
Tipping for the company/chat?

Breathe, breathe in the air
Two or three girls invited themselves to join me whilst I was sat in Rhino one afternoon when it was fairly quiet in the club. After they 'went for the kill' after a very brief chat they then asked for a tip just for the 'pleasure' of having them join me when I refused their offer of a LD. Anyone else experienced this? Maybe they thought I wouldn't know better being a numpty tourist? Needless to say I declined and thought they were taking the piss.


  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Tipping, in the US, used to be something done for a service, and more might be given for better service. These days, however, it has become expected by the tippie, even if not deserved.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I have done it a few times but only if I enjoyed their company - I would not tip them if they asked me for it. It is also against the liquor law in Ohio for places that serve alcohol to have employees asking for tips.
  • Fenster
    14 years ago
    I've never been ASKED for a tip under those circumstances - I expect that the Rhino girls are unusually full of themselves. It's probably also a sign that they thought they had nothing to lose (i.e., future business), assuming they'd never see you again anyway.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I have had them ask for a $1 tip after refusing a "wanna dance". They didn't get it. I have given a few mercy dances after a dancer has spent a long time just chatting with me.
  • erikthered
    14 years ago
    That's just criminal activity and shouldn't be tolerated. The club should have a waitress ask you to buy the girl a drink, but that's as far as that goes.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    And it's always the fuglies that are the worst offenders. The hot ones don't need to ask, and the medium ones know how to work for it.

    There's *one* local hottie that does ask for a tip, but she has a tendency to stick shift even when not giving lap dances, and often pulls her (awesome) boobs out and offers them for play. At least she used to; don't know what will happen now with the new law in effect. Or rather, I suspect, but I don't know how she's gonna get away with it.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Tip just for chatting, no. If a fair amount of fondling/canoodling is involved, maybe, but I usually end up getting some cheap table dances instead.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I've never been asked for a tip, no. But I have given a girl 5 bucks after sitting and chatting with me for a while, if I'm not interested in a dance AND she's attractive/personable.

    I went to another club a couple of weeks ago and ordered a Coke. When the waitress brought the order it was 4 dollars, and that was all the singles I had. Figuring I'd tip her on the next one, I gave her the four bucks and said thank you. She had the AUDACITY to tell me, "Do you have another dollar? We only work for tips." I told her I'd get her on the next one. When the next one arrived, I tipped her a buck---AND SHE ASKED FOR ANOTHER DOLLAR. So I told the manager and got a free drink. Stupid bitch.
    14 years ago
    London, I had one gal (at the much maligned Vegas Rick's) ask for $5 for stopping by. I wasn't receptive, but that didn't stop her from trying "All you have to do is reach in your wallet..." I then began to look about for a manager, which she picked up on and finally moved along. (Fyi: she was about a 5 or 6.)

    Some dancers, irregardless of the club, see it as the customer should always be paying them, be it for a dance, their company, etc. I almost never bite on that model, eventhough I'm sure it's led to some cold shoulder treatment sometimes. Then I either watch sports on the TVs or, if it's a club with a lot of gals, sit at the rail and shell out the $1s.
  • jester214
    14 years ago
    If I in any way imply that I want her to sit there and talk to me... Yeah I'll tip.

    If I make it clear I'm not interested, and she tries to ask for something... Hell no.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    If I suspect that tipping for conversation will expedite an OTC romp I will tip for conversation. Otherwise - GET OUTTA HERE!
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    In Detroit the aggressive and rude routine is sit next to you in the booth, usually without asking. Just sit down and start the inane small talk. Then make the hit for the overpriced dancer drink. The waitress doesn't even need a signal, because they are working together. After the drink, the pitch or pressure starts for the dance. If you give a polite "no thank you," then she will hang around for another overpriced dancer drink. When she finally gets the hint that you are not buying dances from her, the whining about rent, car, DUI, child support, etc. starts--and then the request for a tip for keeping you company. One dancer flipped out when I told her as soon as she sat down that I was not getting dances, buying drinks or giving tips. She was free to move elsewhere to earn money. "Why are you so rude." "Because you tried this scam on me the last time I was here and giving you a polite hint didn't work."
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    I don't tip dancers for sitting and chatting with me. I figure the pleasure of my company should be reward enough. However, I buy drinks for attractive dancers who I want to stick around.
  • scatterbrain
    14 years ago
    Sometimes I'll tip them just to make them go away. And drinks for the ones I want to stay. THey usually get the message.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    I think the only time that I've been hit up for the "tipping for company" scam was at Cheaters in RI. The hustle factor there is way too high IMO.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I do tip for time, but only when I AM THE ONE INITIATING. No girl will ever get a tip for time if she asks for one.

    I usually do this when I like the girl and when she has spent a good chunk of time with me. I do not do dances often, so this is normally the way that I would compensate her for her efforts.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    +1 for Rick. I've sent several off after asking for a tip. They're not happy but I don't give a shit. I have tipped if they've sat for a spell at my request and I don't get a dance.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    tipping for conversation/chat has become an issue for me at some of the clubs I go to eat at. I order my food and enjoy the company of a stripper eating or sitting with me. One stripper helped me out saying she can get free appetizers (usually cost $8-11) so she ordered one for herself and let me eat most of it. Stripper shit? I was a sucker for it and bought a lap dance for her afterwards.
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