and going. Get there an hour and a half before the switch so that you have more choices. You have the luxury of the girls who have had terrible days cutting you better deals so that they can make some money before they leave and the luxury of the girls just coming in eager to please to get their days started. Overall I think the day is better for mileage and the night for a party feel.
  • boatmonkey
    13 years ago
    I prefer the dayshift atmosphere and the last day of the month finds the girls hungry to make rent and other bills just like the rest of us and means it's a buyer's market. Last Friday, the 30th, my own ATF said to me "I'm short but I'm not worried because I do whatever a I have to do to get what I need." Unfortunately, I was broke by then, too, so I couldn't explore exactly what was meant by that statement! LOL
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I personally think it depends on which club you go to, but I prefer going at night. Part of that is me being a night owl, which is in part because I work the overnight shift, but I think there is more of a selection at night at most places. Then again, in my area, most strip clubs don't open til late afternoon, or early evening. That said, I've been to places during the day shift and had a wonderful time more often than not. As for during the week or the weekend, I think everyone will agree the amateurs come out during the weekend. On the other hand, I've gone to clubs that rank high on my favorite club list during the week and been bored because none of my favorite dancers were present.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    My experience, and posts by others on this board over time seem to bear this out, is that day shift dancers tend to be more accommodating, and maybe less expensive, if not as hot, and night shift girls tend to be less willing to please, but more at the top of the range with regard to looks. There are exceptions both ways, of course; more than one local club has really hot dancers who will do anything for anybody, and day shift girls who won't do squat. As always, though, any given club has it's own character, and neighboring clubs might be exact opposites. You're going to have to do some investigation on your own to get exact info.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Ditto the day-shift comments. On days, I feel like those of us who come to the club are mostly there because we really choose to be. In other words, there are a lot of potential distractions during the day - work, errands, etc. - so if we make the effort to get there, we're serious about enjoying the girls, spending some money, and generally making the enterprise a win/win for all involved. Plus it's usually older guys arriving as singles, so it's quieter with fewer outbursts and commotion.

    I can't say the same for night. It can still be good, but at night you can get the carousing younger guys (sometimes with girlfriends in tow) who've been out drinking/partying who drop by because it's convenient and they want to blow off steam as part of a larger evening's activities. In my experience, and from what dancers tell me, a lot of them don't really "get" SCs - they don't spend much money, drink too much, tip poorly, play inappropriate grab-ass, and can be belligerence or in a fighting mood.

    Lastly, I've found that more hot soccer mom types work during the day so they can be home with their kid(s) later that night. They don't want to be out until 4am. These girls tend to be a bit older (all of 25 - 30 years old, maybe), more mature, smarter, less tatted/pierced, sexier IMHO, more comfortable with extras, and still damn beautiful.

    In sum, I won't let the night stop me, but give me daytime for the best overall experience.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Perhaps a simple question, but it doesn't have a simple answer. For an individual, there may be a simple answer, but not for the group. Myself, I prefer afternoons. The day doesn't matter all that much, since I stop when I am in an area. If I plan a visit, it is usually just to meet someone, IE: vm.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    What day or time is just a matter of personal preference. I am a day guy usually. I had never tried a Sunday afternoon until a couple of weeks ago. I just assumed that they would be lacking in talent. Well, I was wrong. I hooked up with what is now my Atlanta favorite gal. I have seen her twice. Both on Sundays and I am going to hook up with her next Sunday for what may be my first OTC gig from an Atlanta dancer.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    No hard and fast answers are possible on this subject. I have had four truly spectacular FS encounters ITC. One was very late at night in Detroit. The other three were mid afternoons in Toronto. All of my OTC scores have taken place at night.

    If I made a generalization, I would say that you are more likely to have fun in a club during the day. I am not going to restrict myself to daytime clubbing, however.
    13 years ago
    Well, working by the process of elimination, avoid the 2am hour -- that seems to be the peak time for shootings.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    @CT: LOL!

    As for the OP, I would say it depends on the club and what you are looking for. I would say that Fri and Sat evenings have higher quality and qunatity of dancers. Which is advantageous if you are primarily after eye candy. It's also advantageous if you are at a low milage location becasue the increased eye candy makes up for laking milage.

    Now if you are looking higher milage or spending time with an ATF, day shift and weekdays usually offers less competition from other customers. I haven't been to many places with a day shift, but I would tend to agree with the other posts of better rates / more room for negtiation with day shift. However, there are places (like San Diego) where there is zero milage regardless of day/night.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "I've found that more hot soccer mom types work during the day"

    @Rod8432 - You described my current fav to a T. After our antics in the club, I always find it rather incongruous to think of her handing out orange slices at her daughter's Saturday morning soccer games, lol.
    13 years ago
    Thanks. mjx. I must say I am verrrry happy to have missed out on the good stuff thus far.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Steve - Yep, I agree with you. One of my favs has two kids and although I can tell just a little, she still looks damn fine with a super pesonality, and gets me where I'm going any afternoon I can catch her ITC.

    mjx0 - You're right for the low mileage clubs, they're better at night. The hot girls get there about 9pm and for my money, if I'm not going to get a good grind anyway, then I want jaw-dropping stunners sitting on my lap.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    for me it's on a friday or saturday night. yes, i know this is when it's most crowded and very busy, but it's also when the most dancers work.

    going during the day has always been a disappointment for me with the exception of one occasion. and that's because during the day there are always 10 dancers or fewer and they usually aren't the most attractive ones.

    i'm NOT saying hot dancers can't be found during the day. all i'm saying is you're a lot more likely to find something you like on friday and saturday nites
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    It looks like I might be staying on days, then. :D I like this thread. For dancers, the night crowd not only brings a bunch of loud, non-tipping youngbloods, it can also bring a much cattier, cutthroat group of girls. More money is to be made on nights, but weigh that against a potential group of youthful idiots and bitchier dancers. This is a very competive field, dancing, but I'm non-confrontational and I'd rather not fight with girls over stupid club BS. I'm there to get my money and leave and stay out of the drama. I'm convinced it depends on the club, though. Some clubs attract a great night clientele, whereas day shift is dead; others have great dayshift traffic and no one wants to work nights.
  • wwpmi
    13 years ago
    From my experience in most cities it is day shift from Tuesday through Friday. The exception is Washington Park, IL where the second shift is better in most clubs (except Miss Kitty).
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    I say go whenever the hot horny ones are working.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    As has been reported earlier, it depends on the club and your tastes. I have had good experiences with both shifts. My schedule does not always lend itself to daytime visits, but I enjoy them when I can go.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Nights early in the week. I cannot normally do days anyway due to work and family. I find Monday and Tuesday nights to be absolutely the best value propositions.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    FD, I agree.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Weekends. They seem to have the hottest girls since the expected crowds are bigger, and because younger girls (non-lifers) are more likely to be school on weeknights. For whatever reason, I've always found the super-hottest girls the easiest to hook up with for OTC.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    ^^^ weekends at night in case it wasn't clear.
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